Subject: Kindergarten Math, Shape and Space Strand
Outcome: SSK.1 –Use direct comparison to compare two objects based on a single attribute, such as:
  • length including height
  • mass
  • volume
  • capacity.
I can compare two objects based on a single attribute.
I need help. / Approaching
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can compare two objects. / I can compare two objects based on length or mass or volume or capacity. / I can compare two objects using a single attribute such as length, mass,volume and capacity,. / I can compare two objects using one ora variety of attributes and explain the reasoning using appropriate language.

Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.

  • Compare the length or height of two objects and explain how they compare using the words shorter, longer, taller, or almost the same.
  • Compare the mass of two objects and explain how they compare using the words lighter, heavier, or almost the same.
  • Compare the volume of two objects or capacity of two containers and explain how they compare using the words less, more, bigger, smaller, or almost the same.

Refer to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide Kindergarten Mathematics.

Subject: Kindergarten Math, Shape and Space Strand
Outcome: SSK.2 –Sort 3-D objects using a single attribute.
I can sort 3-D objects using a single attribute.
I need help. / Approaching
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can tell the difference between two sets of sorted 3-D objects. / I can tell the difference between two sets of sorted 3-D objects. / I can independently sort 3-D objects using one attribute. / I can independently sort a set of 3-D objects using an attribute I choose and explain how I sorted the objects.

Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.

  • Sort a set of familiar 3-D objects using a single attribute, such as size or shape, and explain the sorting rule.
  • Determine the difference between two pre-sorted sets by identifying the sorting rule used to sort each of them.

Refer to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide Kindergarten Mathematics.

Subject: Kindergarten Math, Shape and Space Strand
Outcome: SSK.3 –Build and describe 3-D objects.
I can build and describe 3-D objects.
I need help. / Approaching
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can build a 3-D object.
With assistance I can point to the attributes of 3-D objects. / I can build a 3-D object.
I can point to the attributes of 3-D objects. / I canbuild 3-D objects and describe them using words like big, little, round and/or like a box or a can. / I can build a representation of a 3-D object and compare my representation to the original.
I can describe a 3-D object using attributes and geometric vocabulary (such as sphere and cube).

Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.

  • Create a representation of a 3-D object using materials such as modeling clay and building blocks, and compare the representation to the original 3-D object.
  • Describe a 3-D object using words such as big, little, round, like a box, and like a can.

Refer to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide Kindergarten Mathematics.