Jesus in the temple

Theme / Jesus in the Temple Year2
Key Questions for RE / Raises these important questions . . .
Why is Jesus important to Christians?
Why is art important in Christian Churches?
Six areas of enquiry (conceptual strands)
(a to f at least two )
/ So we’ve selected this concept and content in order to address the question . .
From Strand A (Beliefs teachings and Sources) Stories from Jesus Life (Jesus in the temple)
From Strand C (Forms of expression) How artis used in Churches
From Strand E ( Meaning purpose and Truth) Asking questions about Jesus
Content may be taken from more than one religious tradition especially if pupils have done some work on Judaism
Skills and Attitudes
From the syllabus list and more generic i.e. ICT
/ We want pupils to develop these skills and attitudes. .
Engagement / Investigation / Evaluation / Expression / Others
the ability to draw meaning from stories, artefacts, works of art
Being sensitive to the feelings and ideas of others. / asking relevant questions;
Having a willingness to examine ideas, questions and disputes about religious and spiritual questions; / being willing to go beyond surface impressions / the ability to reflect on feelings, relationships, experience, ultimate questions, and beliefs; / Enquiry Skills
Information processing skills
Evaluation skills
Leveled learning outcomes taken from
I can statements / Specifically we want them to be able to . . .
Level 2 strand a tell a Christian story and say some things that people believe
Level 2 strand C say what some Christian art is about
Level 2 strand e talk about some things in stories that make people ask questions
Teaching and learning activities / And we have devised these engaging teaching and learning activities to enable pupils to explore the question and achieve the outcomes . . .

Engaging with religious questions
Set up: Use the PowerPoint :The mysterious painting in the old Church’
Spend some time exploring the Painting The Finding of the Saviour in the temple. Some suggestions follow
Reading an image:

With a partner study this picture carefully.
What words would you use to describe Jesus (the boy in the picture)?
Using those words what do you think the artist is trying to say about Jesus?
Say one thing that you find interesting about this picture
Say one thing that you find puzzling about this picture
Can you see any religious things in this picture?
Investigating questions of religion and belief
Now explore the story of Jesus lost in the temple ; Choose from
The finding of the Saviour in the temple
What does the word saviour mean?
Drama/Role play/storytelling activity: Look at the man listening by the door. What is his story? Why is he there?
Look at the man holding the Torah scrolls. Who is he? What is he holding? Why are these things important?
What do you think is happening in the picture? ( Predict the story)
Listen to the story the picture is based on.
(‘The boy in the temple’ page 66 The Lion Storyteller Bible or Luke 2 verses 41-52)
How close were you?
Can you find the characters from the story in the picture?
What might a Christian learn from this story about Jesus?
Why might it have been a good picture to put in a Church?
What questions do you want to ask about the story now?
Why is Jesus Important?
At this point it would be a good idea to consolidate pupil knowledge about Jesus and why he is important to Christians. Brainstorm what pupils already know (there should be something even if it’s only Christmas!) Then pose the question ‘What did he do that made people want to paint pictures of him 200o years later?
Discuss where we could find out more information about him (Hopefully the church or the Vicar would be ideas that come up).
Draw up a list of things ‘to find out aboutJesus’ that the class would like to ask about him. Invite someone from the church into answer the questions.
Produce a class book: Why is Jesus important?
Who Painted the Picture?
Using the PowerPoint explore the style of William Holman Hunt. In particular think about why putting in so much detail might be important and why these detailed pictures might be important to some Christians.
This could lead to looking at the ‘Light of the world’ One of his most famous paintings and iconic for Christians. Consider the symbolism of this picture in particular.
Evaluating questions of religion and belief
How is art used in a church?
Maybe visit a local religious building and look at statutes, stained glass windows, and banners. Etc. Think about why they might be important to Christians and how they might be used. Think about the care that has gone into making them. What does that say about the people who made them?
Expressing our own ideas
Design a new piece of Art work to hang in the local church, perhaps to illustrate a story from the bible. Decide which story and why that story is important? Hold an art exhibition in your local church and ask the church members what they think about the art you have designed.
Time to get back to the builder on the Art centre site. What are you going to advise him to do about the ‘Mysterious painting in the old Church’?