Breathe Easy Darlington is a group to support those with breathing problems. It is free join and to attend and also warmly welcomes the relatives, friends and carers of members. It has much to offer, such as information and advice, friendship, support, as well as access to all that the British Lung Foundation offers.
Lung disease is one of the five major killers in the UK and unlike heart disease, cancer and stroke, the proportion of people dying from such diseases is increasing, although it remains less talked about and receives less investment. The quality of life for many sufferers is poor, often life threatening and life limiting. It often involves using oxygen, and may require taking many drugs with unpleasant side effects. It can make it very difficult to get out and about at all and oxygen may need to be used continuously so may need to be carried about. The sufferer may have noisy breathing, be puffed out or have a cough they find both distressing & embarrassing. Lung disease is almost always isolating - socially, emotionally, and physically.
Children with lung disease are often bullied. They are frequently unable to participate fully in the life daily life of their school and seldom get the support that they need to cope with this or with the very frightening effects of being unable to breathe properly. Their parents also need support-they are welcome to join us.
Breathe Easy Darlington is somewhere to go where others understand or may have suggestions which help in everyday life, where there is access to health professionals and where we can just have a bit of fun! It's important too that we make sure that respiratory disease is put on the map, that it isn't forgotten. The Breathe Easy Group also gives an opportunity to campaign for increased awareness of respiratory disease.
One member said that she found the group "very welcoming and it was so good to be able to just get out after weeks stuck at home. I spend most of my time sitting in my chair on my ownbecause I'm so breathless.” "Nobody stared at my oxygen and some people suggested places I could get extra help, who to talk to-like the BLF Helpline. I thought I was the only one with my condition but there are others. I'm not alone"
Another said “Breathe Easy is a wonderful group. It offers advice and support for those suffering with all types of lung conditions. Breathe Easy Darlington has monthly meetings. Some months there are interesting talks from guest speakers. Other months there are Q & A sessions with local healthcare professionals. And a couple times a year, there's social gatherings at a local pub with maybe a quiz and a raffle.It's a fun group that alleviates the stress associated with whatever respiratory condition a person has. By chatting to the friendly understanding members, I realised there are others in the same situation, and that I didn't have to suffer in silence.
Our newest member said “It’s just good to be able to cough or wheeze without everyone staring”.Give us a ring or email us to find out when our next meet up is.
Breathe Easy is the British Lung Foundation’s support group network
73-75 Goswell Road London EC1V 7ER T 020 7688 5555 F 020 7688 5556
Helpline 03000 030 555
Registered charity in England and Wales (326730) and in Scotland (SC038415).