Math 80 Syllabus

Course: Intermediate Algebra

Book: Intermediate Algebra 4th edition by Sullivan & Struve

Section Number: 6308034

Class Room: A-107

Class Meeting time: MW 10:30am – 1:00pm

Instructor: Alison Williams



Office Room/Number: U-83/628-4956

Office Hours: TTH 8:30-9:00am and MW 1:00-3:30pm

**You can make an appointment to see me outside of my office hours. However, you must contact me the day of our meeting, either by email or voicemail, to verify that you are seeing me and the time you plan to see me, otherwise I will not show up.


Successful completion of math 060 or equivalent skills (measured by a satisfactory score on the math level 2 exam) in combination with an elementary algebra course.

Student Learning Outcomes

This course focuses on building a foundation with algebraic concepts, math vocabulary, algebraic operations, and problem solving. As a result of this course, the student will be able to:

1.  Read, define and apply algebraic and functional vocabulary and symbols

2.  Evaluate and perform algebraic operations on rational, radical, exponential and logarithmic expressions

3.  Set up and solve word problems involving quadratic, rational, absolute value, radical, exponential and logarithmic expressions

4.  Graph linear, quadratic, absolute value and power functions, apply graphing transformations and find the equation of linear functions given appropriate information

Student Conduct

Please be respectful of myself and other students in the class. Disruptive behavior may result in you being asked to leave the class. This includes but is not limited to talking and the use of a cell phone or other electronic devices in class. Turn your cell phones off in class. You may not text or answer the phone during class. Cheating in my class is unacceptable. If you are caught cheating, you will be given a zero on that test or quiz and may result in my filing an Academic Honesty Incident Report which could result in suspension or expulsion from the college.


Attendance is mandatory. A student will be dropped for missing 4 times. Leaving early from a class without giving me any notice before-hand will count as an absence. Announcements may be made in class about changes to our schedule, so it is your responsibility to be in class to hear these announcements. I could also give in-class assignments which cannot be made up. If you intend on dropping the class, it is your responsibility to do so before the drop date. Do not expect the instructor to withdraw you from the course after the drop date.


There will be four exams and a cumulative final. Each exam is worth 100 points and the final is worth 150 points. The exams will be based on the homework problems and class examples. Exams and the final exam are mandatory. I will not be dropping the lowest exam score. I will give a one time replacement of your lowest exam with the percentage earned on your final exam. This will not be in affect for the last exam. You must take the last exam. However, you may schedule to take an exam early if you know you will be missing class. It is your responsibility to contact the instructor and give proper notice for this type of situation. A scientific calculator is required. TI-83 graphing calculators or the equivalent will be allowed in this course. However cell phones and TI-89s are not permitted. Also, you may not share calculators. It is important to show all your work on an exam.


Homework will be collected as a packet on the day of the exams. The packet must be stapled or you will receive a zero for the packet. The packet should consist of all sections that the test will be covering. Late homework will not be accepted. Each section will be worth 2 points. I will be grading the homework based on completion, not correctness. It is your responsibility to check your answers (using the back of the book on odd problems, other students, and the instructor) and make sure they are correct. I will answer questions on the homework in class. You will be allowed to drop the five lowest section scores.


The quizzes are given to encourage you to keep current on your homework assignments. Every Wednesday there will be a quiz given at the end of class except the week an exam is given. The quiz will consist of questions directly off the previous week’s homework assignments. You will be allowed to use your homework on the quizzes. Each quiz will be worth 10 points. There will be no makeup quizzes given. You will be allowed to drop the lowest quiz score.


The following is a likely breakdown for your grade in the class. However it is subject to change:

Type of Work / Points / Percent
Exams / 400 / 50
Homework / 90 / 11
Worksheets/Activities / 60 / 7
Quizzes / 100 / 13
Final Exam / 150 / 19
Total / 800 / 100

To get a(n): A – 100%-90%, B – 89%-80%, C – 79%-70%, D – 69%-60%, F – 59% & below. If you are very close to the next grade bracket, I may curve your grade only if you have good attendance and have been consistently doing your homework.


In addition to the basic supplies you have (binder, paper, and pencils), you will need a scientific or graphing calculator, graph paper, and a stapler for this class.

Tentative Class Schedule

Week / Monday / Wednesday
1 – 2/9 / Intro, Sec 1.1 & 1.2 / Sec 1.3 & 1.4, Quiz
2 – 2/16 / Holiday J / Sec 1.5 & 1.6, Quiz
3 – 2/23 / Sec 2.1, 2.2, & 2.3 / Sec 2.4 & 3.1, Quiz
4 – 3/2 / Sec 3.2 & 3.3 / Review, Sec 3.4, Quiz
5 – 3/9 / Section 3.5, Exam – Sec 1.1-3.4 / Sec 4.1 & 4.2
6 – 3/16 / Sec 4.3 & 5.1 / Sec 5.2 & 5.3, Quiz
7 – 3/23 / Sec 5.4 & 5.5 / Sec 5.6 & 5.7, Quiz
8 – 3/30 / Review, Sec 5.8 / Sec 6.1, Exam – Sec 3.5-5.7
4/6 – 4/10 / Spring Break J
9 – 4/13 / Sec 6.2 & 6.3 / Sec 6.4, 6.5, & 8.6, Quiz
10 – 4/20 / Sec 6.6, 7.1, & 7.2 / Sec 7.3 & 7.4, Quiz
11 – 4/27 / Sec 7.5 & 7.7 / Review, Sec 7.8, Quiz
12 – 5/4 / Sec 8.1, Exam – Sec 5.8-7.8 / Sec 81, 8.2, & 8.3
13 – 5/11 / Sec 8.4 & 8.5 / Sec 9.1 & 9.2, Quiz
14 – 5/18 / Sec 9.3 & 9.4 / Review, Sec 9.5, Quiz
15 – 5/25 / Holiday J / Sec 9.5, Exam – Sec 8.1-9.4
16 – 6/1 / Review / Final

Homework Assignments

**eoo means every other odd or skip every other odd problem. For example 1-17eoo means do problems #1,5,9,13, and 17.

1.1: 13-61eoo,73,75,77

1.2: 9-43odd,49,53,55,57,65

1.3: 11-31odd,35-41odd,45

1.4: 9,21,25,37,31,37,41,43,65,69,73

1.5: 21,25-33odd,39,45,49,53,59,61,65

1.6: 7-71eoo

2.1: 17,21,25-51odd

2.2: 11-51odd

2.3: 9-17odd,29-37odd,45,47,51,53

2.4: 9-23odd,29,35,41,43

3.1: 9-37eoo,39,43,45

3.2: 13,15,19,25,33,39,43,47,51-53all,57-89eoo

3.3: 7-19odd,25-41odd,45,51

3.4: 7,11,17,23,31,33,35

3.5: 7,9,11,13-16all,17,21,23,25

4.1: 11,15-33odd,37-45odd,49,51,53,57,63

4.2: 3,7,11,15,23-31odd,32,41

4.3: 9-21odd,25,29

5.1: 13-73eoo,81

5.2: 9-29eoo,35,39,43,51-59odd,69,73,77

5.3: 11-35eoo,37-47odd,51,55

5.4: 11-49odd

5.5: 9-85eoo(skip #57)

5.6: 7-43eoo,45,63-79eoo

5.7: 3-47eoo

5.8: 9-49eoo,55,71,81

6.1: 9-17odd,19-55eoo,69,75,79

6.2: 7-47eoo,61,65

6.3: 5-21odd,25,29

6.4: 7-35eoo,45,47,51

6.5: 5-25odd

8.6: 13-29odd (skip #19),20,33,39

6.6: 33,35,37

7.1: 9,15,16,19,23,27,29,35,45,57-67odd

7.2: 3-45odd(skip #23)

7.3: 9,13,15,13,23,25,33,39,51,53,55,61,71,73,79,83,87-93odd

7.4: 7,13,15,21,25,31,37-69eoo

7.5: 5,7,11,15,29,33,39,45,49-55odd

7.7: 7-31eoo,35,37,39,45-53odd

7.8: 11-31eoo,29,37-53odd,67-87odd

8.1: 9,15,19,25,27,47,49,57,65,67,71,73

8.2: 11-37odd

8.3: 9,11,13,17,21,25,33,35,37,49

8.4: 9-11all,17,19,23,33,37,43-59odd,67,69

8.5: 9,13,17,21,2,31,43,57-67odd,69,83,85

9.1: 11-21odd,27-33odd,41,43,53,55,59-67odd,73-79,83,85,86

9.2: 11,17,19,23-31all,39,41,81,83,85

9.3: 9,13,17,21-39odd,61,63,71,73,79

9.4: 11,13,19,21,25-31odd,33,43,49,51,53,55,63,67,75,77,79

9.5: pg 726: 49,53,55,71

pg 741: 83,87,97,99,101

9.5: 7,9,11,15,21,23,25,31,39,43,45,47,51,53,57

Important dates

September 9th – Last day to withdraw without a ‘W’

November 14th – Last day to withdraw with a ‘W’

Student Resources:

·  Students with verifiable disabilities who want to request academic accommodations are responsible for notifying their instructor and Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) as early as possible in the semester. To arrange for accommodations, contact DSPS by phone (714) 628-4863 or (714) 639-9742 (TTY) or stop by the DSPS center in E-107.

·  MaSH (Math Study Hall) in room U-80 offers math tutoring from student tutors and math instructors. The tentative hours for this semester are:

M-Th 8am-8pm & Sat 9am-3pm

·  Tutoring Center in room U-80 also offers math tutoring. The hours for this semester are:

M-TH 8:30am-8:30pm and F/S 9am-3pm