Unit 12: Territorial and Economic Expansion

A day is first; B day will be one day later.

Due for Tuesday, January 9: Read and take notes on Amsco 12. Answer the multiple-choice questions.

Tuesday in class: Lecture on the Mexican War.

Due for Friday, January 11: Read and take notes (or do the reading guide) on Bailey 17; complete the workbook for Bailey 17; Study for test.

Friday in class: TEST *

* I would really like everybody to try to take the test on Thursday or Friday so we won’t bleed over to the next short week. I will only see you on Wednesday and will be out on the18th and 19th when the wee Tueting arrives. If you are the alternate exam day, please see me to schedule taking the test on the 11th or 12th; Of course, if you can’t work that in, we’ll work something out.

AP Points for Unit 12:


1) “Polk was one of the greatest American Presidents because he entered office with clearly defined goals, accomplished them, and left office in triumph after one term.” Support or criticize this statement.

2) Explain why the United States did not annex the entirety of Mexico. Include outside research and quotes from contemporaries (you do not have to follow the footnoting rules for a research paper).

3) Trace efforts to build a canal through Central America, beginning with the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty and ending with T.R. “making the dirt fly.”

4) Visit thealamo.org. How does the official site of the Alamo deal with the issue of slavery? Do visitors come away with an accurate historical understanding of the role that slavery played in the settlement and eventual independence of Texas? Why or why not?

5) Research and explain Abraham Lincoln’s reaction to the Mexican War. What does it say about his political instincts and ideals?


6) Make a map and timeline of American territorial expansion.

Art Analysis:

7) Find three political cartoons supporting OR opposing the Mexican War. Explain the imagery used by, and the viewpoint of, the artists.


8) With a group of friends, watch a movie about the Alamo (there are many to choose from). Assess the historical accuracy of the movie.