Latina Leadership Network of the California Community Colleges
Executive Board Meeting
April 8, 2017
Meeting at 1pm
LLN Executive Board / Present / Absent1 / President / Dolores Cornejo / X
2 / Vice President North / Melina Rodriguez / X
3 / Vice President Central / Ana Gomez de Torres / X
4 / Vice President South / Michelle Garcia / X
5 / Recording Secretary / Stephanie Ramos / X
6 / Treasurer / Margarita Baez / X
7 / Esperanza Newsletter Editor / Adela Kimball / X
8 / Student VP North / Veronica Blanco / X
9 / Student VP Central / Brenda Villa / X
10 / Student VP South / Monica Aguilar Avalos / X
11 / Database/Listserv Specialist / Veronica Silva / X
12 / Webjefita / Jazmin Zuniga
13 / Conference Co-Chair
17 / Northern Region Representative / Carla Rosas / X
18 / Central Region Representative / Cynthia Diaz / X
19 / Southern Region Representative / Olivia Veloz / X
20 / Northern Member-At-Large / Angelica Garcia / X
21 / Central Member-At-Large / Glenda Moscoso / X
22 / Southern Member-At-Large / Martha Garcia / X
Ground Rules:
1.Start and end on time
2.We will stay on task
3.No side conversations or talking over someone else
4.Posted agenda – timed agenda with timekeeper
5.Attack the problem not the person
6.Be prepared and ready to participate
7.President: Record meeting *22
8.Roll Call
- Call to order
- Roll Call
- Conflict of Interest policy
- E-Board members are expected to sign today
- Retreat
- $60 contribution fee of staff, students will have their fees paid
- La Casa de Maria in Montecito
- Board Members will be reimbursed up to $185
- June 29 – July 2, 2017 are the retreat dates
- May be done by PayPal or check
- Consider asking your supervisor for support and possibly covering your cost of activities in
- Payment must be received by June 2, 2017
- Indicate when you will arrive, meals, dietary restrictions, and any additional information
- The agenda will be set on May 18, 2017
- Constitution and Bylaws, Policies and Procedures
- Read them
- Dates for the agenda were handed out, but the outlook invite is coming
- On site meetings will be determined at a later date
- Results from Leadership Institute
- Angelica and Martha will meet and discuss the outcomes
- Planning for future events will happen
- Reimbursement
- Can we have a budget expenses revisited?
- The $185 is our current set maximum reimbursement
- Announcements
- Can we have a t-shirts that say E-Board – May agenda item
- IEPI will host a leadership institute, watch for the email and consider if it is possible to attend – ThreseaTenna leads it
- Scholarship recipients will be interview by Adela for Esperanza
- Noted by Stephanie that no allowance of time scholarship acceptance to say thank you or acknowledge their award/appreciation
- Madria Award was given to Angelica Garcia, but it was in direct violation of our Policies and Procedures.
- Acknowledgement was made by Melina.
- Discussion of violation will need to happen asap – May agenda item follow-up
- Melina stated only one nomination was given
- An accidental oversight of the bylaws were made
- Cynthia motioned to move the meeting to move the meeting to 6p, seconded by Veronica. Approved by all.
- 11:32am Meeting Adjourned