Transportation Research Board

2011 Annual Meeting Workshop Request Form

In order to ensure the success of workshops held on the Sunday before the main TRB Annual Meeting program begins, here are some questions to consider before submitting your workshop request. Available meeting room space has reached capacity, and more scrutiny will be imposed on workshop requests to ensure those with the greatest interest to the largest number of attendees are accommodated first.

  • Have you identified any committee co-sponsors for the workshop to help develop the workshop agenda and maximize the potential audience? To access the full list of TRB committees, visit:
  • Are the subject matter, title and brief description of the workshop interesting enough to attract an audience on a Sunday?
  • What is your advertising plan to attract your intended audience?
  • Has your Section and/or Group Executive Board reviewed your workshop proposal? They can identify possible co-sponsors and assist in advertising your workshop
  • Are you prepared to develop your full workshop program, including speakers, by October 1st, when this information will be due?

Additionally, keep in mind the following rules when submitting your workshop request:

Ø  All requests are due by close-of-business Monday, June 1st

Ø  Descriptions must not exceed 500 characters. To ensure you have not exceeded this character limit, utilize the word count feature in your word processing program and monitor the “Character Limit (With Spaces)” number. This number cannot exceed 500.

Ø  A description within the 500-character limit must be submitted with the form, otherwise the workshop will not be assigned a room. No Description – No Workshop!

Ø  No workshop can be canceled once it has been assigned a room. You must be fully committed to conduct the workshop when you submit this form.

Ø  Identify an approximate number of attendees for the workshop to assist TRB staff in assigning a more size-appropriate room and list any special room and/or logistical requests.

Ø  If you want to request a start and/or end time that differs from the standard time blocks (half-day morning, 9am-noon; half-day afternoon, 1:30-4:30pm; and all-day, 9:00am-4:30pm), please note your requested times on the form.

NOTE: If you wish to request a workshop on the Saturday before or the Thursday at the end of the Annual Meeting, you must talk to [YOUR TRB STAFF OFFICER] at [INSERT CONTACT INFO] before submitting this form.

TRB 2011 Annual Meeting Workshop Request Form

Due June 1, 2010

(Full workshop details, including presentation titles and speakers due October 1st)

Please complete and return to [YOUR TRB STAFF OFFICER] via e-mail at [INSERT CONTACT INFO]

Workshop Title:
Name and Code of Sponsoring Committee:
Name and Code of Co-Sponsoring Committee(s):
Person Responsible for Organizing Workshop (Name, e-mail address, and telephone #):
Please select one of the following options by bolding or checking the box next to the option desired (Insert non-standard start/end times, if applicable):
Full Day (9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)
Half-Day, Morning (9:00 a.m. – Noon)
Half-Day, Afternoon (1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.)
Non-Standard Time:
**For Saturday or Thursday workshop requests, contact [YOUR TRB STAFF OFFICER] at [INSERT CONTACT INFO] before submitting this form**
Estimated number of attendees: (for reserving appropriate size room)
Do you have any special room/logistical needs? (Standard equipment includes projector, screen, and microphones at the podium, speaker table, and in the room on fixed stands for audience questions)
Brief Workshop Description (Maximum length of 500 characters– with spaces) See sample below.

Sample Workshop Description

This workshop is designed for both practitioners and researchers to provide an understanding of current congestion pricing issues facing states and regions and offer information on new federal opportunities in SAFETEA-LU, including the Value Pricing Program, the Express Lane Demonstration Program, the Interstate System Construction Toll Pilot Program, and HOV to HOT Lane Conversion.