Dr Helen Mason, DAMTP Research Student Advisor /
Research Development Log
Academic year 2011to 2012
Name:______Supervisor:______ / Funding source: ______
Grad Student
Start year of PhD: ______ / Post Doc
This form is to be completed each year, and in particular after the first year of graduate study for inclusion with the fourth term report.
There is an outline list of skills training on page 4. If you have any queries about completing the form the please email Amanda –
Nature of skills training / Date / Duration / Comments or skills attainedNature of skills training / Date / Duration / Comments or skills attained
Total number of hours spent of Skills Training
Please use additional sheets as required
Any comments or suggestions for additional courses or activitiesSignature
Supervisor/Group leader
Below are listed some of the ways in which you can obtain skills training during your research studies or post doctoral work here at DAMTP. DAMTP is required to keep a record of theses activities, so it is essential that you fill in the “DAMTP skills log.” A typical student is expected to spend 10 days per year engaging in such activities.
Please note that many activities count as an additional “Skills Training”, both formal (e.g. courses attended, first seminar/poster) and informal (helping organise DAMTP activities – e.g. Happy Hour etc.)
The list is not comprehensive, so please add additional items as you feel appropriate.
- Career development interview
- First poster
- Back stage support at a conference i.e. filming
- Working with schools – Science Festival, MMP, open days
- Part III café
- Organising a social event/seminar lunch
- Attendance at conferences/workshops
- Presentation at national conference
- Team working
- Learning a foreign language
- Examples classes
- In house computer training
- information gathering – journals, web, library
- Part III seminar series and courses
- Participation in Departmental and Group seminar series
- Participation in Journal Clubs
- Smith Rayleigh essay
- Attendance and/or presentation at international conferences
- Participation in non departmental seminars eg industry
- Careers fair
- College activities/responsibilities
- Maths grad soc
- Staff development courses
- conference organising
- Graduate Safety Course
- Event planning
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