KY ACE Women’s Network in Higher Education

December 9, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. EST


Those present at the teleconference included:

  • Eastern Kentucky University – Rusty Carpenter and Sara Zeigler
  • Georgetown College – Rosemary Allen
  • Morehead State University –Janet McCoy
  • Transylvania University – Laura Bryan
  • University of Kentucky – Penny Cox, Sonja Feist-Price, Bessie Guerrant and Hollie Swanson
  • University of Louisville – Valerie Casey


Sonja called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone.

II.Approval of Minutes

Laura moved and Hollie seconded the minutes from November 4, 2016 be approved as written. Motion carried with no opposition.

III. Suggested Resources for our Network Website

Laura Bryan reviewed websites for other ACE Women’s Network Networks. Information posted on those websites include ACE programs, job postings, TED talks on leadership, and reading materials on leadership such as books and journal articles. See detailed report on page 3 of minutes. Laura noted the challenge of keeping a website up to date particularly relating to jobs and readings. Sonja thanked Laura for providing the report.

ACTION ITEM: Sonja will work with the new webmaster when he is in place and familiar with the organization regarding this report.

IV. Newest Member and Conference Planning Committee

Sonja welcomed Rusty Carpenter from Eastern Kentucky University to the Executive Council in his role as Conference Committee Chair. Rusty then shared a few words on why it was an honor to be involved with the organization and its mission.

Sonja noted that Sara Zeigler and Janet McCoy would serve with Rusty on the Conference Planning Committee.

V.Update on Conference Workshop at EKU on May 18, 2017

Rusty provided a status report from the Conference Planning Committee on the following items:

  • Dr. Salazar has been confirmed as the workshop facilitator. Travel arrangements are currently being worked out.
  • Dr. Salazar has reviewed and approved promotional materials on the website.
  • The registration page has been set up and is ready to go.
  • A tentative budget for the pre-conference workshop has been developed. It includes cost sharing of Dr. Salazar’s honorarium with the Provost at EKU. The projected cost to KANWHE to implement the event is $5,545. This includes expenses related to Dr. Salazar, consumable supplies, and the reception. Rusty noted it is important to monitor the number of people registering and to secure sponsorships as needed to cover costs.

Sonja thanked the committee for their work to date.

ACTION ITEM:A flyer for the event will be developed in-house at EKU. It will then be posted and distributed on the conference website, Facebook, LinkedIn, CPE’s Faculty Development Workgroup and other sources as appropriate.

VI. Finance Report

Bessie Guerrant reported the current balance is $825.61. Current income and expenditures are:

KANWHE Report on December 9, 2016 / Income / Expenditures
Funds brought forward from November 4, 2016 / $425.61
2016-2017 Membership Fee - Northern KY University / $300.00
2016-2017 Membership Fee - Transylvania University / $100.00
TOTAL / $825.61 / $0.00

VII.Other Businessand Announcements

  • Bessie reminded the group she is available to help people get on Facebook.
  • Sonja asked if the group would like to have another face-to-face meeting rather than a teleconference. It was suggested this happen prior to the workshop but not immediately.

VIII.Next Meeting and Adjournment

  • By consensus it was decided the next teleconference would be at 10 a.m. on January 13, 2017.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.

Suggested Resources for the Kentucky ACE Women's Network Website

by Laura Bryan

  1. Link to the ACE and ACE Women's Network websites. This could be just one link or we could link to specific ACE programs as well, e.g. ACE Fellows program. The ACE website also has various resources posted.
  1. Other general websites that were included on at least one website include the following:
  • American Association of University Women
  • National Women's Studies Association
  • Higher Education Resource Services
  • Harvard Graduate School of Education Professional Development for Educational Leaders
  • Higher Education Resources Services (HERS) Leadership Institute
  1. We may want to include job postings; I think the best approach is the method used in Vermont where there are links to the Human Resources websites at all of the state's colleges and universities. There were some other websites that had job posting but most of the postings were outdated or there were just a couple of postings. Obviously trying to keep up with current job postings from various sources would be very labor intensive. By linking to the university and college Human Resources websites, those looking for jobs would always have the most current information and we would just have to make sure that the links continue to work.

There is also a site called Women in Higher Education which had job postings which appeared to be current.

  1. One website had posted links to a couple of TED talks on leadership.
  1. We could certainly put together a list of key articles on leadership, networking, mentoring etc. as well. I found one list entitled Women and Leadership in Education but it is six years old. Perhaps someone from the Women's Studies Program or one of the librarians could help compile a bibliography.

Page 1 – J. McCoy, secretary