Student Assessment of Their Field Experience

Dear Student:

Your feedback is crucial to providing a quality field experience for future students. Please consider completing the attached survey. Competing the survey is completely voluntary. Youcan refuse to answer any and all questions. If you decide to not complete the survey, it will not be held against you in any way.

Your answers will be entered into a computer file and labeled withan identification number. Your name will not be reported with any information you provide. Information you provide will be combined with answers ofmany other students and reported in a summary form. All staff involved in this researchare committed to confidentiality and will not share your name or your responses to your field instructor or agency.

By completing this survey, you are affirming that you understand the survey is voluntary and confidential.

Please rate your field instructor on the following statements. If you had more than one field instructor or a field instructor and a task supervisor, choose the person that you spent the most time with. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

1=Strongly disagree. 2=Disagree. 3=Somewhat disagree. 4=Somewhat agree. 5=Agree. 6=Strongly agree. N/A=Not Applicable.

My Field Instructor . . . / SD
1 / D
2 / SWD
3 / SWA
4 / A
5 / SA
6 / N/A
clearly stated what was expected of me
made sure I spent the majority of my time doing professional social work activities
provided me with enough direction to complete a task adequately
created an environment in which I could openly
and safely discuss all aspects of my experience
challenged me to grow professionally
was an advocate for clients
listened and was open to my questions or feedback that challenged practice in the organization
taught me how to think critically
provided me with a manageable workload
provided me with opportunities for independent practice
was encouraging and supportive
provided regularly scheduled supervision that
focused on my development as a social worker
provided feedback on areas of improvement in a supportive manner
actively listened to me
honored my role as a student
provided substantial input into the development of my learning contract
seemed to think my learning contract was important
provided learning experiences which allowed me to practice and apply concepts, principles and
techniques learned in the classroom
asked me about my learning style
was very skilled at his or her job
was a good role model
was organized
was an effective field instructor

What did the instructor do that facilitated your learning?

What did your instructor do that got in the way of your learning?

What could you have done to better facilitate your leaning?

Now, think about other people in your field placement, like administrators and other staff members. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

They . . . / SD
1 / D
2 / SWD
3 / SWA
4 / A
5 / SA
6 / N/A
were good role models
were friendly and supportive of one another
encouraged and supported me
were committed to my learning
provided good physical resources for learning, such as office space, computer, supplies, telephone
helped orient me to the organization (e.g., mission, goals, funding sources, culture)
followed a mission that supports social work values and ethics
offered a full range of social work practice learning experiences

What are the pros of doing one’s field placement at this organization?

What are the cons of doing one’s field placement at this organization?

To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

My Coordinator . . . / SD
1 / D
2 / SWD
3 / SWA
4 / A
5 / SA
6 / N/A
encouraged me to share information
or concerns about my field experience
was accessible (e.g., responded promptly
to my emails or phone calls)
clearly explained his/her role to me
seemed interested in my learning
provided helpful input into my learning contract
provided substantial input into the development of my learning contract
had a basic understanding of what I was doing in my placement
clearly explained to me what would happen at each site visit
was receptive to my ideas or viewpoint
encouraged me to identify activities that would help me increase my cultural competency
met with my field instructor and me two times
helped create an atmosphere during site visits
that allowed me to openly andsafely discuss all aspects of my experience
if there was an issue, was effective in
helping me work through it
was an effective coordinator

BASW Demographic Information

Gender: MaleFemale

Age (in years):

Approximate number of years of full-time social work practice experience before beginning your most recent degree:

UI Anticipated Undergraduate GPA:

UISSW Center: Des MoinesIowa City

Name of your field experience organization:

Name of your field instructor (if you had more than one field instructor, choose the person that you spent the most time with):

Name of your UISSW coordinator: