Regular Meeting Minutes

January 3, 2012

The regular meeting of the Lewes Historic Preservation Commission was held on Tuesday, January 3, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. in Lewes City Hall in accordance with proper notification with the following present: Chairperson Elaine Simmerman, Alan Keffer, Linda Palmer, Steven Rogers, Robert Pitcher, Barbara Warnell, Ex-Officio City Councilwoman Barbara Vaughan and Recording Secretary Jackie Doherty. Dick Cecil was excused. City Councilman Fred Beaufait was also present.

Ms. Simmerman stated the new zoning code, in reference to 50% lot coverage for the house and 65% lot coverage for a house and outbuildings, is in effect. Building Official Henry Baynum will give a presentation at the next HPC meeting and Ms. Vaughan suggested this be a joint meeting with Lewes Commercial Architectural Commission.

Ms. Warnell stated there are no applications scheduled for Tuesday, January 17, 2012 and the meeting will be canceled.

Ms. Simmerman stated there will be a National Main Street conference in Baltimore on April 1 to 4 and presenters are needed. The Preservation Delaware meeting scheduled for March will include discussion by an attorney in reference to legal issues for historic planning commissions.

Ms. Simmerman stated she was surprised by the decision to allow all-vinyl windows, which was approved by HPC at the December 6, 2011 meeting, since all-vinyl windows are not usually allowed in historic districts. This will impact future decisions and will be discussed at future HPC meetings and workshops. There are new products available and the regulations can be amended to clarify the language in reference to vinyl windows. Ms. Vaughan said the discussion at the next meeting could include samples of windows and materials with everyone checking into the language included in the National Park Service.

  1. Presentation and consideration of the December 6, 2011 meeting minutes.

In reference to Agenda Item #2, Ms. Palmer and Mr. Keffer requested an amendment to the motion stating the Commissioners were not polled and their no votes for this motion were not recorded. The motion did not pass unanimously but with four (4) yes votes from Mr. Cecil, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Pitcher and Ms. Warnell and two (2) no votes from Ms. Palmer and Mr. Keffer.

Mr. Rogers made a motion to approve the December 6, 2011 meeting minutes as amended; Mr. Pitcher seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

  1. Presentation and consideration of a request by Russ Palmer, on behalf of Andrew Levine, owner of property located at the corner of Orr Street and a public alley, (SCTM 3-35-8.07-148 OT) for the construction of a new single family dwelling.

Mr. Palmer was present and stated Mr. Levine is requesting a two-story home; the building next door will be demolished by another contractor, the permit has been issued and it is not listed as contributing; front elevation is located on the alley with the living space facing this back area; rear elevation facing the neighbor's garage; windows will be 6/6 with the one over the kitchen sink being 8/8; recessed front door; fixed shutters with the appearance of working shutters; City will provide an address.

Ms. Warnell questioned the need for a site plan and elevations to be included in the plans. Also, the historic architecture of Lewes does not include recessed front doors and the architectural detail to be in harmony with Lewes is not there. Mr. Palmer stated this was needed because of the 8-foot setback regulations. The back will not be in the public view because it will be facing the garage. Ms. Warnell read the description of new in-fill construction including height, scale, facade and window patterns from the National Trust Publication into the record.

Ms. Simmerman stated the front elevation will be facing the alley, left is in the public view, no public view from the back yard or alley.

Mr. Palmer stated materials include Hardiplank, smooth side out; asphalt shingles for the roof; shutters will be wood painted blue (need correction on the materials list stated as composite) with black hinges; six-panel metal, insulated door; wood 4x4 and 6x6 railings on the porch for cosmetics

ACTION:Mr. Pitcher made a motion for finding of fact:

1. The application is complete.

2. The property is located in the Historic District.

3. This is not a contributing structure.

4. The proposed materials are consistent with the ordinance and will have little or no impact on the rhythm or scale of the streetscape.

Mr. Rogers seconded the motion for finding of fact, which passed unanimously.

ACTION:Mr. Rogers made a motion to approve the request; Mr. Pitcher seconded the motion. Ms. Simmerman requested the motion be amended to include the materials for the shutters will be wood, painted blue with black hinges. Mr. Rogers approved the amended motion, Mr. Pitcher seconded. Ms. Simmerman, Mr. Keffer, Ms. Palmer, Mr. Pitcher and Mr. Rogers voted yes; Ms. Warnell voted no; the motion passed.

  1. Presentation and consideration of a request by Brenda Jones, owner of property located at 121 E. Third Street (SCTM 3-35-8.08-123, OT, Contributing) to replace existing windows with new vinyl windows, removal of front porch existing awning window enclosure, replace cement asbestos siding and add a new wood fence and shed in the rear and side yard.

Ms. Jones was present and stated she is requesting to remove the oil-burning chimney; replace the windows with Andersen 400 Series wood, vinyl clad and 1/1 as the existing with no grills; the roof will be the same; remove asbestos siding and replace with smooth-side Hardiplank and Azek trim; remove the jalousie windows and have an open porch including railings and spindles of Azek; leave the existing foundation; no shutters; add the garden/storage shed with siding and shingles to match the house; small picket fence. Photos of the original house and a survey taken for placement of the shed and fence are included. Ms. Jones stated she would consider replacing the chain link fence with a wooden, picket fence at a later date

ACTION:Mr. Rogers made a motion for finding of fact:

1. The application is complete.

2. The property is located in the Historic District.

3. This is a contributing structure.

4. The proposed materials are consistent with the ordinance and those approved in the past and will have little or no impact on the rhythm or scale of the streetscape.

Mr. Pitcher seconded the motion for finding of fact, which passed unanimously.

ACTION:Mr. Rogers made a motion to approve the request with the option to add a wood fence at a later datewithin 36" x 48" applied to the fence perimeter; Mr. Pitcher seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Ms. Vaughan stated Agenda Item #3 should be amended because the description of the windows said vinyl when Ms. Jones stated the windows would be wood, vinyl clad.

  1. Presentation and consideration of recent decisions made by Chair/Staff Review

Mr. Rogers stated the Chair/Staff review in reference to Agenda Item #3 was for the request to come before HPC. Ms. Simmerman stated there were 10 Chair/Staff review decisions in 2011.

  1. Planning of the 2011 HPC annual Report to Lewes City Council to be presented at its January 9, 2012 meeting.

Ms. Simmerman provided everyone with a copy of the PowerPoint presentation for review. Topics to be discussed include: definition of "In Public View", established building height, the public workshop on tax credits for historic preservation, Chair/Staff Review, 2011 statistical analysis, evaluation of goals for 2011, goals for 2012, the request to Mayor and City Council for change to monthly meetings, awards for the year given by the Lewes Historical Society.

  1. Discussion of ideas for a 2012 CLG grant application

Ms. Warnell stated the CLG grant discussion with Joan Larrivee was about suggestions requested by HPC for what was needed. Ms. Vaughan said it is very important to SHPO to have the monies disbursed and used by the CLGs and they will do all they can to help including suggestions for the matching funds. One issue was the rate of pay used to match funds being so low. Ms. Warnell suggested having a public workshop on completing an application. Ms. Simmerman also suggested workshops on solar panels, HPC training and another tax credit workshop with Joan Larrivee.

Ms. Vaughan said she had spoken to Tim Slavin who suggested having workshops to include the town of Milton. After discussion, it was decided to plan the workshop with Russ McCabe and Joan Larrivee for a Friday night the first week of May or June.

ACTION:Mr. Pitcher made a motion to adjourn; Mr. Rogers seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Jackie Doherty, Recording Secretary

Lewes Historic Preservation Commission

Corrected as per requested at meeting of February 21, 2012