TH 11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Fall 2009

Room: (TBA)

Dr. Steve Yeaton, Instructor

Office Phone: (513) 244-8182

Home Phone: (812) 933-0745

Cell Phone: (812) 212-2050




The ministry program at CincinnatiChristianUniversity seeks to produce, through education and training, vocational and avocational church leaders. Vocational leaders will be expected to communicate effectively from the pulpit. Preaching is not only a major part of the church program; it is the method God has chosen to evangelize the world and to disciple His church.


1)The student will become familiar with the terminology and methods associated with the art and science of homiletics.

2)The student will come to appreciate the potential of excellent preaching as well as learn to become a lifelong student of sound, expositional preaching.

3)The student should be able to prepare and deliver sermons according to the procedures and patterns taught in class.

Class Agenda


Aug27Introduction to Class and Definitions

Sep 1Basic Types of SermonsBP, ch. 1

Basic Parts of the Sermon

3Stage One: Selecting a PassageBP, pp. 51-58

Stage Two: Studying the PassageBP, pp. 58-66

Assignment for next session: Study your assigned passage (use 3

translations, 3 commentaries, take good notes on your passage)

8Stage Three: Discovering the Exegetical

IdeaBP, pp. 66-72

Stage Four: Analyzing the Exegetical IdeaBP, pp. 73-100

10Stage Five: Formulating the Homiletical

IdeaBP, pp. 101-106

Assignment for next session: Write your homiletical idea

15Stage Six: Determining the PurposeBP, pp. 107-131

Stage Seven: How to Accomplish the


17Stage Eight: Outlining the SermonBP, pp. 131-137

Assignment for next session: Outline your sermon

22 Review and Discussion of Outlines

24Stage Nine: Filling in the OutlineBP, pp. 139-164

BP, ch. 9

Assignment for next session: Fill in your outline (bring 3 potential

illustrations for your sermon)

Robinson Book Review Due

29Stage Ten: Introduction and ConclusionBP, ch. 8

Assignment for next session: Write out your introduction and

conclusion (does your sermon answer the “So what?” question?)

Oct. 1Delivery of a SermonBP, ch. 10

Sermon Notebook #1 Due

6Sermon Review/Discussion

McDill Book Review Due

8No Class: Fall Break

13 Sermon #1 (All sermons are due on this date)

15Sermon #1

20Sermon #1

22Mid-Term Review/

Sample Sermon Studies


29Listening to the Sermon

Analyzing Your Audience

Nov. 3Voice in Preaching

Enhancing Your Style/Alternate Structural Forms

5Integrity in Preaching

Sermon Series and Study Groups

Sermon Notebook #2 Due

10Sermon #2

12Sermon #2

17Sermon #2

19Challenges of Preaching

Preaching Weddings and Funerals

24 A Theology of Preaching

Review of Exegesis and Exposition

Mohler Review Due

26No Class: Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 1Sermon #3

3 Sermon #3

8Sermon #3

10Discussion of Sermon Reviews

Discussion of Outside Preaching Experiences

Sermon Reviews Due

Report of Outside Preaching Experience Due

14-17Final Exam


1)In preparation for Sermon #1 and Sermon #2 each student will maintain a notebook demonstrating implementation of each of the sermon preparation stages discussed in class. The notebook should contain:

  1. Notes taken during the study portion of the sermon development (to include bibliographical information of resources used). This portion should entail your personal thoughts and reflections on the passage, as well as notes taken from at least 3 separate commentaries.
  1. Rough drafts of your exegetical idea
  1. Rough drafts of your homiletical idea
  1. Rough drafts of your outline development
  1. Collection of illustrations (this can be notes, articles, photocopies, etc.)
  1. Rough drafts of your introduction and conclusion
  1. Complete sermon

The notebooks will be turned in periodically for review by the professor. Completed notebooks will be turned in October 1stand November 5th.

2)For each sermon students will submit to the professor a manuscript outline. Outlines will be due on the first day of the sermon cycle.

3)Students will prepare two book reviews for the text by Robinson and for the text by Mohler. Each review must be 4-5 pages. Only 1/3 should be focused on summary, and the other 2/3 on what the student gained from reading the book. The reviews are due:

Robinson: October 2th(must have reading statement form attached)

Mohler: November 24th(must have reading statement form attached)

4)Sermon Reviews: Over the course of the semester each student will listen and keep notes on sermons heard in chapel, at church, or in other such venues. The due date for this assignment is December 10th. Your notebook must include the following on each sermon (no more than 1 page per sermon):

  1. Sermon Title
  1. Text of the sermon (if any)
  1. Big idea (as much as you can determine it)
  1. Outline (just the main points)
  1. Sentence or two discussing the conclusion
  1. One paragraph evaluation on the overall effectiveness of the sermon.

Your grade will be determined, in part, by the number of sermons you review:

23-25 Sermons – A range (Up to 5 can be video)

20-22 Sermons – B range (Up to 4)

17-19 Sermons – C range (Up to 3)

14-16 Sermons – D range (Up to 2)

Fewer than 14 – F

5)Outside Preaching Experience: Each student will arrange to preach outside of class one time during the course of the semester. The student can use one of the sermons prepared for class or another sermon of his choosing. An evaluation form must be completed by 3 people in the audience. Places to fulfill this assignment will be discussed in class. This assignment is due December 10th.

Exams and Tests

A test reviewing the stages of sermon preparation will be given on October 27th. The final exam will be comprehensive in scope.

Class Policies

1)Attendance is expected of all students. Regardless of the reason for an absence, the student is responsible to make up all work missed. The policy regarding absenteeism as detailed in the college catalog will be followed.

2)Due dates for assignments represent the last day an assignment can be submitted. Assignments not submitted by the due date will receive an automatic “F”. Students are strongly encouraged to complete assignments early in the semester so that unforeseen circumstances, which invariably arise, will not prevent the students from completing their work.

3)All assignments are to be typed. Papers more than one page must be stapled. Papers turned in without a staple will receive an automatic and irreversible 5-point deduction.

4)The professor reserves the right to alter or revise this plan.


Grades will be computed according to the following formula:

10%Sermon #1

5%Notebook #1

10% Sermon #2

5% Notebook #2

15%Sermon #3

15%Sermon Reviews

5%Test #1

10%Final Exam

10%Outside Preaching Experience

10%Robinson Review

5%Mohler Review


Haddon Robinson, Biblical Preaching

R. Albert Mohler, Jr., He Is Not Silent: Preaching in a Postmodern World
Statement of Reading Form

(Make a copy for each review)

Book: ______

I have read:

______100% of the book

______At least 75% of the book (-20 points)

______At least 50% of the book (-40 points)

______At least 25% of the book (-60 points)

______Less than 25% of the book (-80 points)

Signed: ______