What happens after graduation?
January 2015 – Amanda Chaboryk /

Graduate problems logging in

If a graduate has trouble logging in- update their email address to the one they have contacted you on as you know it works and send the password reset email. If the graduate’s record looks okay, that their profile is active but they’re not sure how to log in, follow the following steps.

  1. Check their email address and update if necessary
  2. If in person/on the phone, ask “Is this the best address to contact you on?”
  3. If by email, update our record so it matches the address they emailed us from
  4. Do not use an @exeter.ac.uk address – if they’ve emailed us from their @exeter address, ask for their personal one as the @exeter one is only live for around 300 days.
  5. Update their email address and click save (note: if they never logged in as a student, you’ll need to set their preferences before saving their record)

Send Password Reset Email

/ [1]Click “Send Password Reset Email” on the right-hand menu. The student will then receive an automatic email with a link to reset their password. Once they’ve reset their password, they can log in using the “Log in with My Career Zone” boxes. Submit a student enquiry form/ journal note as usual. Please note, the password reset email expires so please encourage the graduate to reset their password straight away.

Recent graduate having trouble logging in

First look atthe student’s record and execute a full student search, especially if the graduate has indicated they’ve attempted to register for an account (as there might be multiple records for them in the system).

/ [2]From the admin console main menu select Studentsand then search. Ensure that Allis selected for status. Note- a Student’s ID number is best, but you can also try their full name or username.
Seeing more than one result?
Check the “User type” column to get an idea of which one to go for. A recent graduate will have a graduate account, but may also have attempted to re-register as a current or prospective student.
Their real graduate account will have a name all in CAPITAL LETTERS, a valid student number, and user type Graduate.
Check any other accounts you see – as it’s worth rejecting/deactivating any recently registered prospective accounts if they won’t be used.

Check their details

Here are some common issues to look out for which could prevent a graduate from logging in.

  1. User type: Are they a Graduate?
    If you’re sure you’ve found the right record (the student’s name is in CAPITALS, the student number is correct) but the user type is “Current” this could indicate the student hasn’t yet finished their course. Use the “View Education” link on the right-hand side to check this. They may need to resit an exam, resubmit work, submit a thesis, pay a fine, or do all kinds of other academic things before completing their course. Remember Masters students can finish in September or even later.
    Don’t change their user type yourself. Ask Leanne for help.
  1. Active: If their account is inactive

-Check Education record (“View Education” link on the right hand side)

  • Look for a completion date and status in the education record, as these are vital clues

-It could also indicate the student isn’t eligible to use our services any longer. This applies to JYA students, students on semester-long courses, and INTO students – none of these students receive an actual award from the University after studying and aren’t classed as graduates. Refer JYA students to their home institution for career advice, and signpost relevant information for others.

-Ask for help before reactivating a graduate.

More detailed information

Explanation for staff
Technical info
When a student completes all their courses of study, the following changes occur:
-CareerHub user type changes from Current to Graduate
-Exeter email address is replaced with Home email address
-ability to log in with their University of Exeter Login is disabled
-personal details such as address, email address, phone number are no longer updated from SITS and become editable by the student / Student-friendly explanation
We’ll set you up with graduate access to My Career Zone on the day you finish your studies.
If you’re an undergraduate, this will generally be the final day of the summer term. If you’re a postgraduate, this is generally in September.
After this date, the way you have to log in to My Career Zone will change.
What do I have to do?
If you logged in to My Career Zone during your studies, we’ll have asked you to choose a My Career Zone password.
After graduation, you should use this password with your usual username in the “Log in with My Career Zone login” boxes.
The “University of Exeter Login” button will no longer work.
Why do we do this?
You’re able to use our services – including My Career Zone – for three years after the end of your studies. However, your Exeter IT account will only remain active for around 10 months. We set you up with a username and password specifically for My Career Zone so you’ll be able to log in after your Exeter IT account has been deactivated.