Dec. 17th meeting in Ritzville

Individuals in Attendance

Eric Olson, LauraWinkel, Darel Kohn, Teresa Kohn, Dick Goodson, Bill Johnson, John Adams, Jim Hughes, Dale Smith, Bob Schneider, Bob McLendonand Brian James.

Previous meetings minutes read and approved .


Bill gave us a printed report showing $5895.00 in revenue to date, $880.51 in expenses to date and a balance of $5,014.49. Report read and motion made to approve report as is.

Committee Reports

Advertising –Please talk to your local club(s)for interest in an ad for the program of their upcoming events. We need to get them in soon. Various ads for the program were discussed but had yet to be paid for. A motion was accepted from Bob McLendon for a Sponsors Corner page in the program for donations that are given to aid in the Inland Empire tournament. Give Bob the names of possible individuals for contact.

Raffle – Eric has given out all the tickets from the first order to interested clubs. If a second printing of tickets were needed it would take two weeks to print new tickets. Eric will provide an update on the number of tickets sold at our next meeting.

Trophies –Laura and Bob will coordinate with Linda on trophies and events that will have runner ups options. Eric will contact JB bags and find out if they are interested in providing trophies.

Program – Eric has a beginning start of the program template. $29.50 per event approved.

Old Business

SGC – Bid for birds at $20/100 birds approved. Thursday will be at $4.50/25 buy tokens.

Spokesman’s Review – Ernie Witte will update us at the next meeting.

Membership (20) – IETA member clubs: Connell, Newport, Omak Fish and Game, St. Maries, Spokane, Wenatchee, Colton, Pomeroy, Jerry Harms Club, Wallace-Kellogg Gun Club, Cashmere, Othello, St. John, Walla Walla, Endicott, Hermiston, Marlin, NCW (East Wenatchee), Rattlesnake and Malden Pine City. (Possible interest from Moses Lake, Wallowa, LeGrande and Baker City)

By-laws–Motion was made and seconded to accept by-law changes attached. Red highlighted wording are the changes voted to amend.

Website/Facebook – Laura can add additional information to the site. Just send it to her.

Logo–LauraWinkelhas a great option for our logo. Laura will reduce the size of the target on the logo in relation to the mountains. Eric will have some caps with the logo for the next meeting.

Meals – Jim Hughes asked that we supply food for Sat. night and SGC cooks it. Dick Goodson will find people to donate. IETA will provide utensils and the meal will be free.

New Business

Silent Auction –fishing poles (3), ¼ socket set, apples/pears, Dick and Teresa Kohn along with John Adams will chair the silent auction committee.

Contest Insurance –Brian will look into the costs associated with insurance to award prize monies for 100 or 200 straight.

Next Meeting 10:00 Feb.11th in Ritzville@ Cedars Inn

Updates since our last meeting