
Essay Questions: 5 Pts. Each

Minimum 50 Word Response

1.  National, organizational, and personal cultures overlap in influence each other in determining one’s personal business communication style. How do these types of cultures affect your own business communication style?

To me, national culture influences us as far as diversity in business. Organizations can work together with different types of businesses both domestically and globally and ethical values and effective communication must be practiced.

Culture plays a huge part in my business communication style. For example, in my personal culture, I believe it is right to treat everyone with respect and to act ethical and morally. Communicating in business is just the same. One must act professionally at all times.

In organizational culture I think of management and leadership. Communication is very important when leadership is involved. National, organization and personal cultures, all play their own part in making a person view what they believe is effective business communication.

2.  What are four effective techniques in preventing or solving conflicts when working in groups?

One way to prevent group conflict would be by effective communication. Team members can be misunderstood, or think something is understood. Everyone should be clear, and clarify all aspects of communication to avoid any confusion. Another way to prevent conflict is to listen effectively. Sometimes just hearing is not enough. Effective listening is more than just hearing what the other person is saying. In case of a problem the team should have good problem solving techninques in place. Without the proper problem solving techniques, team members may jump to conclusions causing more conflict. One other way to prevent or solve conflicts is to actively give feedback in the group. Members of the team must be active and speak up with new ideas for the group or issues they may be having.

3.  Describe four characteristics of an effective message.

1.  All information must be gathered that is needed to clearly understand the message.

2.  The message must be organized and logical.

3.  The proper channel must be chosen. For example, the correct form of communication such as a memo, email, phone call, letter, etc, must be chosen to deliver the message.

4.  Last of all the message must be clear. Whether the message is in writing or verbal, the message must be appropriate, useful and persuasive.

4.  You have just been overlooked for a promotion. Your intent is to go on record as not agreeing with the decision that was made by your boss. Formulate a memo or e-mail to your boss expressing your concerns relative to your not being selected for the promotion. (See Below)

July 5, 2009

To: Mr. Jake Connolly

From: Your Name

Subject: Raise/Promotion Request

I am requesting a raise/promotion for the additional tasks that I have been assigned. In the last 3 months I myself have been taking on additional jobs in a field that I have not been formally trained. I have trained myself on the new system and have completed all of the tasks assigned in an extremely short period of time, while still completing my current assignments. In order for me to complete these tasks, I have to make sacrifices and stay late on many occasions. I feel I was overlooked for a recent promotion, and I would like to go on record as to not agreeing with the decision that was made to promote another employee.

I enjoy working for Connolly Communications but feel that I deserve a raise/promotion. I have completed all tasks and they have all been submitted before the scheduled deadlines. I have taken the company out of a bind by taking out these extra duties. Working in the production department has taught me things I never knew. I enjoyed working in the department, and hope you can see from the complete work that done.