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Educator’s Guide

Vocabulary/Comprehension/Critical Thinking/Creative Expression Activities

A Note to the Teacher

Vocabulary/Comprehension Activities by Chapter

A Note to the Teacher

The resources that accompany The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe were developed originally by Carla Gilmore, a teacher at CerritosHigh School. All lessons were kid-tested, and students were asked to provide additional suggestions for activities and lessons they felt would increase student understanding and appreciation of the underlying values and morals that appear in the book.

These materials were subsequently reviewed by educational consultants for the C.S. Lewis Foundation and then refined by Foundation staff. They have been designed specifically with the public school setting in mind.

Please Note:

There are two separate Word documents available for teacher use.

The first provides a variety of vocabulary and comprehension-based activities, including those tapping the domains of critical thinking and creative expression. Participating teachers are encouraged to read through the lessons and select those best suited to their own students. The second provides lessons on ten commonly-held values that are foundational to a sound character education curriculum.

I. The Vocabulary/Comprehension lessons are introduced with:

The word and definition of the word in Englishfor each chapter.

The word and definition of the word in Spanishfor each chapter.

A list of “Narnian” expressions is also given for each chapter as they may require explanation by the teacher.

Vocabulary Enrichment Activities that vary by chapter

Comprehension Activities that vary by chapter

Fill in the Blank

Multiple Choice


Short Answer

(These activities may need to be modified and adjusted by the teacher to meet the needs of his/her students.)

Creative Activities that vary by chapter to help students make personal connections with the story

Write: Writing activities ask students to reflect on what they have read.

Discuss: Discussion topics are designed to help students share their thoughts orally about what is happening in the story.

Create: Creative activities ask students to respond to a certain topic using a more creative approach such as writing a poem, drawing a picture, composing a song, etc.

II. Values-Based Activities by Character Quality


Vocabulary/Comprehension Activities

Chapter 1 ……………………...Lucy Looks into the Wardrobe

Chapter 2 ………………………What Lucy Found There

Chapter 3 ……………………...Edmund and the Wardrobe

Chapter 4 …………………… Turkish Delight

Chapter 5 …………………… Back on this Side of the Door

Chapter 6 ……………………...Into the Forest

Chapter 7 …………………….. A Day with the Beavers

Chapter 8 ……………………. What Happened After Dinner

Chapter 9 …………………….. In the Witch’s House

Chapter 10…………………… The Spell Begins to Break

Chapter 11…………………… Aslan is Nearer

Chapter 12…………………… Peter’s First Battle

Chapter 13…………………… Deep Magic from the Dawn of Time

Chapter 14…………………… The Triumph of the Witch

Chapter 15…………………… Deeper Magic from Before the Dawn of Time

Chapter 16…………………… What Happened about the Statues

Chapter 17…………………… The Hunting of the White Stag

Nature Vocabulary………….. Trees and Flowers in Narnia

Mythological Creatures in Narnia……What are they?

Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 1: Lucy Looks into a Wardrobe

DefinitionSpanish translation

air raids / attack by aircraft, especially against a non- military target such as a city / ataques militares hechos por los aviones contra las ciudades y la población general
row / argument; quarrel; disagreement between two people / pelear; argumentar: un argumento entre dos personas o màs
creepy / causing fear, disgust or uneasiness / cualquier asunto que causa los escalofríos o un sentido de miedo
wireless / a radio or a radio set without wires / radio que no usa alambres; durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial era la manera solamente de recibir noticias
armor / protective metal or leather clothing worn in battle by soldiers / la ropa protective hecha de metal o cuero llevada durante una batalla
wardrobe / a large free-standing cupboard or closet where clothes are stored / armario; lugar para colgar la ropa y los abrigos
looking-glass / mirror; any device whose surface reflects light and gives back a clear image of what is in front of it / espejo; cualquier cosa que refleja el imagen de algo
mothballs / small balls containing chemicals such as camphor to keep away moths / unas bolas que contienen quiicas para proteger la ropa de las polillas
crunching / making or causing something to make a noisy, scrunching sound / sonido hecho por pisar encima de algo que se deshace
queer / strange or unusual; departing from the usual / raro;extraño; cualquier cosa que no es ‘normal’
inquisitive / eager for knowledge; curious about everything / inquisitivo; cualquier persona que es curiosa sobre todo
glimpse / a quick or incomplete look or sighting of somebody or something / ana Mirada rápida de algo o alguién
pitter patter / a light, rapid and continuous tapping sound, such as raindrops / sonido como el tipi tipi tap que hace la lluvia en un techo de metal
muffler / a scarf worn around the neck for warmth / bufanda; para protegerse contra el frío
faun / a mythological creature depicted with the body of a man and the legs and horns of a goat / fauno; criatura mítica con el cuerpo de un hombre y las piernes y los cuernos de una cabra
parcels / packages; things wrapped up together in paper or other packaging / paquetes; cosas envueltas en papel

Narnian Expressions

“We’ve fallen on our feet and no mistake.”p. 2 – another way of saying that the children are quite lucky to have been sent to the Professor’s home!

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 1

A. Read the following descriptions and write the correct word in the space provided from the list of words for Chapter 1.

1)A device used to communicate news during the Second World War ______

2)Commonly used article of clothing in winter climates to keep warm ______

3)A place used to store one’s clothes or other belongings ______

4)A chemical used to protect clothing from moths ______

5)A mythical creature with the body of a man and the legs, horns, and legs of a goat ______

6)Something that is extremely unusual ______

7)When two people get in an argument ______

8)“Too much curiosity killed the cat” ______

B. Read the following short passage and fill in the blanks with the word/s that make the most sense based on the context of the story.

1)The Pevensie children have been sent out of London because of the ______and their parents’ fear that they might be killed.

2)Lucy is an extremely ______girl who discovers a magical ______.

3)While she is exploring, she steps on some ______that make a crunching sound and have a rather peculiar odor.

4)After Lucy finds herself in another world, she is surprised to meet a rather ______fellow named Mr. Tumnus who wears a bright red ______around his neck to keep warm.

5)Mr. Tumnus is a ______, a rather unusual looking creature, who carries an umbrella and several ______wrapped in plain brown paper.

C. Comprehension – Based on what you’ve just read, who do you think said the following?

1)“Who are you to say when I’m to go to bed?” ______

2)“This is going to be perfectly splendid.” ______

3)“Do stop grumbling, Ed.” ______

4)“I can always get back if something goes wrong.” ______

D. Which Pevensie child do you think would best fit the following description? Write the name in the space.

1)The peace maker: ______

2)The trouble maker: ______

3)The sensitive one: ______

4)The curious one: ______

E. True or False? Read the following statements. If the statement is true, write ‘true’ in the blank; if false, correct the statement so it is true.

1)The Pevensie children were sent fromLondon because their parents were killed in an air raid. ______

2)At first, Lucy felt overwhelmed by the Professor’s house and a little frightened. ______

3)The children decided to explore the house because the housekeeper was extremely rude to them. ______

4)When Lucy discovered herself in Narnia, she was frightened and decided to return for her brothers and sister. ______

5)Mr. Tumnus was a kindly faun who befriended Lucy. ______

II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter I.

A. Write a quick note to Lucy and tell her why you think she was either very brave or very foolish to continue exploring Narnia by herself.

B. Discuss in groups of 3 or 4 what you would do if you were to find yourself suddenly transported to another place. Share with the class your plan.

C. Create a picture of Mr. Tumnus based on the description of him beginning on page 7. Use crayons, watercolors, or any other method of creating his likeness, includingwriting

a song or poem about his looks.

Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 2: What Lucy Found There

DefinitionSpanish Translation

Daughter of Eve / refers to a human girl child / refiere a una ser nina
Son of Adam / refers to a human boy child / refiere a un ser nino
Sardines / small, salty fish many find delicious / pescado pequeño muy salado
English tea / English custom of afternoon refreshments; served with small sandwiches and cakes / costumbre de Inglaterra donde se sirven sandwiches y tortas dulces y té
Nymphs / mythical creatures that live in trees, harming no one / criatura mítica que vive en los arboles mistica y no le hace daño a nadie
Silenus / woodland deity; companion of Dionysius with a horse’s ears and tail / companero de Dionysius con la cola y oidos de uncaballo
Dryads / mythical creatures that live in wells, harming no one / criatura mítica que vive en los pozos y no le hace daño a nadie.
Bacchus / Greek God of Wine / Griego Diós del Vino
Jollification / joyful celebration / jubilación / celebración
Merely / barely;just as described / casi
Lulling / to give someone a false sense of security so that an unpleasant situation takes the person by surprise / darle a alguien un sentido falso de seguridad para aprovecharse
Spare Oom / location of the room where the wardrobe is located / donde está ubicado el armario mágico
Narnia / imaginary country found by passing through a magical wardrobe / país imaginario encontrado por pasar atravez del armario mágico
Cair Paravel / Capital of Narnia where the empty thrones await four ‘human’ children to claim them. / capital de Narnia; ubicación de los tronos vacios que esperan a los 4 hijos
War Drobe / doorway into Narnia through the wardrobe / armario mágico / la entrada a Narnia

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 2

A. Read the following descriptions, Write the correct word in the space provided from the list of words for Chapter 2.

1)The God of Wine ______

2)Four thrones sit there vacant ______

3)A synonym for celebration______

4)Mythical creatures that live in trees ______

5)The doorway into Narnia ______

6)A special event that often takes place around 4:00 p.m. in England______

7)Small fish ______

8)A word that means scarcely, barely______

9)Room where the magical wardrobe is located ______

10) Mythical creatures that live in wells ______

  1. Fill in the blank with the missing word(s) that best completes the meaning of the sentence. Use the story context for clues.

1)Mr. Tumnus is a ______who Lucy meets in ______, a country Lucy discovers when she opens the door of the ______and decides to explore. It is always ______in Narnia but never Christmas.

2)At first, Lucy believes Mr. Tumnus is perfectly wonderful for he invites her to ______and serves her ______on toast and a sugar topped cake. He also tells her about the ______who live in wells and the ______who live in trees and how the rivers would run with wine when ______used to visit.

3)But when it is time for Lucy to leave, Mr. Tumnus tells her that he is in the pay

of the ______and had been planning to turn Lucy over to “Her”.

C. Comprehension – Critical Thinking

Mr. Tumnus sets out to betray Lucy to the White Witch because he’s afraid. Have you ever agreed to do something even when you knew it was wrong just because you were afraid?

Write down what it was you agreed to do and how you felt after you’d done it.

Now, think of a time in your own life when you showed the courage to do the right thing.Explain how you felt after you’d done it.

D. Multiple Choice – Read each question. Then select the best answer from the choices given. Circle the letter of your answer.

1) Why does Mr. Tumnus call Lucy a “Daughter of Eve”?

a)He thinks he knows her mother, Eve.

b)The White Witch told him her mother’s name would be Eve.

c)She is a human child.

d)He thinks it’s a pretty name.

2) How many vacant thrones are there at Cair Paravel?

a)fourc) two

b)sixd) one

3) What one thing does Mr. Tumnus not offer Lucy?

a)Brown egg

b)Sardines on toast

c)Sugar topped cake


4) What can we conclude about Mr. Tumnus based on the objects in his cave?

a)He is extremely poor.

b)He is uneducated.

c)He loves to read.

d)He hates music.

5) How does Mr. Tumnus entertain Lucy?

a)He danced for her.

b)He told her stories about what Narnia was like before the Witch.

c)He provided dinner.

d)He read aloud to her.

6) Why does Mr. Tumnus start to cry?

a)He was very tired and didn’t want to have to show Lucy the way home.

b)He knew he had to turn Lucy over to the Witch.

c)He was cutting onions.

d)The stories about Narnia before the Witch made him sad.

7) What is it that Mr. Tumnus agrees to do if he finds a Son or Daughter of Eve?

a)Turn him/her over to the White Witch

b)Make him/her promise to return to Narnia

c)Follow him/her and make sure the passage to Narnia is blocked forever

d)Kill him/her immediately

8) What will NOT happen to Mr. Tumnus if he allows Lucy to return home?

a)The Witch will turn him into stone.

b)The Witch will saw off his horns.

c)The Witch will pluck out his beard.

d)The Witch will reward him.

9) What does Lucy give to Mr. Tumnus?

a)Her necklace

b)Her handkerchief

c)Her promise to return to Narnia and bring her brothers and sister

d)A map showing him how to enter her world

10) What does Mr. Tumnus ask of Lucy before they part?

a)To return soon

b)To tell his brothers and sister all about Narnia

c)To forgive him

d)To never forget him

II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 2

Write: In your own words, explain why you think Mr. Tumnus decides NOT to turn Lucy over to the White Witch.

Discuss:In groups of 3 or 4,discuss what two events the author is letting the reader know might happen when he says the White Witch will turn Mr. Tumnus into stone, “until the four thrones at Cair Paravel are filled.”

Create: What do you think life must be like in Narnia? According to Mr. Tumnus, life in Narnia is “always winter but never Christmas.” Divide a piece of paper in half. On one side write the word “Winter” and on the other side write the word “Christmas”. In small groups make lists of all the feelings you associate with Winter and Christmas and then compare the two lists.

  • Based on the feelings you have described, draw a picture, write a poem, write a song, or use some other method of creative expression to show what life must have been like when Lucy first entered Narnia.


  • When Mr. Tumnus plays his flute, Lucy dreams of what Narnia was like before the White Witch took control. Draw a picture, write a poem, write a song, or use some other method of creative expression to show what life must have been like before the White Witch ruled there.

Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 3: Edmund and the Wardrobe

DefinitionSpanish Translation

Sulk / to pout; to have a bad attitude / ponerse una cara muy fea; tener una actitud mala
Guilded / to cover with metal, usually gold or silver / dorar;cubrir algo con metal; usualmente oro o plata
Sledge / sled; vehicle used to travel over snow / trineo; metodo de transporte usado para viajar sobre la nieve
Stern / strict; rigid; unyielding / rigido
champing at their bits / impatient to get moving / ansioso; nervioso; listos para irse inmediatmente
Harness / gear strapped on an animal to control it / vajilla; algo usado para controlar los animales
Shetland / small but very strong ponies from Scotland / caballito de Scotland; muy fuertes pero pequeños
Dwarves / mythical beings;usually portrayed as very short with long beards who worked in mines digging for precious metals / ananos; seres imaginarios que tienen barbas largas y que son muy bajos; trabajan en las minas es cabando por preciosos metales

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 3

A. Read the following descriptions. Write the correct word in the space provided from the list of words for Chapter 3.

1)A type of horse but much smaller in size ______

2)A device used to travel over snow ______

3)Covered in a brightly shining metal like gold ______

4)Pouting, upset, not talking ______

5)Strict, not smiling, without joy______

6)A device used to help people control animals ______

7)Dig deep in mines, small people but very strong ______

8)Energetic, ready to go______

B. Read the following short passages and fill in the blanks with the vocabulary word(s) that make the most sense based on the context of the story.