Division of Psychiatry & Applied Psychology
Project Title: [insert]
Researcher: [insert nameuniversity e-mail address]
Supervisor: [insert name & university e-mail address]
Ethics Reference Number: [insert when your project has received ethical approval]
- Have you read and understood the Participant Information? YES/NO
- Do you agree to [take part in an interview that will be recorded/participate in a questionnaire/other]about [insert topic of research]? YES/NO
- Do you know how to contact the researcher if you have questions
about this study? YES/NO
- Do you understand that you are free to withdraw from the study
without giving a reason? YES/NO
- [Insert for anonymous questionnaire studies only]Do you understand that
for anonymous questionnaire studies, once you have completed the study
and submitted your answers, the data cannot be withdrawn? YES/NO
- [Insert for interview studies only]Do you understand that once you have
been interviewed it may not be technically possible to withdraw your
data unless requested within [state timeframe]? YES/NO
- Do you give permission for your data from this study to be shared with
other researchers in the future provided that your anonymity is
protected? YES/NO
- Do you understand that non-identifiable data from this study including YES/NO
quotations might be used in academic research reports or publications?
- I confirm that I am 18 years old or over YES/NO
Signature of Participant……………………………………… Date ……
Name (in capitals) ………………………………………
[insert for paper-based questionnaires only]This consent form will be detached from the completed questionnaire and stored separately. Your answers will not be identifiable
[insert for internet-based studies] “By clicking the button below I indicate that I understand what the study involves and I agree to take part. If I do not want to participate I can close this window/press the exit button.”[insert as appropriate]