English 1A Writing Assignments

1 – Weekly Reading Write Up – Due Every Wednesday

Within your group, you select a reading from the chapter. Collectively, you will write and present a summary and the answers to the “Questions About the Writer’s Craft” to the class.

Personally, you need to choose one of the topics in the section titled “Writing Assignments Using Description as a Pattern of Development” to write a one page essay.

2 – Shared Journal Writing

You will write in a journal that will be included in your portfolio. Every Friday, you will write in your journal with a partner. More description will be given in class.

3 – Essay #1 (2-3 pages)

Watch an episode of your favorite television or reality show and describe one of the main characters on the episode. How does the person act, mannerisms, who does the person interact with, what situations does the person get into, what does the person look like, etc.?

4 – Essay #2 (3-4 pages)

Interview a person who either majored in your field, graduated from a four-year university. Then write an essay to describe the person’s story. How did they accomplish his/her goals, what does the person do, etc.?

5 – Essay #3 (4-5 pages)

Compare & Contrast two of the Janie’s husbands. Describe differences and similarities between the two men.

6 – Essay #4 – First Draft of Personal Statements for the Portfolios

See Portfolio handout for details

7 – Research Paper (7-10 pages)

Your research paper will be comprised of the following parts:

-Reflect on this semester: Describe your goals, how do you plan on accomplishing these goals, how has this course helped you accomplish these goals? (1-2 pages)

- Select a person you can research that is in your field. You need to describe how the person accomplished his/her goals by tracking his/her journey. You need at least 5 sources (all cannot be Internet sources & Wikipedia is not accepted). (4 pages)

-Reflect on this assignment. What have you discovered through your research about your person that you can apply to your life? (1-2 pages)

-Work Cited Page

Final Presentation:

-You will present on each aspect that you discovered and covered within your research paper to the class.

-You must include a visual of your choice.

-Do not read your paper.

8 – Group Assignment

Janie lived a fulfilled life. In every relationship, she appeared to be a different person. Within your group, everyone will give an in-depth look at the chosen relationship. With a visual and a handout, the group will describe the husband, Janie’s behavior and mannerism during the relationship. Also, include the outcome of the relationship and the events that took place during the marriage. You need to be very descriptive. Use the techniques that we have also learned in the Longman Reader.