The Age of Anxiety and the Rise of Dictatorships

Guiding Questions

  • How and in what ways did World War I profoundly alter European Society?
  • How did the crises created by World War I create an environment that fostered Dictatorships and Totalitarianism?
  • How did Western European democracies withstand the challenges of this age?

Date / In-Class Topic / Reading
3/11-12 / WWI Test
Anxiety through Art / p. 857-859
  1. What were the major Political/Social/Economic problems facing post-war Europe and how did governments attempt to address these problems?

3/13 / Anxiety and philosophy / p. 860-864
2. Take notes in any form you wish, keeping in mind the following questions:
  • What were major economic changes immediately following the war?
  • What issues did veterans face and how did governments address these issues?
  • How does the art of the time reflect a society recovering from WWI?

3/17-18 / How Do Anxious Societies Lead to Totalitarianism?
Stalin in Russia / p.865-866 (Lenin) 878-881 (Stalin)
4. Take notes in any form you wish keeping in mind the question:
How was Russian society transformed under Lenin and Stalin?
3/19-20 / Fascism Case Study: Mussolini and Hitler / p. 867-868
5. Take notes on the rise of Mussolini – keeping in mind the definition of Fascism
3/23 / 5th period: Instability in the Weimar1st period:Guest speaker / p.881-885
Take notes in any format you wish on the rise of Hitler – keeping in mind the political, social and economic means Hitler used to control Germany and the German people.
3/24 / Finish Fascism Case Study
The Rise of Adolph Hitler: political, social economic / p.874-878
5. Take notes on how the Great Depression begins and how it impacts Europe and the world.
6. What are the differences in the ways European countries approach the Depression? Make a chart for Sweden, Britain, France and Central Europe. What role did violence and racism play in the Nazi regime?
3/25-26 / The Spanish Civil War and the Rise of Adolph Hitler continued / p. 890-891
JUST read to understand How the aggression of Japan, Germany and Italy create the conditions for global war?
PP 894-897
8. Explain how Hitler’s beliefs about Germans and Germany translated into a path towards war and Explain the why the policy of appeasement was the policy of the time.
As you read this section, also take notes WWII began and how it became a “world war” with its spread into Asia
3/27 / Dictators on the move / p.892-894
9. Take notes, in whatever format you wish, on the Spanish Civil War.
3/30 / MC Test
FRQ review
5th period: prep guest speaker, FRQ prep
1st period: Weimar document study – FRQ prep / p.897-900
10. How does WWII become a war against civilians?
Are the changes on the homefront similar or different to WWI? Explain.
3/31 / Guest Speaker – 5th period / Prepare for test
4/1-2 / Test: FRQ
Begin WWII

Key Terms – When you study, think about how these connect to the BIG PICTURE of this unit


Weimar RepublicKellogg-Briand PactNew Eastern European Republicspost-WWI colonies

FascismMussoliniItalian FascismHitlerFascism and the media

StalinismkulaksJapanese ImperialismGermany on the move

Italian invasion of EthiopiaappeasementMunich Pact

Spanish Civil War

Social/Cultural Artistic

filmradiosurrealismDadaism Erich Maria RemarqueGeorge Grosz

T.S. EliotFranz KafkaBauhaus


Lenin’s New Economic PlanU.S. stock market crashGreat Depression Social effects of Great Dep

Nazi ideologyNuremberg lawsUS response to Great Depression

Swedish response to Great Dep.Britain and France respond to Great Dep

Eastern Europe’s response to Great Dep.