Latina Leadership Network of the California Community Colleges

Executive Board Meeting

April 8, 2017

Meeting at 1pm


LLN Executive Board / Present / Absent
1 / President / Dolores Cornejo / X
2 / Vice President North / Melina Rodriguez / X
3 / Vice President Central / Ana Gomez de Torres / X
4 / Vice President South / Michelle Garcia / X
5 / Recording Secretary / Stephanie Ramos / X
6 / Treasurer / Margarita Baez / X
7 / Esperanza Newsletter Editor / Adela Kimball / X
8 / Student VP North / Veronica Blanco / X
9 / Student VP Central / Brenda Villa / X
10 / Student VP South / Monica Aguilar Avalos / X
11 / Database/Listserv Specialist / Veronica Silva / X
12 / Webjefita / Jazmin Zuniga
13 / Conference Co-Chair
17 / Northern Region Representative / Carla Rosas / X
18 / Central Region Representative / Cynthia Diaz / X
19 / Southern Region Representative / Olivia Veloz / X
20 / Northern Member-At-Large / Angelica Garcia / X
21 / Central Member-At-Large / Glenda Moscoso / X
22 / Southern Member-At-Large / Martha Garcia / X

Ground Rules:

1.Start and end on time

2.We will stay on task

3.No side conversations or talking over someone else

4.Posted agenda – timed agenda with timekeeper

5.Attack the problem not the person

6.Be prepared and ready to participate

7.President: Record meeting *22

8.Roll Call

  1. Call to order
  1. Roll Call
  1. Conflict of Interest policy
  2. E-Board members are expected to sign today
  1. Retreat
  2. $60 contribution fee of staff, students will have their fees paid
  3. La Casa de Maria in Montecito
  4. Board Members will be reimbursed up to $185
  5. June 29 – July 2, 2017 are the retreat dates
  6. May be done by PayPal or check
  7. Consider asking your supervisor for support and possibly covering your cost of activities in
  8. Payment must be received by June 2, 2017
  9. Indicate when you will arrive, meals, dietary restrictions, and any additional information
  10. The agenda will be set on May 18, 2017
  1. Constitution and Bylaws, Policies and Procedures
  2. Read them
  3. Dates for the agenda were handed out, but the outlook invite is coming
  4. On site meetings will be determined at a later date
  1. Results from Leadership Institute
  2. Angelica and Martha will meet and discuss the outcomes
  3. Planning for future events will happen
  1. Reimbursement
  2. Can we have a budget expenses revisited?
  3. The $185 is our current set maximum reimbursement
  1. Announcements
  2. Can we have a t-shirts that say E-Board – May agenda item
  3. IEPI will host a leadership institute, watch for the email and consider if it is possible to attend – ThreseaTenna leads it
  4. Scholarship recipients will be interview by Adela for Esperanza
  5. Noted by Stephanie that no allowance of time scholarship acceptance to say thank you or acknowledge their award/appreciation
  6. Madria Award was given to Angelica Garcia, but it was in direct violation of our Policies and Procedures.
  7. Acknowledgement was made by Melina.
  8. Discussion of violation will need to happen asap – May agenda item follow-up
  9. Melina stated only one nomination was given
  10. An accidental oversight of the bylaws were made
  11. Cynthia motioned to move the meeting to move the meeting to 6p, seconded by Veronica. Approved by all.
  1. 11:32am Meeting Adjourned