Notes from theParish Council Meeting,11th January 2017

Applications considered by the Planning Committee (see minutes for full details):

  • Land Adjacent Quarry Spring Cottage, Lime Kiln Lane, Proposed dwelling and garage (outline with all matters reserved), Objection
  • Land East Of Yawl Cross, (Higher Silverdale), Lyme Road, Raymonds Hill, General purpose agricultural building. No objection
  • Lymewood Residential Care Home, Woodhouse, Lyme Road, Uplyme,Internal alterations to create 3 no. Dwellings. No objection
  • (Amended), Land Adjacent Dell Cottage, Lime Kiln Lane, Uplyme, Construction of two storey dwelling and formation of
    parking/landscaping. Objection

Applications approved by EDDC / DCC:

  • None Go By, Pound Lane, Uplyme,External alterations to locations of doors and windows, replacement lower ground floor extension with extended balcony above, alterations to external materials and erection of replacement garage/workshop/store.Approved
  • Hook Farm, Gore Lane, Uplyme, Proposed conversion and extension of building to form dwelling, Approved
  • Land East Of Yawl Cross, (Higher Silverdale), Lyme Road, Raymonds Hill. General purpose agricultural building, Approved

Neighbourhood Plan Update: The Parish Council has accepted a nominated inspector to examine the latest Section 15 comments and consultation.

Millennium Copse: Cllr Duffin and volunteers have planted 60 trees in the Copse and John Fowler has cut the grass to keep it tidy . The public footpath has been re-sited onto its correct route. The cost has been kept to a minimum.

Cemetery: Cllr Ostler has tried to remove the moss on the paths using a mechanical brush but with no affect, Fluxy’s garden services has now sprayed the moss with a chemical to see if that will help. Also, the paths are deteriorating and the council are investigating ways and the cost of repair. Please take care whilst using the paths as they are very slippery.

Churchyard:There has been a request forhandover of the maintenance of the Churchyard of St Peter & St Paul Church to the Parish Council. The unanimous opinion of Councillors was that the Grade 2 listed churchyard is in disrepair and would prove impossible to repair and maintain without an unacceptable increase in the Parish precept. Cllr James has researched the law regarding this through the National Association of Local Councils, and the churchyard must be in good order when it is handed over. Cllr James will write to EDDC to report the situation, asking EDDC to take responsibility but advising them of the present very poor state of repair. If EDDC allow the Churchyard to be handed over in poor repair, the high cost of re-instatement may be passed back to Uplyme Council Tax payers by EDDC in the form of a “special precept”.

Highways: Cllr Knight reported that the County Council have overspent this year on highways which is causing long delays in repair with some projects having to wait until the next financial year.

Broadband: Cllr Thomas reported that phase 2 of the roll out of connecting Devon with broadband is on its way with the preferred supplier being Gigaclear, who should provide a better service than previously. Parishioners can check if they can get the new ultrafast broadband by typing in their postcode at

Defibrillator: The Council are arranging for a local qualified electrician to install the wiring for the new defibrillator at the Uplyme Village Hall.

Dog Foul Notice:The offensive notice that was reported on Facebook, at the gate to the entrance to the Forestry Commission "walks" on Trinity Hill, has been removed by the Area Forester. Please help by reporting any problems with our public footpaths and walks to ensure Uplyme stays a safe and attractive community to enjoy.


RickyNeave, Parish Clerk
07413 947 067;
55 Shearwater Way, Seaton, Devon, EX12 2FT

(Monday-Thursday, 9-5pm please)

Or see the “Uplyme Village Noticeboard” on Facebook