1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To consider Ward Councillors’ consultations on parking issues in Symes Rd.
2. Recommendation
2.1 It is recommended that the response to the Ward Councillors consultation be noted and that the following works be approved for implementation
i) No waiting at any time at the junction of the cul de sac serving nos. 5 -21 Symes Road as shown on the attached plan
ii) Install timber bollards to prevent parking on the grass area alongside no.93 Symes Road
3. Information
3.1 Following comments from residents, the Ward Councillors distributed consultation letters to residents in the north-western section of Symes Road asking for their views on traffic and parking issues in their road.
3.2 There had been concerns about parking on both sides of the bend between Nos 58 and 70 Symes Road and residents were asked whether they would support waiting restrictions around the inside of the bend.
Support waiting restrictions / Do not support waiting restrictions56.3% / 25.4%
Amongst the residents that would be directly effected by the restrictions there was a slight majority against the suggestion. Ward Councillors felt that it would be appropriate to write to the residents in this stretch of Symes Road pointing out that there were requests for waiting restrictions outside their homes and inviting them to consider parking off street to avoid the need to impose restrictions.
3.3 Parking close to the junction with the cul de sac serving nos. 5-19 obstructs visibility and residents were asked whether they would support waiting restrictions at the junction.
Support waiting restrictions / Do not support waiting restrictions67.6% / 19.7%
Restrictions here would not effect many residents directly. One of these residents has voted against the suggestion but it is suggested that these restrictions should be advertised to improve safety at the junction.
3.4 Residents were invited to indicate whether they feel that traffic calming is needed in Symes Road.
Support Traffic Calming / Do not support Traffic Calming54.9% / 33.8%
Traffic calming measures would be too costly for the Area Committee to fund and a bid would need to be made for funding from the Council’s Capital Programme. Funding is targeted at locations with a history of injury accidents and it is unlikely that a traffic calming scheme could be justified for several years.
3.5 Residents were also asked whether they would support waiting restrictions at other cul de sac junctions.
Support waiting restrictions / Do not support waiting restrictions63.4% / 18.3%
It is suggested that this proposal could be considered as a candidate for funding in future years.
3.6 Ward Members have received complaints about parking on the area of grass alongside no 93 Symes Road, which causes damage to the grass and can obstruct access to the adjoining garage court. The consultation indicated that the majority of the local residents would support measures to protect the grass. It is suggested that timber bollards be installed to prevent parking on the grass. The Area Committee budget can be used to fund this work.
Acting Head of Transportation Services
Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact
Steve Dean (01202) 262071