Tasmanian Science Talent Search

Technology Challenge 2017

History of Flight Challenge


The history of flight has evolved from an envy of the freedom of birds to massive metal cylinders carrying hundreds of people over huge distances. This challenge seeks to encapsulate some of the evolution of the heavier-than-air machines that has led to modern flight.

The History of Flight challenge is in three stages and is based on mono-wing and multi-wing gliders and model aeroplanes using cardboard and paper constructions, flying indoors in a gymnasium or a multi-purpose room. (NB: For further information see page 6 of the TSTS Information booklet available on the TSTS page of the STAT web site – www.stat.org.au )

In brief

K-2 challenge: Make a monoplane glider using corrugated cardboard, drinking straws adhesive tape and glue only. The gliders will be throw-launched by hand; no catapults or woomeras or other devices.

Grade 3-4 challenge: Make a model mono-wing glider that pays homage to George Cayley, using paper, cardboard, drinking straws, bamboo skewers, toothpicks, string, adhesive tape and glue only. The gliders will be throw-launched by hand; no catapults or woomeras or other devices.

Grade 5-6 challenge:

·  EITHER - make a mono-wing, rubber band powered model plane using only paper, cardboard, drinking straws, adhesive tape, glue and enough wire to make an undercarriage, if required. The propeller and mount may be hand-made or purchased and the rubber bands may be any type of commercial rubber band(s), elastic or model aeroplane rubber.

·  OR - make a multi-wing rubber band powered model aeroplane using only paper, cardboard, adhesive tape, glue and enough wire to make an undercarriage, if required. The propeller and mount may be hand-made or purchased and the rubber bands may be any type of commercial rubber band(s), elastic or model aeroplane rubber.

·  Note: The planes will be assisted at the launch by a moving trolley rolling along a launching ramp angled at about 20 degrees. This will be provided.

Grade 7-8 challenge: make a multi-wing rubber band powered model aeroplane using only paper, cardboard, adhesive tape, glue and enough wire to make an undercarriage, if required. The propeller and mount may be hand-made or purchased and the rubber bands may be any type of rubber band(s), elastic or model aeroplane rubber.

·  Note: The planes will be assisted at the launch by a moving trolley rolling along a launching ramp angled at about 20 degrees. This will be provided.


a.  Students must use only those materials listed alongside each challenge.

b.  Students must adhere to the size limitations.

c.  Students need to make their rubber band-powered flying machine so that it may be launched from the official launching ramp.

d.  The rubber band-powered flying machines will be assisted at the launch by a moving trolley rolling along a launching ramp angled at about 20 degrees. This will be provided.

e.  Students will have three attempts to make the machine fly. The result will be based on the best attempt.

f.  Students should keep a log book of their progress in reaching the final design and should present a report which contains:

·  the log book;

·  statements of understanding of the roles of pioneers in the history of flight; and

·  information about how machines are able to fly.

g.  Students will be judged on:

·  the distance of the machine’s flight;

·  the quality of the log book and report; (NB These are two different items)

·  the quality of the machine’s construction; and

·  the flying qualities of the machine such as lift and glide.

It could be a research investigation?

If students cannot get the rubber band aircraft to fly, they will have reached the same stage as 95% of science/technology experiments. They won’t have failed. They will not yet have succeeded in their objective.

The project must not be lost.

The project could then be changed to a research investigation by:

·  Including a hypothesis – we decided to do a certain thing because ...

·  Including the technology event log book

·  Including the technology event report

·  Reflecting on why the project has not yet been successful

·  Indicating the next two or three stages of development if time were available.

Note: Students should consult the research investigation section of the TSTS guide.

Tasmanian Science Talent Search: Technology Challenge 2017

Where does the challenge fit in the overall scheme of things?

Physical sciences

Foundation: the way objects move (letters, flying seeds)

Year 2: push and pull affects how objects move (throwing and launching)

Year 4: Forces can be exerted by one object on another

Year 7: Change and unbalanced forces

Year 8: Energy causes changes within systems

Science skills

Based on the skill of measuring and the mathematical skill of discovering proportions, the flight problem demands the application of:

·  Hypothesising

·  Controlling variables

·  Interpreting data and the

·  Communicating skills in

o  Creating tables of information

o  Graphing and

o  Several forms of writing


Year 2 The Past in the Present: Changes in the look and capacity of airplanes

Year 3 Community and Remembrance: The Sopwith Camel of WWI

History skills Placing people and events in a chronological sequence Time Lines

Tasmanian Science Talent Search: Technology Challenge 2017

Starting point: Is the challenge a problem?

Is the challenge an exercise or a series of exercises?

Tasmanian Science Talent Search: Technology Challenge 2017

Working from a paper plane

In a challenge to find the best paper plane, a range of imaginative designs should be explored but in a quest to build a rubber band-powered flying machine, investigating a known distance flier could save time. A paper dart, (delta wing) should be explored.

Starting with the one model will focus the investigation on the flight characteristic required in the TSTS challenge – distance. A paper dart, with its delta wing characteristic, is:

·  a known distance flier

·  easy to fold and replicate

·  easily adjusted for nose weight, closed fuselage, flaps up, flaps down

·  foldable in a range of differently weighted papers and cardboards.

Note: the first good unaltered dart becomes the control and must be kept for reference.

Working from flying letters

Squares of cardboard may be used to examine the flying qualities of different letters. Some letters will fly long and others will fly like a boomerang but the fliers will all be symmetrical in at least one plane.

Hint: cardboard milk containers are a good source as the square base makes a good starting point.

Explorations may start with:

·  First letters of given and surnames

·  Comparisons of all letters in a name

·  Testing all the letters in the alphabet

·  Exploring launching techniques

Working from history

In the flight time line, where do heavier-than-air machines fit?

·  The Montgolfier Brothers – lighter than air devices

·  Sir George Cayley – the curbed wing and other flying attributes

·  Laurence Hargrave (The man on the $20 note) – lifting capacity of a box kite

·  The Wright Brothers

·  Famous flying events - war machines

·  Breaking the sound barrier

·  Highest and longest flights

Working from models

Working from models provides a student with a glider or rubber band powered flier that works immediately, however to meet the conditions of the technology challenge a student will have to discover why the commercial model works. This can then be applied to a cardboard and paper model.

The skill to be employed immediately is measuring and then some consideration given to ratios; length of body to length of wing for example, or position of the wings in proportion to the fuselage.

Working from a photographic “model” is a more advanced concept but it does give a student an opportunity to link history to modern aircraft.

Starting points

·  Construct a cheap commercial flying machine, make it fly, observe its flying characteristics, examine its parts and dimensions and then recreate a version in the materials allowed.

o  Work with gliders before graduating to rubber band-powered.

o  Hint: a rubber band-powered flying machine must have gliding characteristics at the end of its powered flight.

·  Find a picture (the more angles the better) of a favoured or famous or historically significant flying machine and examine its details carefully. Measure proportions and translate them to the size of the flying machine wanted. Construct one in the materials allowed.

A British Sopwith Camel as flown by Snoopy

A French Nieuport A17 not flown by the Red Baron

Tasmanian Science Talent Search: Technology Challenge 2017

Controlling variables

·  What is the strength of a paper or cardboard stick fuselage? Consider:

o  size of material

o  shape of stick (cylinder, triangle, square etc)

o  length of stick

o  diameter of stick

o  type of tape

·  Which rubber band, or combination of bands give the best energy output?

o  Is human anatomy a factor?

Interpreting data for a rubber band-powered PET roller

Graph the observed results against the proposed results and then interpret the results by:

a.  Comparing the observations with the proposition and formulate a reason for the difference.

b.  Examining the test results carefully, predicting what a 350 wind might be and testing the prediction.


Skeletal muscle is composed of bundled fibres. If rubber bands could be bundled, they might work like skeletal muscles. Tied loops would be a simple form of bundling but plaiting could be another form.

Test this.

The Lou-Vee Car – a rubber band flier (?)

Lou-Vee car minimum Components:

1 sheet A4 paper, 2 drinking straws, 4 paper clips, sheet of cardboard, rubber band

In brief

The Lou-Vee car is a rubber band-powered vehicle which uses a sheet of A4 paper as a stick. The paper is wound around a pencil and taped and the pencil removed.

A folded piece of cardboard on the stick is an engine mount.

Unwound paper clips are threaded through pieces of drinking straw and taped to the cardboard disc wheels. The front wheels are wider apart that the rear wheels.

An unwound paper clip is threaded through a drinking straw (cotton reel in the picture) and onto the propeller.

A paper clip is attached to the rear of the stick and a rubber band(s) fastened between the two “engine” paper clips.

Wind and let go- maybe hundreds of winds.

Convert the Lou-Vee car to a flying machine

Problem 1: How will it glide?

Problem 2: How will it glide with a propeller up front?

Launching the rubber band-powered flying machine

The launch pad:

·  Is 750 mm long

·  Is 130 mm (approx) high (this might determine propeller size)

·  Has pads on the front and back allow the sides to be clamped to a desk top

·  Allows for chocks to be placed under the front pads to raise it to different angles (note: 20 degrees is quite a steep angle)

·  Has a separate protractor which may be placed at the rear to give an accurate measurement of angles.

Although 30° is an optimum angle, the ramp will be set at 20° for indoor use.

The energy is provided by a stretched rubber band with the launcher moving at about arm-throwing speed.

Tasmanian Science Talent Search: Technology Challenge 2017

Achieving understanding

At the end of the exploration and attempts at making a flying machine, whether it be a paper dart of a rubber band-powered bi-plane students should have an understanding of the basic principles of flight.

·  Planes fly when the air pressure below the wings is greater than the air pressure above the wings and lift is created.

·  Air pressure changes are created by having air passing faster over the top of the wing than below the wing. This creates a low pressure zone above and a high pressure zone below, achieving lift.

·  When landing a plane, the mass of the aircraft and the angle of the elevators overcome the lift created by the curved wing.

·  A curved wing profile creates the condition for air passing faster over the top of the wing.

·  Wing flaps increase the length of the curved profile creating lift conditions for takeoff.

·  The greatest amount of energy for a flight is needed at the take off.

·  Planes use less energy at take off if they are assisted to gain speed, e.g. engines or catapults.

·  A vertical take-off requires huge amounts of energy

Tasmanian Science Talent Search: Technology Challenge 2017

SOLO Assessment

The Solo Taxonomy of Biggs and Collis

SOLO is the acronym: Structure of the Observed Learning Outcomes and is a hierarchy of five stages.

Pre-structural: unconnected information or irrelevant information.

Uni-structural: a simple and obvious response; or more than one response but unrelated to each other.

Multi-structural: several relevant responses but missing a connection to the whole.

Relational: relevant responses relate to the whole, but not a complete or near complete explanation.

Extended abstract: all relevant responses are made within and beyond the subject in question extending into reasonable generalisations might be made.

Tasmanian Science Talent Search: Technology Challenge 2017

Possible SOLO responses to the question:

How is it that a winged aeroplane is able to fly?

Note: when assessing the level of the responses it must be remembered that all answers must relate to the principles of flight. A well-structured response to the question might rate highly in a grammatical or creative writing sense but not rate highly in a science sense.