Division of Nephrology Publications

Anjali Acharya, MD

Original Articles

Coritsidis G, Sutariya D, Stern A, Gupta G, Stafford J, Arora R, Balmir S and Acharya A; Does timing of dialysis in ESRD patients with acute myocardial infarcts affect morbidity or mortality? Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2009 Aug; 4(8):1324-30

Zaidi M, Singh N, Kamran M, Ansari N, Nasr SH, Acharya A; Letter to the Editor entitled Response to Multiorgan involvement of vasculitis: Henoch-Schönlein purpura alone or polyangiitis overlap syndrome?, Kidney International 74, 828-829 (29 August 2008) doi:10.1038/ki.2008.278 Letter to the Editor

Zaidi M, Singh N, Kamran M, Ansari N, Nasr SH, Acharya A; Acute onset of hematuria and proteinuria associated with multiorgan involvement of the heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys, and skin in a patient with Henoch-Schönlein purpura, Kidney Int. 2008 Feb; 73(4):503-8. Epub 2007 Nov 21

Neugarten J, Acharya A, Lei J, Silbiger S.; “Selective Estrogen Recepetor Modulators Suppress Mesangial Cell Collagen Synthesis”, American Journal of Physiology, 2000 Aug; 279(2):F309-18

Neugarten J, Acharya A, Silbiger SR.; “Selective Effects of Gender on the progression of Non-diabetic renal disease: a meta-analysis”, J Am Soc Nephrol. 2000 Feb; 11(2):319-29

Glicklich D, Acharya A; “Mycophenolate Mofetil Therapy for Lupus Nephritis Refractory to Intravenous Cyclophosphamide”, Am J Kidney Dis. 1998 Aug; 32(2):318-22

Review Articles

Jim B, Sharma S, Kebede T, Acharya A. Hypertension in Pregnancy: a Comprehensive Update. Cardiology in Review. 2010 July/Aug;18(4):178-189.

Book Chapters

Acharya A, Jim B. “Chronic Kidney Disease in the Critically Ill Patient”, In: Kellum and Cerda’s Renal and Metabolic Disorders, in press


2001Naheed Ansari, Serban Fotino, Anjali Acharya; Secondary Amyloidosis of the kidneys can cause ESRD after 27 years of initial diagnosis ASN 34th Annual Renal Week Meeting.

2001Anjali Acharya, Naheed Ansari, Serban Fotino; Nephrotic Syndrome and stroke in a patient with Salmonella Enteriditis bacteremia ASN 34th Annual Renal Week Meeting.

2006George N Coritsidis, Aaron Stern, Anwar Khan, Sutariya, Anjali Acharya, Robin Arora, Serge Balmir, Stafford John and Garima Gupta; Does timing of dialysis in ESRD patients with acute myocardial infarcts affect morbidity or mortality?

ASN 39th Annual Renal Week Meeting.

2007Susan Hailpern, Robin Arora, Salman Waheed, Anjali Acharya; Clinical predictors of severity of proteinuria in a cohort of patients with Hepatitis C and proteinuria NKF Meetings

2007Nandita Singh, Naheed Ansari, Anjali Acharya; Severe hypokalemia and thyroid storm secondary to iodinated contrast NKF Meetings

2007Belinda Jim, Nandita Singh, Kwanghee Kim, Naheed Ansari, Kisra Anis, Peter Mundel, Anjali Acharya; sFlt-Fc Upregulates Synaptopodin Expression in Podocytes ASN 40th Annual Renal Week Meeting

2008Christopher Provenzano, Anjali Acharya; A case of metformin-associated lactic acidosis (MALA) in a chronic dialysis patient NKF Meetings

2008Muhammad Mustafa, Anjali Acharya; Interstitial nephritis as the only renal lesion with C-ANCA positive Wegener’s disease - an unusual renal presentation; NKF Meetings

2008Christopher R. Provenzano, Anjali Acharya; Acute proliferative glomerulonephritis as the result of catastrophic anti phospholipid syndrome (CAPS) NKF Meetings

2008Mythili Ghanta, Sriranga L Bonam, Rajan Kapoor, Anjali Acharya; Venous thromboembolism as the initial presentation of primary renal amyloidosis NKF Meetings

2008Coritsidis G, Mayne TJ, Acharya A, Gitlin M, Gnanasekaran A, Stanescu C, Bonam S, Ganta M, Anis K, Thompson N, Joseph N, Dungca C, Shahata H, Tannenberg A, Gupta G, Pogue V, Gilbertson D, Collins A., and the HHC Dialysis Research Group (DRG); Dialysis Care in New York City: The Intersection of National and Local Data: ASN 41st Annual Renal Week Meeting.

2008Belinda Jim, Tulio Matos, David Garry, Anjali Acharya, Mian Samia, Mireia Castillo, Christopher Provenzano, Pascale Jean-Louis; Urinary Podocyte Excretion as a Marker for Preeclampsia and Other High Risk Pregnancy States: ASN 41st Annual Renal Week Meeting.

2009Acharya A, Stanescu C , Bonam S, Puram A, Zelkowitz M, Anis K , Gupta G, Mihaltses J, Coritsidis G; Baseline Demographic and Biochemical Characteristics of Dialysis Population in Two New York City’s Health and Hospital Corporation (HHC) Hospitals Compared with the USRDS Population: NKF Meetings.

2009Marc Zelkowitz, Sri Bonam, Nandita Singh, Salman Waheed, Ashok Talreja, Flavio Rivera, Ofer Sagiv, Jay Gross, Hillel Cohen and Anjali Acharya; CKD and Incidence of Arrhythmias in Patients with Internal Cardiac Defibrillators: NKF Meetings

2009 Mallappallil M,Acharya A, , Coritsidis G, Gitlin M, Gnanasekaran I, Naheed Ansari, Pogue V, Thompson N, Shahata H, Tannenberg A, Vijay Nandi, David Vlahov, and Mayne TJ,Catheter time can be long in large urban public health hospitals : ASN

2009Acharya A, , Coritsidis G, Gitlin M, Gnanasekaran I, Idalia Alaniz, Pogue

V, Thompson N, Mallappallil M, Shahata H, Pogue V,Tannenberg A,

Mathew Thomas, Vijay Nandi , David Vlahov, Mathew Gitlin ,and Mayne

TJ, New York Public Health Hospitals Have High Levels Of Uninsured

Patients, Predicting Poor Pre-Dialysis Care:ASN

2009 Shuchita Sharma, Marc Zelkowitz, Ganesh Kambhampati, Sri L.

Bonam,Jay Gross, Hillel W.Cohen, Anjali Acharya; Ejection Fraction, Kidney Function and Arrythmias in Patients with Automatic Internal Cardiac Defibrillators: NKF

2010 Tewabe Kebede, Mohan Pamerla, Shuchita Sharma, Anjali Acharya:

Intradialytic Use of Heparin: Is Heparin Necessary For Stable Chronic Hemodialysis Treatments?:NKF

2010 Egbosimba, C. Florence1, Hannah Nelson2, Praneetha Puskuri2, and

Anjali Acharya:Cost Assessment of Patients with Excessive Hospital Staysin an InnerCityHospital: NKF

2010Praneetha Puskuri MD, Zaher Hamadeh MD, Jolina Santos MD, Anjali Acharya MD: Bulimia as a cause of metabolic alkalosis in a patient with chronic kidney disease: NKF

2010 Zaher Hamadeh, Pu Zong, Manish Ramesh and Anjali Acharya,

Assessing and Tracking Impact of Use of Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate in an InnerCityHospital: ASN

2011 Zaher Hamadeh, Mamatha Chella, Naheed Ansari, Anjali Acharya. Cardiac Arrest Secondary to Bilateral Pulmonary Embolism Following Arteriovenous Fistula Thrombectomy.

2011 Sophie Kwok,Mamatha Chella, Anjali Acharya. Dialysis is Not Indicated Immediately After Contrast in End Stage Renal Disease Patients on Hemodialysis.


2002Valentin Zaharia, Naheed Ansari, Sorin Beca, Anjali Acharya; Elevation of Pancreatic Enzymes in Acute Renal Failure JASN

(Pub 097)

2002Naheed Ansari, Anjali Acharya; A strange case of pyelonephritis without pyuria and rapidly progressive renal failure JASN (Pub 040)

2003Anjali Acharya, Serban Fotino, Naheed Ansari, Kisra Anis; Second episode of necrotizing P ANCA associated RPGN presenting 20 years after complete remission of first episode of RPGN in a patient with Systemic Sclerosis JASN (Pub 123)

2003Naheed Ansari, Anjali Acharya, Kisra Anis, Valentin Zaharia; Hepatitis B associated MPGN with crescents and rapid progression to ESRD JASN (Pub 117)

2008Sri Ranga Bonam, Mythili Ghanta, Mekdess Abebe, Christopher Provenzano, Anjali Acharya; CMV Infection of the Hypothalamus Causing Central Diabetes Insipidus JASN (Pub 023)

2008 George N. Coritsidis, Anjali Acharya, Isaiarasi Gnanasekaran, Catherine

Stanescu, Garima Gupta, Sri Bonam, Hani Shahata, Nathan Thompson, Mary Mallappallil, Nathan Joseph, Alf Tannenberg, Jen-Tse Cheng, Consuelo Dungca, Ganta Mythili; Health and Hospitals Corporation of New York City (HHC) Outcome Data: Population Variability Compared to the USRDS Population May Explain Outcome Differences JASN (Pub 388)

2010 George Coritsidis,Anjali Acharya, Ross M. Miller, Kelly J. Ko, Akhtar

Ashfaq and Irene Agodoa; End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Prospective Payment System (PPS): Assessing and Tracking Impact on Hospital-Based Dialysis Centers (HBDCs):NKF