Meeting Date: 11-3-2015 Montgomery Hall Rm 316

Chairing the meeting: Jeff Carmichael

In attendance: Jeff Carmichael, Jeff Holm, Shuzo Takahashi, Cynthia Prescott, Heidi Czerwiec, Lucian Stone, Harmon Abrahamson, Karyn Plumm and Annette Glennon.

Absent: None

Matters arising:

Jeff C brought the meeting to order at 2:00 pm. Harmon started with the major in International Studies. The department is trying to streamline the program and wants to require Language 380 and a study abroad experience. Committee members are concerned the study abroad requirement would be a financial burden for some students. Harmon will contact Claudia Routon to add rationale for a study abroad experience. Heidi made a motion to approve the program changes contingent on the added statement from Claudia and letters of support from English, History, and Geography. Cindy seconded. Passed unanimously.

The International Studies minor was approved as presented with these changes: clarify that Language 380 is included in the curriculum and provide letters of support from English, History, and Geography.

Harmon made a motion to approve and Jeff H seconded. Passed unanimously.

Discussion followed on the BA with a major in Social Science and the broadness of the degree. The committee added a requirement that the students must take courses from three different departments.

Harmon moved to approve and Jeff H. seconded the motion. Four committee members approved the motion, two voted nay. Motion passed.

The Communication department is asking that Communication 394 be changed from 1-3 repeatable credits to 1-6 repeatable credits. Jeff C. moved to approve and Harmon seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The English department is requesting changes to the English Certificate in Writing and Editing. They want to change the requirements from 16 to 18 credits. Jeff H. made a motion to approve contingent on the removal of Tech 112 as one of the allowed courses and a change in the wording of the last cluster to read: “Six credits from the following courses.” Harmon seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

A course change for Geography 454 contained the request for a change in the title of the course from “Conservation of Resources” to “Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources” to better reflect the course content. Jeff H. made a motion to approve the change and Heidi seconded it.

Passed unanimously.

The Biology department wants to change the offering of Bio 438: Fisheries Management to every other spring instead of every spring. Heidi made a motion to approve/Harmon seconded. Passed unanimously.

Requests for changes in the BS with major in Biology, the BS with major in Biology: Pre-Health major, and the BS with major in Molecular & Integrative Biology were heard. The department is proposing

to add Biol 491 Seminar to the list of courses available toward the 44 credit hours required for the major. It would be in a group with Biol 492, 494, and 489 and students would be limited to no more than 10 credits from the group. They are also requesting Bio 491 be made repeatable since the topic changes from offering to offering. Also for Molecular and Integrative Biology, a change is being requested for Entrepreneurship 366 to be changed to Entrepreneurship 250. The original request

includedEntr 366. Harmon made a motion to approve/Shuzo seconded. Passed unanimously.

The Biology Department is requesting to change the deadline for the MS with a major in Biology to coincide with the Graduate School deadlines. Harmon made the motion to approve/Heidi seconded.

Passed unanimously.

The change for Religion 466: Sex, Gender, and Religion is to change it from four credits to three. The new instructor requested it be three credits and the department agreed along with making it easier to schedule on the common course schedule. The course is being scheduled on-demand. Harmon made the motion to approve/Heidi seconded. Passed unanimously.

The summer linguistics program is requesting to change the pre and co-requisites for Ling 506: Field Methods. Ling 506L should be the pre- or co-requisite. Jeff C. made the motion to approve/Heidi seconded. Passed unanimously.

Ling 510 is being made the pre-req for Ling. 511, not the co-req. Harmon motioned to approve/Cindy seconded. Passed unanimously.

Ling 530 is being removed as the co-req for Ling 520, 521, & 522. Harmon moved/Cindy seconded.

Passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 3:30.