South Central Workforce Investment Area

Local Management Committee Meeting (via Conference Call)

August 21, 2015

VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Colleen Hartman, Suman Agarwal, Joe Alsberry, Wayne Bonkowski, George Dillman, Mark Dolheimer, Willie Heckman, Liz Pliszka, and Bill Thor.

STAFF and OTHERS PRESENT: Brenda Chavez, Cristie Dewitt, Willie Heckman, Wanda Jackson, Ruth Koup, Brenda Meals, Amber Scheaffer, Adria Strausbaugh, and Joe Ziegler.

WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS – Colleen Hartman, Chairperson

Ms. Colleen Hartman, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. followed by introductions.


Approval of Minutes

After discussion, on motion duly made by Mark Dolheimer and seconded by Sumar Agarwal it is:

RESOLVED, that the minutes of the July 17, 2015 meeting (as amended), is hereby approved.

Motion carried unanimously.


There is no review for this period. The next review will be in September and include the documentation and data entry accuracy.


Ms. Jackson stated that there are no current updates at this time.

CAO Updates

Adams/Cumberland Counties – Colleen Hartman

Ms. Hartman stated that we are all gearing up for the next ACA technology updates. The Supervisors in Adams and Cumberland have been trained for LIHEAP recently.

Adams County – Willie Heckman

Ms. Heckman stated that things are gearing up since school started and individuals are losing their seasonal jobs. We are receiving more TANF applications.

Cumberland County – Mark Dolheimer

Mr. Dolheimer stated that our Cash Applications are steady to slightly increasing; up 10% year to date.

Dauphin County – Liz Pliszka

Ms. Pliszka stated that our office is quiet at this time, so we are currently working on getting everything in order before LIHEAP and the system changes begin. Our TANF is steady. Our WPR Denominator has been dropping steadily over the past year.

Lebanon County – Wayne Bonkowski

Mr. Bonkowski stated that our office is also quiet at this time. We are currently gearing up for the technology changes and the LIHEAP season.

York County - Suman Agarwal

Ms. Agarwal stated that our LIHEAP preparations are going on. TANF is steady. We are working on clearing up the alerts on the Dashboard. We are working on increasing our WPR.

Contractor Updates – Joe Ziegler, EDSI

Mr. Ziegler stated that there have not been many changes in policies. They took away Increased Hours as one of the Performance measurements. We are working on new reports for the new Program Year. Ivy Berry has been hired as our new Manager.


Enrollments for June 2015 – 87/July 2015 – 60

Placements – 50%

Retention – 50%/Goal is 30%

ACR for May 2015 – 56.88%/June 2015 – 57.94%. We are still working on June’s ACR. We expect to see this number increase.


York County - Bill Thor

Mr. Thor stated that we currently have 695 open job postings and 22 new employers register with the York County PA CareerLink®. Our office will hold a recruitment event in our office on August 25, 2015 from 8 am to 4 pm. The York Career Fair will be held at the Santander Baseball Stadium on September 14, 2015 from 2 pm to 5 pm.

Dauphin County – George Dillman

Mr. Dillman stated that our unemployment rate is at 4.8%. We had 20 new employers register, 401 new jobs posted, with a total of approximately 1084 open jobs postings. Allied Crawford Steel is opening a distribution center in Middletown, PA. They are currently hiring 45 positions. We have had several recruiting events. We will hold our annual Fall Job Fair in our office on October 7, 2015.


Ms. Koup would like to thank the CAO offices in regards to referring individuals to Dress for Success. Ms. Koup encourages everyone to continue to make referrals as early as possible so the individuals are ready for their interviews. In September and October, we are launching our “Going Places” network in our Harrisburg and York offices.


Our next meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 18, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. at the Capitol Region PA CareerLink®, 100 N. Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA.


Upon motion by Mr. Dillman and seconded by Ms. Pliska, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Brenda Stone, Executive Administrator