PCM 14th December 2015
Present: Councillors: Barnshaw, Mrs Belli, Cosker, Edwards, Gallagher,
Mrs Garner (chairman), Mrs Hopkins, Kenyon, Williams
Clerk: Mrs Smith,
1. 1. Apologies for absence. (Reasons to be given to the Clerk in advance of the meeting)2. Apologies were received from Cllr’s Mrs Barnshaw, Mrs Cooke, Cooke, Mrs Mason and Orford.
4. 2. Declarations of interest for any agenda item.
Cllr Gallagher declared a personnel interest in item 6.
6. 3. Signing of the minutes. To accept the Clerk’s notes from the meeting held on 9th November and 16th November 2015.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Edwards that the minutes of 9th November 2015 were a true record of the meeting and they were agreed to be signed.
All agreed. Carried.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Garner and seconded by Cllr Cosker that the minutes of 16th November 2015 were a true record of the meeting and they were agreed to be signed.
All agreed. Carried.
7. 4. Matters arising from the last meeting. To discuss and look at the action list.
Cllr Cosker commented that in the last meeting under item 6 there was no mention of the Community Speed Watch (CSW) which was discussed with highways. Where you have a speed indicator sign / device that you can more around the village. He would like to see this initiative taken on by the Parish Council.
5. Planning Committee. To accept the Clerk’s notes from the meeting held on the 24th November 2015.
It was proposed by Cllr Cosker and seconded by Cllr Barnshaw that the minutes of the planning meeting on the 24th November were a true record of the meeting and they were agreed to be signed.
All agreed. Carried.
6. Discuss the Local Plan. Cllr Cosker
Cllr Gallagher left the meeting.
Cllr Cosker confirmed that all councillors had been sent a copy of the Councils input to the Local Plan.
Concerns were made about the possible 64% increase in housing and what will happen to Waddington as a village if lower Waddington comes within the Lincoln urban area and Waddington East as a Village. It was mentioned that the parishioners were not aware of the local plan and what affect it was going to have on Waddington.
Cllr Mrs Belli informed that the Head of Redwood Drive Primary School did not know about the Local Plan.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Mrs Garner that they go out of session to allow the District Councillors to speak.
All agreed. Carried.
Cllr Cawrey informed that there had already been a 1st and 2nd draft consultation, but there would be a third draft published for consultation.
Cllr Pennell informed that NKDC had done lots of advertising about the Local Plan, in the Echo, NK News, website, Posters etc.
Cllr Cawrey commented that the best way for Parishes to have a say on developments is for them to have a Neighbourhood Plan.
It was proposed by Cllr Barnshaw and seconded by Cllr Mrs Garner that they go back into session.
It was discussed how the Parish Council could communicate better with the parishioners about things like the Local Plan, such as social media and leaflet drops.
It was proposed by Cllr Cosker and seconded by Cllr Barnshaw that they have a meeting outside of the Parish Council meeting to discuss what needs to be done. The Planning Committee was proposed as the best way.
All agreed. Carried.
Cllr Gallagher re-entered the meeting.
7. Grass Cutting. To discuss the quotes received for the grass cutting contract for 2016.
It was proposed by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr Barnshaw that they try the new company for the next year, as although they were more, they proposed more specifications and were a local firm.
5 Agreed. 4 Against. Carried.
It was agreed that the Clerk would however, try and see if the quote could be reduced in some way.
8. Parish Council Land on Bar Lane. To discuss the proposal of hiring out for car parking.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Cosker that the leave the area as it is, but that they review it in 6 months time and some extra bollards are added to stop people blocking the gate to the church and parking on near the memorials.
All agreed. Carried.
9. Queen’s birthday Fete. Update from the first meeting.
The Councillors were all given a list of what was discussed at the last meeting.
10. Severe Weather. Update and any further action.
The posters had been put up and put on facebook. It was agreed that an email address should be added to the poster and Councillors would help distribute.
11. Report from the Project Assistant.
The Councillors were given a copy of the report from the Project Assistant.
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence.
The Clerk informed that the Parish Council Office will be closed after work on the 22nd December and start back on Monday 4th January. The office staff will cover the period with bank holiday and their own holidays.
Some work has been carried out in the Community Hub, the bank of light switches has been moved out of the office to outside it so that people do not have to go in the office and disturb the LCVYS staff and the old boiler has been removed from the cleaning cupboard making more room.
The Clerk and Admin Assistant will attending a meeting with other LAPS staff and NKDC staff on Tuesday 12th January at 2pm.
13. Finance.
(a) Finance Meeting and Precept. To accept the Clerks notes from the Finance Meeting on 23rd November 2015 and discuss and accept the budget / precept set by the Finance Committee.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Mrs Garner that the minutes of the Finance Meeting on the 23rd November were a true record of the meeting and were agreed to be signed.
All agreed. Carried.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Garner and seconded by Cllr Barnshaw that they add £5,000 to the precept for the Queen’s birthday Fete.
6 Agreed, 1 Against, 2 Abstentions, Carried.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that they go ahead with the precept of £122,141 budgeted + £5,000 for the Queen’s birthday Fete + the difference for the grass cutting of £1,900, making it a total precept of £129,041.
8 Agreed, 1 Abstention. Carried.
(b) Pension – discuss the work place pension.
The Clerk explained about the meeting with the Johnson Fleming, and how it had been very informative. More work will be required every month than was originally thought. It was agreed that more local firms should be consulted.
(c) Monthly finance report – to receive and accept the monthly finance report.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Garner and seconded by Cllr Mrs Gallagher that the
finance report be accepted.
All agreed. Carried.
(d) Signing of cheques / BACS Payments. To resolve to sign cheques / authorise BACS payments listed by the RFO and certify invoices.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Garner and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that the
cheques and invoices should be signed.
All agreed. Carried.
14. Urgent matters for attention – Items which the Chairman is of the opinion should be discussed as a matter of urgency but no resolution can be made.
Cllr Cosker asked for Neighbourhood Plan to be put on the next agenda.
15. ‘In Camera’ item.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Mrs Garner that “In view of the special/confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.”
All agreed. Carried.
a. Staff.
Dog Warden.
It was agreed that Mark Taylor at NKDC should be contacted to find out the correct job description for a Parish Council Dog Warden, working under NKDC guidance.
Clerk’s Appraisal.
It was agreed that Cllr’s Barnshaw, Mrs Cooke and Cosker would do the Clerks appraisal and that Terms of Reference for the HR Committee would be raised at the next meeting.
Caretaker for the Community Hub.
To be reviewed at the next Parish Council meeting.
16. Date of the next meeting. The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Monday 11th January 2016 in Redwood Drive Community Centre.
Meeting closed at 9.40pm. / Action
Open Forum
PCSO Sarah Bell reported that during the period 9 Nov to 14 Dec 2015 there had been 2 crimes reported as follows:
Burglary Other 27 Nov 15 – off road motorcycle from garage on Somerville Close.
11 Dec 15 – Still saw and radio from garage on Rowan Road.
She also informed that PCSO Marcos Meneses had had a serious road traffic accident, he is still in hospital and will be off work for quite a while, therefore they are down a PCSO.
County Councillors
Cllr Mrs Talbot had sent her apologies.
District Councillors
Cllr Burley had sent his apologies.
Cllr Pennell wished everyone a Merry Christmas. He informed that the main thing in the West Ward is the Station Road flooding, which had been chased up by Cllr Talbot. The Officers at LCC had got back to them and informed them that it is land owners responsibility as the riparian owner. Home owners have filled in the culverts some with pipes. There was also mention of the condition of the ditches round Sidney Hall Field.
He informed that he was the Chairman of the Licensing Committee for North Kesteven, the Gambling Policy, statement of principles and the licensing policy statement have been out for consultation and they are on the agenda for this coming Thursday for ratification as part of the routine renewal. They also have out for consultation until the 16th January the drastically revised Taxi Licensing Policy, aiming for adoption by the beginning of April next year.
Also on the agenda for consideration on Thursday are changes to the garden waste charges, suggested changes are from £25 to £30 for the first bin and £10 to £12 for the second bin.
Cllr Cawrey informed that the corporate priority and budgets North Kesteven had a couple of events last week, they were quite well attended. These are the pre events before the consultation events that will take place in January, they would like as many people to come along, you will need to call and book with Esther Watts at North Kesteven.
Devolution of Lincolnshire, it will hopefully mean that we will get more powers and the government, George Osborne will be looking at some budget saving opportunities. The government is looking at us having a Major of Lincolnshire, it might replace the police and crimes commissioner as there will be some doubling up. The expression of interest was sent off in September and we are waiting to hear back for what the government says.
Cllr Gallagher informed that the dates for the budget consultation are Monday 25th Jan at Sleaford at 7pm and Wednesday 3rd Feb at North Kesteven School in the Terry O’Toole Theatre at 7pm. They have agreed the medium term financial strategy at the last executive meeting.
Bracebridge Heath, North Kesteven have granted planning permission that was very controversial at the end of Cannock Avenue at the bad bend, 120 houses. It will come out at Westminister Drive turn right onto Bath Road.
Cllr Cawrey informed that at the Budget consultation evenings it is not just North Kesteven that you can talk to but the Leader of Lincolnshire County Council will be there and they have invited the Police and Crime Commissioner, he is always invited but he has never attended.
Cllr Mrs Hopkins commented that there had been no RAF representative at the meeting for some months and could we write to them.
Finance Report for November 2015Current Account
Balance as at 1 November 2015 / £5,393.55
Transferred from deposit account / £5,000.00
Add Customer Payments
NKDC / £512.00
Booking Deposits / £50.00
Village Hall / £5,681.00
Redwood Drive / £20.00
Defibrillator contributions / £496.83
Burial Ground / £600.00
LCC - Grass Cutting / £3,619.38
Less Expenditure
NKDC / £3,527.63
PAYE for November 15 / £723.17
Wages for November 15 / £4,954.13
returned deposit / £50.00
D Hatchers & Sons / £1,618.80
Continental Landscapes / £860.44
Other expenses / £1,390.53
Balance as at 1 December 2015 / £8,248.06
Deposit Account
Balance as at 1 November 2015 / £30,374.94
transferred to current account / £5,000.00
Balance as at 1 December 2015 / £25,374.94
Accounts for Payment / Description / Amount
Lincoln Security / Keys Cut / £33.00
Staples / Ink Cartridges / £31.63
LRCS / Skip Exchange 17 Nov 15 / £125.00
LRCS / Skip Exchange 29 Oct 15 / £125.00
LRCS / Skip Exchange 30 Sep 15 / £125.00
ESPO / Mop Heads and Toilet brushes / £14.16
ESPO / cleaning products / £38.63
ESPO / Mops x 6 / £34.99
ESPO / Hand Soap, Paper clips and disinfectant / £62.79
ESPO / Protective clothing / £44.40
ESPO / door mat for Village Hall / £129.25
MB Electrical / move light switches / £422.40
EON / Street light maintenance / £695.38
EON / Street light repairs / £65.69
Total / £1,947.32
Accounts Paid Since Last Meeting
Total / £0.00
5 Chairman: