Dates to clip and post:

From the Principal’s Pen Please see our Principal’s message on our School’s website.

Remember we are a smoke free school. Smoking is not permitted on the parking lots or anywhere on school grounds .

Linthicum Elementary

Values Our Students!

Mission Statement

At Linthicum Elementary School we will work collaboratively with parents, colleagues, and the community to ensure that all students are engaged in instruction in order to meet or exceed standards. All students will be prepared for academic excellence and college and career readiness so that achievement gaps are eliminated. Students will also be empowered with the skills necessary to become responsible citizens. Vision Statement

The Linthicum Elementary School continues to grow as a Professional Learning Community by:

¨Educating staff and the community to meet the needs of all students, advancing the level of achievement by utilizing the Maryland Common Core State Standards.

Involving members of the Linthicum Elementary School community to internalize and exhibit respect of self, others, learning, and property through the use of the Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS).

Enhancing citizenship awareness and contributing to the betterment of the community.

Value Statement

The Linthicum Elementary School community understands our behaviors are the cornerstones to advancing our school’s Mission and Vision Statements.

We will continue to reflect and hold each other and ourselves accountable for having positive attitudes, respect, and commitment to all members.

Bus Contact Information

The phone numbers of our bus companies are listed below for your use to contact with any questions or concerns.

Huber’s 410-766-1392

B & B 410-789-8569

MBG 410-766-3621



ALL visitors MUST sign-in at the office. This is a MUST DO, NO EXCEPTIONS.

Your driver’s license/government issued ID will be scanned and a ID badge will be issued to be worn while in the school. NO ONE will be allowed entry into the building beyond the office without proper identification.

Parents/Guardians and visitors must sign-in at the computer to receive a guest pass. This pass must be worn while in the building. This procedure helps to eliminate interruptions while classes are in session and safeguards your child.

We ask that you make an appointment in theoffice if there is a need to speak to your child’steacher. Often teachers are in meetings before and after school and this will allow the teacher to give you their undivided attention.



Please register Early! Conference is Free
Continental Breakfast & Lunch will be provided.

American Education Week!

“Always celebrated the week before Thanksgiving, American Education Week (AEW) began in 1921. According to the National Education Susan Ballinger, a special education teacher at Deale Elementary School, is one of our Nationally Certified Teachers Association, the week was designated with “the purpose of informing the public of the accomplishments and needs of the public schools and to secure the cooperation and support of the public in meeting those needs.” With system-wide goals dedicated to accelerating student achievement, providing safe and orderly environments, and expanding community collaboration, this is the perfect time to reflect on the accomplishments and challenges that embody our progress. Interestingly, the national theme for AEW is “Great Public Schools for Every Child”, which coincides perfectly with AACPS’ motto and goals.”

-Upfront newsletter Volume 1, Number 6


Preschool Pals

At North County Recreation Center

Your children will thrive in this wonderful school readiness program. They will develop social skills and make new friends while exploring the alphabet, numbers, games, music, art, stem, and much more. Emphasis is placed on meeting the needs of the whole child – social, emotional, physical, and cognitive. Special weekly themes help to make the learning fun.

Anne Arundel County Public Schools provide participants with breakfast during the AM program and lunch during the PM program. Children registered for both the morning 9-11:30am and afternoon 12-2:30pm classes of Preschool Pals, on the same day, may stay between classes free of any extra charge.

Ages 3 – 5 years, Must be potty trained

Instructor: Suzanne Peters

Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:00-11:30am - $200

September 6-October 27 - #9920

October 30-January 5 - #11450

Monday, Wednesday & Friday 12:00-2:30pm - $200

September 6-October 27 - #9923

October 30-January 5 - #11453

Tuesday & Thursday 9:00-11:30am - $135

September 5-October 26 - #9914

October 31-January 4 - #11444

Tuesday & Thursday 12:00-2:30pm - $135

September 5-October 26 - #9917

October 31-January 4 - #11447

Register online at

North County Recreation Center

196 Hammonds Lane, Third Floor, Brooklyn Park, MD – 410-222-0036


for more information about middle school magnet programs and to apply please visit:

5th grade students may apply for middle school magnets between oct 16th through 12pm on november 30, 2017.