Throughout the school year, your child may be involved in activities that could be publicized in local publications, our NACS web page, video recorded for educationally related public relations reasons, or used as part of a corporation-approved academic research project. Please Note: Northwest Allen County Schools is unable to control photos that may be taken by parents, students, or spectators at public events.

____I have read and understand the above practice and will contact the school office if I object.


In compliance with Indiana code 20-8.1-5-2, each school must develop a written discipline policy and distribute the policy to each student and the student’s parent or legal guardian. We are requesting each student’s parent/guardian acknowledge in writing that they have reviewed the disciplinary policy listed below. The failure of a parent/guardian to sign the form has no effect upon the enforcement of the disciplinary policy.

Our school abides by all local, state and national laws regarding discipline and due process. An acceptance of the responsibility for personal actions shall be expected of each student. No pupil has the right to interfere with a fellow pupil’s right to learn!


Following is a partial list of student conduct, which shall constitute grounds for suspension and/or expulsion, in accordance with due process procedures:

1.  Use of violence, force, noise, coercion, threat, intimidation, fear, passive resistance or other comparable conduct, which constitutes an interference with school purposes, or urging other students to engage in such conduct.

2.  Causing or attempting to cause substantial damage to school property.

3.  Theft.

4.  Intentionally attempting to cause physical injury to another person.

5.  Threatening or intimidating another person.

6.  Knowingly possessing, any object which can reasonably be considered a weapon or a source of destruction, such as matches.

7.  Knowingly possessing, using, transmitting, selling or being under the influence of any narcotic-type or mind-influencing drug or like-substance, and/or paraphernalia related to the same.

8.  Attending school, or school function, within a short time after drinking an alcoholic beverage, including beer.

9.  Failure to comply with directions of, defiance of, or disrespect shown towards teachers and staff members.

10.  Using or possessing tobacco in any form on school property.

11.  Using profanity and/or other objectionable language.

12.  Repeated truancy and/or tardiness, or non-attendance.

13.  Failure to maintain satisfactory scholastic progress.

14.  Repeated violation of school rules, policies and procedures, including class disruptions.

The Northwest Allen County Elementary School Parent Handbook is available on the NACS website. I agree that I will read and share school policies with my child.

____ I acknowledge that I have access to this information.


In an effort to provide the best protection for your student, the following procedures have been suggested by the Allen County Board of Health and will be used by all classrooms when visiting the NACS Nature Center and any other outdoor nature field trip.

1.  Students will wear long pants and long sleeved shirts/jackets.

2.  Students will wear over the counter insect repellent containing DEET.

3.  Students will remain on the trails and teacher designated areas.

The school will not provide any over the counter insect repellent. The parent may either send the repellent with the child, including a signed medication permission slip; or apply the repellent prior to the student coming to school. Information on the use of DEET can be obtained from the school nurse or found on the following web site:

I have read the above recommendations of the Allen County Board of Health. I give permission for my child to participate in all study trips to the NACS Nature Center and other nature type field trips. The responsibility for proper dress and use of insect repellent is that of the parent/guardian.




I give permission for my child to go on planned school field trips. If a trip is planned that I do not desire my child to attend, I will contact the teacher.



Permission for the Use of Web-Based Tools

Under certain laws, including FERPA and COPPA, a student’s education records are protected from disclosure to third parties. I understand that as a part of my student’s use of web-based education tools, certain education records will necessarily be stored in a web-based service, such as Google Apps for Education or Office 365, and may be accessible to a party other than my student and NACS by virtue of this online environment. NACS intends to limit such records to those necessary to utilize specific tools and has no intention of using a web-based service as a replacement for storing typical education records itself. My signature below confirms my consent to allow my student’s education records to be stored by such a web-based service, as part of my student’s educational use of such services. I understand that by participating in a web-based service, information about my child may be collected and stored electronically. I understand that I may ask for my child’s access to cease and their account to be removed at any time.

* Please select an option below.

____YES, I give permission for my child to have an account for and access to such web-based educational tools. This means, for example, that my child will receive an email account, and access to Google Apps for use in his or her classes.

____NO, I do not give permission for my child to have an account for and access to web-based educational tools. This means, for example, that my child will NOT receive an email account or access to Google Apps for use in his or her classes.


Signature of Parent/Guardian Date