The Grace of the sacrament] / Scriptural Basis*
Baptism / Pouring of water or immersion in water / I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit / Pouring of water and words / The Baptismal Character /
- Cleansing of original and all personal sin and all temporal punishment due to sin;
- Incorporation into Christ and the Church.
- Indwelling of the Holy Trinity
- Filiation
Confirmation / The anointing of the forehead with chrism / Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit / Anointing with Chrism and words / The Character of Confirmation /
- Maturity in Christ
- Grace and strength to participate in His Saving Mission
Holy Eucharist / Bread and Wine / This is my body……..This is my blood….. / Bread and wine and words / Body and Blood of the Lord / Deeper communion with the Trinity (and therefore with all the members of the Church) / Luke 22:19
Reconciliation or Penance / The confession of the penitent: the acknowledgement of and sorrow for one’s sinfulness, and the intention of avoiding sin in the future. Willingness to do the penance imposed by the priest. / God, the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his Son has reconciled the world to himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. (Amen) / Acts of the penitent (contrition,satisfactionconfession)
and absolution / Reconciliation w/ Church and the infusion of sanctifying grace (mortal sin) or the increase of sanctifying grace (venial sin) / Forgiveness of Sin (i.e. Reconciliation with Church and God, restoration or increase of Sanctifying Grace) and commitment to life of atonement / John 20:23
Anointing of the Sick / The anointing of the forehead and hand of the sick with the oil / Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. (Amen) May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up. (Amen) / Anointing and words / Inner Strengthening /
- Inner strengthening of the person in sickness.
- Removal of “remnants of sin”
- If the person made an imperfect act of contrition before becoming ill and is not able to receive absolution, then his sins are forgiven as well by the anointing
Matrimony / The mutual exchange of vows between man and woman, given with full consent and freedom / Vow to remain faithful to spouse until death and to receive children from God. / Giving and receiving consent in the vows and consummation / Indissoluble Bond
(analogous to a character) / Marital Charity which unites man and woman with the same bond that unites Christ and the Church. The Res Tantum is the nuptual union, the mutual giving of grace in the union of marriage, so the marriage itself becomes a source of grace. / Eph 5:25, Mt 19: 3-9
Holy Orders
(Presbyteral Rank) / The bishop imposing his hands over the canidate / Almighty Father, grant to this servant of yours the dignity of the priesthood. Renew within him the Spirit of holiness. As a co-worker with the order of bishops may he be faithful to the ministry that he receives from you, Lord God, and be to others a model of right conduct. / Imposition of hands and prayer of consecration / Character of Holy Orders / Ontological participation in the headship of Christ (Bishop in first rank, Priest at 2nd rank, Deacon as servant
Priest participates in Christ’s mission to teach, sanctify, and shepherd the people of God in persona Christi capitis.
Priest shares in the apostolic ministry as a “co-worker of the Order of Bishops”.
Pastoral Charity. / 2 Tim 1:6 – 2:2
*These texts do not exhaust the Scriptural foundation of the Seven Sacraments. They either point to a major moment in the institution of the individual Sacraments by Christ or present the witness of the ApostolicChurch to the reality of the Sacrament in the Christian community.