Notes fromNorthern Local Advisory Committee held onMonday 21 March 2011 at

6:30pm in Northern Office, Patient and Client Council

Present:Trevor Wilson (Chair)John Moore

Edna WalmsleyErrol Hutchinson

StanleyHendersonJackie McNeill (Area Manager)

Lyn Campbell

Apologies / Gail Workman, MauriceFalls and Janet Montgomery
Notes of Meeting
21 Feb 2011 / Agreed.
Matters Arising
Mixed Sex Wards
NICE Guidelines
Appointment Systems
Ambulance Cover – Mid Ulster Area
Car Parking
Cancer Services
Renal Services
RVH Restaurants
Dental / Following a meeting between Jackie and Carolyn Kerr (NHSCT) on 28 February 2011, audit figures were tabled. Since September 2009 the Northern Trust have been distributing questionnaires to patients every 6 months (on discharge). Questions monitor 5 key areas of the patient’s experience, namely, respect, attitude, behaviour, communication and privacy and dignity. Findings relating tomixed sex wards highlighted a significant problem for the Trust. The main reasons for not being able to guarantee single sex accommodation were due to structural and infection control issues. Each ward must now put together an action plan to try and address the problem. If a ward has mixed sex occupants they should have in place a rational for doing so. The Trust is now undertaking on ward observations by senior staff.
The RQIA project is not to start until May 2011.
It was agreed that Jackie would write to Carolyn, thanking her of the information and requesting a copy of the patient questionnaire and request future patient survey findings. LAC members suggested inviting Carolyn along to a future meeting.
An e-mail received from David Petticrew (dated 10 March) was shared with members. Details referred to the Dept writing back to the Board about issuing revised guidelines that complies with NICE and asked (in effect) that the Board progress it. Kevin Keenan is now to meet with Dean Sullivan to agree best way forward. Jackie to contact David again before next meeting for further update.
Further to Beth Malloy’s (HSCB) presentation and follow up telephone calls she had agreed to come back to the PCC to discuss how best we can work together. No further communication has been received. Jackie to follow up.
Review appointments – the Northern Office sent a letter to the Board and Northern Trust highlighting lengthy waiting lists for review appointments. We await their response.
Figures have been requested from NIAS and will be monitored for the next couple of months.
Concern over the lack of car parking facilities at Royal Victoria hospital was raised with the Belfast Trust in writing (Northern Office). We await the Trust’s response.
The issue of cancer patients not receiving treatments on Bank holidays was raised with the City hospital in writing (Northern office). We await the response.
An e-mail received from Valerie Jackson was shared with members. It detailed that whilst the Trust had submitted a business case to provide renal services in the Causeway hospital (March 2010), one year on they had still not received any written response from either the Board or Dept on this matter. Members were disappointed no effort was made by the Trust to follow up their business case considering 12 months had lapsed. Trevor is to raise this matter at tomorrow’s Board meeting.
A letter had been issued from the Northern Office asking questions about closure times of the 2 main restaurants on the RVH site. We await the Trust’s response.
Information had been sought to clarify how many patients from the northern area were recalled re: the investigation into the work of Prof Phillip Lamey. Members were informed 30 patients from our area had been recalled to the School of Dentistry, Belfast. / Jackie
Waiting Lists / Stanley shared personal experiences to highlight the ever growing waiting lists issue. Trevor informed us that the PCC Board is already monitoring this matter.
PCC Board Update / Trevor informed all of the new Chair (Dr Maureen Edmondson). Thanks were also noted for Brian Compston who capably filled the role of interim chair.
Trevor outlined the 2 main issues he was taking to the Board:
  1. Car parking facilities at the RVH
  2. Cancer treatments on Bank holidays
LAC Guidance: copies were distributed to all members. Discussion took place regarding the chart, detailing, ‘How Issues Can be Addressed’. Confusion arose around feeding back timescales and who’s role it should be for this to work effectively. As members had only received this information, comments are to be sent back to the office for collation. / Members
Local Office Update / Please see attached activity report.
Jackie to enquire with Matthew if the prescription survey was issued to all members, as some LAC members indicated they had not received same. / Jackie
Press Release / Topic this month: Mixed Sex Wards / Jackie
Any Other Business
Forthcoming Road show
Infection Control
Date of next meeting / Jackie referred to a public event being organised in May and asked for any suitable venues in the Ballymena area. Lyn suggested the Ballymena North Business Centre, 02825644490.
John highlighted today’s release of the C Diff report and its recommendations. As previously agreed by the LAC, this issue was set aside until the findings were known.
John requested the ‘web link’ to the report be forwarded to all LAC members for consideration.
Trevor suggested John, having the expertise in this area, compile a measured response on behalf of the Northern LAC.
Members are also to receive a copy of the press release that the PCC issued in relation to this matter.
A photo wastaken of the members present to be forwarded to our Communications department.
16 May2011 in the Northern Office, Houston’s Mill Site, Broughshane(6:30pm) / John