Appendix [insert number]
NOTE: information provided in this Questionnaire is for information purposes only and will not be evaluated.
Guidelines for Completion
Aims and Objectives of the Supplier Readiness Assessment
The Supplier Readiness Assessment will be used by [Institution]to understand how ready and able the supplier organisation is to participate in the eProcurement Scotland.
Essentially, this will provide:
- an indication of what effort and resources will be required to ensure successful enablement
- an early indication of any technical or other barriers which will hinder successful enablement
- an early indication of other public sector organisations that may need to informed about your involvement in the programme
- an understanding of the degree of resources and time involved post enablement – associated with the maintenance of content in the system
- essential contact names and contact details within the supplier organisation to ensure effective and regular communication is maintained between parties
- confirmation of supplier details for order transmission by the PECOS eProcurement system
Completing this Questionnaire
This questionnaire is split into five sections:
1.Basic information – contact details etc
2.General Trading Data
3.e-Business/eProcurement awareness, strategy and experience
4.Catalogue Information – existing capability and future plans
5.Non-Catalogue Information – On-line Booking capability (if applicable)
These sections have been split onto separate pages to allow you to distribute each section to the relevant individual within your organisation. We suggest that a commercial or sales director will be able to complete sections 1-3, and that the eCommerce manager or IT Director should complete sections 4 or 5 as applicable.
The questionnaire is designed to capture a high-level overview of your organisation’s existing capability and future plans for electronic trading. We do not envisage that the completion of this questionnaire will be either difficult or time-consuming: it is more important to give an indication of the answer to each question quickly, rather than to leave a blank response or spend significant time to find the precisely accurate detail.
V2 12 December 2007
Section 1- Basic InformationName of supplier:
Address 1
Address 2
Tel No:-
Address 3 / Fax No:-
Post Code / E-mail:-
Contact details of the individuals responsible for decision making regarding e-procurement:
Commercial Manager
Contact Name:
Fax No.
E-mail: / I.T. Director/ eCommerce Manager
Contact Name:
Fax No.
Category of products/services supplied:
What is your company’s DUNS number ? (Dun and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System)?
Do you have a web site? Yes / No
If yes, please give the URL:
Does this site contain your product catalogue?
Yes / No / If yes, can orders be placed through this site?
Yes / No
What is your level of ICT capability?
- No ICT capability
- 1-2 staff members responsible for ICT
- Small ICT Team (3-9 staff members)
- Large ICT Team (10+ staff members)
- Rely on external resources
Section 2 – General Trading Data
With how many customers (in total) do you currently use eCommerce to receive orders and payment ?
Can you receive orders via the following methods? / Can you send invoices via the following methods?
- Fax
- Post
- Telephone
- Other (please state)
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No / % Split / Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No / % Split
Are you able to accept payment through:
- a Purchasing card?
- a monthly-consolidated invoice?
Section 3 - E-Business Strategy and E-Procurement Experience
Do you have an eBusiness strategy?
Yes / No
If yes, please provide any information related to this strategy :
- initiatives/projects
- integration to existing systems
- level of financial commitment
- dedicated resources
- time-scales
Who is responsible for the Implementation of the eBusiness strategy?
If applicable, please give contact details:
Are there any current initiatives or plans to be implemented within the next 12 months?
Yes / No
If yes, please provide some details and state whether these may impact upon the readiness to participate in eProcurement with Scottish Executive?
Explain any major obstacles you may have
(if applicable) to supplying your goods and services through an eProcurement system.
Do you currently trade through any form of electronic procurement or marketplace
(e.g. Ariba CSN, CommerceOne,, Oracle Exchange etc.)?
If so, state
- Names of Customers involved
- Names of Marketplaces
Section 4 – Catalogue Information
Do you currently have a catalogue – paper or electronic – which lists your product and/or services offering?If no, then please go to Section 5 – Non-Catalogue
If yes, please state the number of line items held in your catalogue?
With what frequency do you make changes
to the prices of the products and services?
Please tick the appropriate boxes:
Less frequently / To what proportion of your catalogue do these changes relate?
With what frequency do you make modifications, additions or deletions to the specification/description of the products
and services?
Please tick the appropriate boxes
Less frequently / To what proportion of your catalogue do these changes relate?
Where is product and price information held within your organisation?
Please tick all that apply:
Excel spreadsheets
Master Product Database
Dedicated Catalogue Management System If so, which system?
ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) system
Who is responsible for this information contained within your paper catalogue? - department , individual(s) or third party provider
Do you currently have an electronic catalogue that is used for trading?
If not please go to: Section 5 - FutureState - Catalogue .
If yes, please tick all which apply:
- eProcurement hosted Catalogue
- Transactional customer facing website
- CD Rom catalogue
Does the structure of your catalogue follow any standard classification coding (UNSPSC, eCl@ss, etc.)? If so, which and which version?
Do you deliver different catalogue file formats to different customers?
Yes / No / If so, please state the file formats you support?
Do you currently have multimedia descriptions of your products?
Yes / No
If yes, please tick all that apply:
- Product Specific Images
- Videos
- Attachments – free text or data attachments
- URL links to other on-line information
Who currently maintains your electronic catalogue?
Please give a brief description of the maintenance process
What is the estimated time allocated to this maintenance activity on a weekly basis?
Please indicate your future plans and approx timescales for trading through electronic catalogues, in terms of creating:
- CD ROM catalogues
- eProcurement buyer specific catalogues
- Online/web-based catalogue
- Capability to connect website to buyer eProcurement site (“Punch Out”)
- 1 -
Section 5 – Non-CatalogueDo you have a standard booking form which customers are required to complete when raising an order? Yes / No
If so please attach a copy of the form
Do you currently accept the booking forms by email? Yes / No
Do you have an on-line booking system in place? Yes / No
If so please give details, including URL?
If no, do you have any plans for developing an on-line booking system? Yes / No
If so, what are the timescales for this activity?