Appendix B
In LexisNexis Academic we used a “Power Search” / “Combined Search. Having selected “New York Times, The” and “all available dates,” we specified the following search string:
((tobacco and (smoke or smoking or (tobacco products) or cigar or cigarette or snuff or (chewing tobacco)) and (fraud or crime or criminal or deception or lie or misrepresentation or RICO or racket)))
This search – Search Alpha – yielded data for Line Graph One.
We deployed six other searches to validate the measure used in Line Graph One. The seven measures so intercorrelated that Cronbach’s α [a measure of reliability] equaled .918. This indicated to us that any search was approximately the same as the others, so we used the search string above.
The other strings are arrayed below:
Search Beta 1
(tobacco or nicotine or smoke or smoking or (tobacco products) or cigar or cigarette or snuff or (chewing tobacco)) and ((Philip Morris) or Altria or (Reynolds Tobacco Company) or (Brown and Williamson) or (Brown & Williamson) or (Lorillard Tobacco Company) or (Liggett Group) or (American Tobacco Company) or (B. A. T. Industries) or (United States Tobacco Company) or (Tobacco Institute) or (Council for Tobacco Research) or (Hill and Knowlton) and (crime or criminal)
Search Beta 2
(tobacco or nicotine or smoke or smoking or (tobacco products) or cigar or cigarette or snuff or (chewing tobacco)) and ((Philip Morris) or Altria or (Reynolds Tobacco Company) or (Brown and Williamson) or (Brown & Williamson) or (Lorillard Tobacco Company) or (Liggett Group) or (American Tobacco Company) or (B. A. T. Industries) or (United States Tobacco Company) or (Tobacco Institute) or (Council for Tobacco Research) or (Hill and Knowlton) and (crime or criminal or fraud or fraudulent or RICO or racket or racketeer or racketeering or lie or lies or lying or misrepresent or misrepresentation or misrepresentations or deception or deceptions or deceit or deceive or duplicity or duplicitous)
Search Gamma 1
((tobacco company) or (tobacco companies) or (tobacco corporation) or (tobacco corporations) or (tobacco manufacturer) or (tobacco manufacturers) or (cigarette manufacturers) or (cigarette manufacturer) and (marketing or advertising or distribution) and (crime or crimes or criminal or fraud or fraudulent))
Search Gamma 2
((tobacco company) or (tobacco companies) or (tobacco corporation) or (tobacco corporations) or (tobacco manufacturer) or (tobacco manufacturers) or (cigarette manufacturers) or (cigarette manufacturer) and (marketing or advertising or distribution) and (crime or crimes or criminal or fraud or fraudulent or deceit or deceitful or duplicity or duplicitous or deception or deceptions lie or lies or lying or (false advertising))
Search Delta
Search Epsilon
Terms: ((((SMOKING) or (TOBACCO MFG) or (TOBACCO PRODUCTS) or (TOBACCO & HEALTH)) and (MARKETING & ADVERTISING) or ADVERTISING or (MISLEADING AND DECEPTIVE ADVERTISING) or (MARKETING & ADVERTISING) or (PRODUCT LABELING) or (FALSE OR MISLEADING ADVERTISING) or (PRODUCT SAFETY)) and (WOUNDS & INJURIES) or DAMAGES or (DISEASES & DISORDERS) or (RESPIRATORY DISEASE)) and (crime or crimes or criminal or fraud or lie or lies or lying or deceive or deceived or deceit or deception or misrepresent or misrepresented or misrepresentation or duplicity or duplicitous))