The Pink Cup

Breast Cancer

Challenge 2016

Tift Regional Medical Center Breast Center

Tift Regional Foundation

The Pink Cup Foundation

Team Captain’s Manual

2016 Pink Cup Breast Cancer Challenge

Calendar & Deadlines

Event Day Schedule

Event Rules

Athlete Participation


Map of Field

Team Waiver

Team Grids (additional attachment)

Team Score Card (additional attachment)

The Pink Cup

2016 Breast Cancer Challenge


Monday, Oct. 10 Submit Team Registration Form and $100 deposit

Email team t-shirt order to

Meet deadline to receive 5 team points

Thursday, Oct. 20 Team Rosters, Team Grid, Team Donations, and Waivers due

Thursday, Oct. 20, 7pm Mandatory Team Captain or Team Rep meeting at Spurlin & Spurlin Conference room, attend and receive 5 team points

Saturday, October 22 The Pink Cup Breast Cancer Challenge, 8:00-3 pm, Tift

County High School- Teams may set up a tent if desired

The Pink Cup 2016- Master Schedule for Event Day

8:00 – 8:45am Check in / Set up

8:45am Opening Remarks / Welcome

9:00am - 2:00pm Teams will be assigned a starting place that will be labeled as A, B, C…

You will rotate in alphabetical order throughout the challenge and as a

Team. Your team will rotate around to all events in ABC order according

To your starting point. For instance, if your starting location is station D,

You will rotate to station E when the horn blows. If you rotate to a station

That is labeled as Beast Only and your team is Corporate then you will

Have a break for that event but will then rotate accordingly to your next


11:30 -12:30 Lunch will be provided donations accepted but not necessary. Lunch will

consist of Hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, and cookies. Water will also be

available. Members of your team can go grab lunch at any time during

this hour. Event rotation will continue during this time, so you will have

to figure out when each member can go eat.

12:00 – 1:30 Final event rotations

1:30 ~ 3:00 Awards / Closing Remarks / Clean Up

The Pink Cup

2016 Breast Cancer Challenge

General Event Rules

1.  If a challenge calls for 2 men and 2 women, teams may use more women but cannot use more men for the challenge. For example, if it calls for 2 females and 2 males, you may use 3 or 4 females but not 3 or 4 males. Children may be used in place of adults if you so choose.

2.  You only have 15 minutes to complete each challenge. It is very important that you know the event rules before competing in that event. Failure to complete the challenge in the allotted time will result in 5 minutes being added to your time.

3.  Points are given based on who completes the challenge the fastest or who achieves the most points in that challenge. See scoring section for complete details.

4.  Children’s events will follow the same rules as the adults. Children’s event will begin immediately following the adult event. In some instances, children’s event will run simultaneously with adult events.

5.  In the event of a tie, total number of points will be tallied at the end of the day for total accumulation of points scored during the entire challenge. If a tie still remains at the end of all events a team tug of war will take place. This team must consist of 10 members, and must include at least 4 females. If more than one team is tied, a coin flip will determine who gets the bye in the tug of war.

6.  Volunteer Judges will monitor the course to ensure that all participants follow the event rules. Failure to complete each challenge as instructed may result in disqualification from that particular event.

7.  If an event rule is not followed, your team will be disqualified from the event resulting in 0 points for that challenge. If an event judge gives you a verbal warning during the competition you will receive a 2-point deduction or a 30 second penalty (whichever applies to that challenge) per warning from your overall team score on that event.

Specific Event Rules

Cross Word Puzzle / Word Search Puzzle / Thirty Piece Puzzle (Corporate Only)

1.  3 team members may compete in this challenge.

2.  The fastest completion time wins.

3.  This is a timed event.

Cell Phone Scavenger Hunt (Pink City- Set up around Track & Field areas)

1.  Teams will be given a list of things to do after opening ceremonies, pictures to take, and places to go on the TCHS Campus.

2.  This challenge is a timed event; all teams will begin this challenge at the same time. The first team to finish all events, with ALL pictures, wins 1st place. Timed event.

Banner Decorating Contest (Corporate Only)

1.  2-3 team members may participate.

2.  Each team will be given a white banner at opening ceremonies that they are responsible to decorate to represent a message from their team for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

3.  Each team will be given a 1-gallon zip lock bag prior to October 22. Items can only be brought to decorate your banner if they fit into the zipped 1-gallon zip lock bag. No additional items can be used for decorating your banner. (If it doesn’t fit into the 1-gallon bag you cannot use it at the challenge). Hint- Preparation is the key.

4.  Bags will be checked by event judges at the conclusion of opening ceremonies.

5.  Banners will be judged by 3 event Judges (non-participants in the challenges) and places will be given

One-Mile Relay (Beast) One-Half Mile Relay (Corporate)

1.  4 Players on each team will participate (must have at least 2 females).

2.  Each player will run 1 lap in the one-mile relay or ½ lap in the ½ mile relay.

3.  Finish times will be determined by the fastest mile / ½ mile time.

4.  This is a timed event

Obstacle Course (Beast and Corporate)

1.  4 players from a Beast team (must include 2 females) or 1 player from a Corporate team, will run the course.

2.  At the time of this publication, the specific elements of the obstacle course are still being developed. However, we can tell you that the difficulty is moderate/hard to allow most anyone to complete the course. Elements may include running, crawling, rolling, hurdles, tunnels, tire flips, and agility moves.

3.  One team will complete the course per heat.

4.  This is a timed event.

Sod Surfing / Bi-Sod Surfing (Corporate/Beast)

1.  4 players from a Corporate team will participate on single sods (at least 2 females), and 8 players from a Beast team will participate on bi-sods (at least 4 females).

2.  The race will begin with participants lined up and standing on a pair of sods which are long 2x6’s with ropes attached through drilled holes.

3.  Each participant will hold on to ropes, which extend vertically from each sod surfer and allow them to pull the sod surfer tightly to their feet.

4.  The object is to move as a team by walking in unison and keeping the sod surfer in constant contact with feet by maintaining constant tension on the pull ropes. Teams will complete one entire lap by turning at the halfway point and returning to the start/finish line.

5.  The course will be approximately 30 yards long.

6.  Teams must clear the plane of the line that marks the halfway point before turning around.

7.  This is a timed event.

Bra Pong (Beast and Corporate)

1.  10 team members will participate (5 males, 5 females).

2.  Each participant will have 2 ping pong balls. Participants will then each throw their ball at the Bra Pong board from a distance of at least 8 feet trying to ring the bra cups. Each cup may be worth a different amount of points.

3.  Points will be tallied after participants. If a ball falls out of a cup, that ball does not count.

3-Legged Race (Beast and Corporate)

1.  4 participants from each team will participate (at least 2 females).

2.  2 pairs of team members (1 male, 1 female) will begin the relay standing behind a line at either end of the course with their legs tied together.

3.  The course is approximately 30 yards long.

4.  At the whistle, the starting pair of teammates must travel the distance to the midway point.

5.  After the pair completely crosses the midway line, they must tag out with their teammates.

6.  The race is finished once the second pair of teammates completely crosses the finish line.

7.  Participants must move on their own power the entire distance. No team member may carry, lift and or drag his or her partner at any time. Legs must remain tied for the entire race, if they come untied, participants must re-tie their legs together before finishing.

8.  This is a timed event.

Blind Football (Beast and Corporate)

1.  4 players from each team will participate (at least 1 female), may include 1 child.

2.  Positions will include: Quarter Back, Center, Retriever, and ball boy/girl.

3.  The object is to complete as many passes as possible in 60 seconds.

4.  The quarter back is blindfolded.

5.  The center lines up normally; however, the Quarterback lines up with his back to the Center to receive the snap from the center (butt to butt).

6.  When the Quarterback receives the snap from the Center, he attempts to complete a pass to his receiver in any manner. Chucking it over the shoulder is acceptable.

7.  The receiver is approximately 30 feet away and cannot cross the distance line to receive a pass.

8.  The ball boy or girl assists in retrieving loose balls.

4 x 50 Scrub Change Relay

1.  4 participants from each team will participate (at least 2 females).

2.  Each participant will run one 50-yard leg of a 4x50 yard relay on the track wearing oversized scrubs.

3.  The race will begin with the scrubs laid on the ground. The first participant must put on the scrubs and run his or her leg. S/he must then pass the scrubs on to the next runner, who must put on the entire outfit before beginning his/her leg of the relay.

4.  Each runner must have the entire outfit on before beginning to run. Both arms and legs must be inside the arms and legs of the outfit.

5.  Each runner must cross into a two-yard “change zone” before beginning to remove any articles of the outfit. Participants will hand off the outfit in the “change zone.”

6.  All runners will begin from a standing start. Participants must wear shoes.

7.  All runners must stay within their assigned lanes. Interference with other runners or their outfits will result in disqualification.

8.  This is a timed event.

Chemo Relay (Beast and Corporate)- Using only 2 lanes of the track

1.  5 participants from each team will participate (at least 2 females)

2.  The race will begin with all 5 participants standing at the start line with a backpack to hold your supplies. Your backpack will include 40 pounds (to represent an average, in pounds, of how much chemo meds a breast cancer patient receives during treatment), a pink t-shirt, saline bag, tubing, do-rag, surgical hat, and a port)

3.  At the whistle, participants will load up their backpack with their supplies, decide which participant is the patient and have them put on the pink t-shirt to become the pink patient. The shirt must be completely on with arms and head in the appropriate holes before leaving the first station.

4.  Participants must link arms/elbows and run to station 2 for Chemotherapy.

5.  At the chemotherapy station, the patient will sit in the wheelchair, participants must get the saline bag, tubing, and port out of the backpack, link it together and pin it onto your patient’s chest while hanging the saline bag onto the IV pole. Place the do-rag onto the patient’s head. You must complete the hook up before pushing the patient in the wheelchair along with the IV pole to station 3 for your mastectomy.

6.  Once you reach station 3 participants should remove the do-rag placing it inside of the backpack, retrieve the surgical hat from the backpack and place it on the patient’s head, and transfer them to the gurney to be rolled into surgery. Participants will also continue to push the IV Pole but leave the wheelchair at station 3. Participants must wheel the patient and other equipment to station 4 for reconstruction.

7.  At station 4, remove the patient from the gurney, put the surgical hat, saline bag, tubing, and port back into the backpack. Participants will then carry the Re-CONSTRUTED TA-TA’S to the finish line, place the TA-TA’s in the rack, place all equipment in their appropriate place on the table and call for time.

8.  The chemo relay team may have a coach or two running along-side of their team to give verbal directions but cannot assist at any station at any time. Penalties will be added if rules are not followed precisely.

9.  This is a timed event.

Pink Work out of the Day

1.  Two participants from each team (at least one female) will participate in a tag team approach for this event. This event will be completed across the width of a football field in suicide style. Each participant will complete 25 reps then sprint to your partner make a hand tag for them to complete their 25 for the set. This method will be used for all exercises in this WOD.