U N C C D / /
Ministry of Environment
and Forestry /
Poplar Research Institute
Regional Cooperation among Annex IV and V Countries
20-22May 2008, Izmit, Turkey
in Connection with
Strengthening Regional Cooperation among Annex IV and V Countries in
the Field of Land Resources Management
In 2002, the regional process for strengthening regional cooperation among the Northern Mediterranean countries in the field of land resources management was launched by the Secretariat of the UNCCD in order to support the implementation of the Convention. As a result of a number of consultative meetings and the other processes made such as questionnaires, activity master study, consultations etc, a comprehensive background document was prepared by the Secretariat taking into consideration the views and of the focal points.
In this regard, two regional meetings of the focal points of the Northern Mediterranean countries held in Bonn, Germany in May 2004 and in Nairobi, Kenya in October 2005. As the outcome of those meetings, the representatives/focal points of the respective countries agreed to undertake regional cooperation through four pillars: (i) networking/scientific cooperation, (ii) exchange of technology/expertise/, (iii) training/capacity building and (iv) documentation/materials/publications.During these meetings, focal points and/or representatives of NM country Parties made more clarification on their proposals. Countries which made proposal agreed that they would further advance their proposals in coordination with the Secretariat.
In the second regional meeting, the current status of the proposals was discussed in order to prepare a calendar of regional activities of NM country Parties for the biennium 2006-2007. Countries, which made proposals, were also invited to send explanatory note including major objectives/ activities of their proposals to the Secretariat.
The training workshop and afterwards a Regional Training Centre (RTC) on “Afforestation and plantation techniques” was proposed by Turkey under the theme of “Reforestation/Afforestation/ Tree plantation in affected areas“ which is one of the main topic of the selected areas of activities in NM, under the Pillar 3, Training/capacity building.
Objectives of the training workshop
In the light of the relevant provisions of the Convention which urges the respective Parties to promote and facilitate networks of regional education and training centres in order to train scientific, technical and management personnel taking into account the mandate of the TOR of Regional Training Centre (RTC) for Northern Mediterranean, the training workshop focuses on the following objectives:
- To exchange of information/knowledge and experience on the reforestation and tree planting techniques among scientific, technical and management personnel from the interested Annex IV and V countries;
- To promote effective cooperation among the related institutions of Annex IV and V countries and transfer of technology and know-how on the field of reforestation/afforestation/tree planting implementations;
- To explore and examine the facilities and appropriateness of the International Training Center of the Poplar Research Institute and to gather the viewpoints of the participants for hosting the Regional Training Centre (RTC) on the respective theme of regional activities of the Annex IV and V countries;
- To support and strengthen the implementation of the Convention through providing useful input from the regional achievements/findings on the efforts of combating desertification and sustainable management of land resources.
Scope/subject of the workshop
The core scope of the training workshop will focus on exploring of regional and national experiences of the Annex IV and V countries on afforestation/reforestation and plantation practices.
Three working days will be allocated on two main items: two days for paper presentations and one day for field visit. Representatives/focal points from theAnnex IV and V countries are invited to present their achievements, opportunities as well as difficulties on their plantation practices. Experts and academicians will give scientific lectures on specific topics. Representative from UNCCD Secretariat is also supposed to make an intervention on the purpose and the status of the process of regional cooperation.
Tentatively the following topics with regard to afforestation/tree plantation practices may be elaborated during the training workshop:
-Technical, financial and expertise potentials and possibilities on plantation practices as well as the difficulties encountered in Annex IV and V countries;
-New and alternative methodologies and approaches on selection of species, nursery practices, seedling, planting and maintenance of planted areas etc.;
-How tree plantation, afforestation and reforestation practices can improve the sustainable land resources management so as to support the implementation of the Convention in Annex IV and V region.
After each presentation there will be enough time for discussion. The topics above are provisional only and will be finalized after consultations with interested sides.
One day field visit to a selected area around Izmit will be organized in order to get informed the participants about the afforestation/reforestation related experiences of Turkey.
Detailed agenda for the workshop will be prepared and send to the registered participants beforehand.
There will not any participation fee to participate to the workshop. Not only will the focal points of the Annex IV and V countries and staff from the UNCCD Secretariat but it also is open for participation of all interested people. Scientists, experts, managers, representatives of related organizations from the respective countries are expected to participate to the workshop.
Dates of the workshop
The date for the workshop was tentatively decided as 20-22May 2007. The certain dates will be arranged through consultation with the UNCCD Secretariat and distributed to related addresses in due time.
Host Institution and the Venue
On behalf of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Turkey, the Poplar and Fast Growing Forest Trees Research Institute will host the training workshop. The venue will also be the InternationalTrainingCenter at premises of this Institute. Consultation with UNCCD Secretariat during the preparation and organizing phases will be paid attention.
The Poplar and Fast Growing Forest Trees Research Institute located in the centre of Izmit city, Turkey. The Institute was established primarily as “Poplar Nursery Directorate” in 1956 and then it was converted into the “Poplar Research Institute” in 1962. Today, it is directly attached to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The task of the Institute is to carry out research studies to solve problems arising from poplar cultivation and extension throughout the country as well as from subject-specific issues of forestry practices over the country.
The Institute has following seven specialist research sections that mainly focus on poplar and other fast growing forest tree species;silviculture, tree improvement, protection, forest soil and ecology, yields and economy, project planning and computing and public relations. Additionally, the Institute has administrative services and an International Training Center.
The institute has specialized staff, excellent transport and accommodation facilities as well as modern equipment for training programs. Izmit city has quiet moderate climate conditions and it is 90 kms far from Istanbul, the biggest city and popular tourism destination in Turkey.
The institute is a member of International Poplar Commission and hosted a number of regional and international forestry based symposiums, workshops, meetings etc.
Figure 1: External appearance of the Institute Figure 1: the main building of the training centre
Facilities to be provided by the host Institution
The double-storied building of the center is well furnished and comprises 16 two-bed rooms and a lounge. There are a modern kitchen, dining room, study room, meeting room in the ground floor. The meeting room is suitable for over 40 people. Overhead projector, computer equipment for presentation, photocopying, international call etc. are available in the centre.
Accommodation and meals will also be provided by discounted prices to the participants. Special fee including single room with a single bed, all meals and coffee breaks will be arranged. Estimated price including all above mentioned items is about USD 60 /per day at maximum. Although the idea is to accommodate all the participants at the centre, special hotel reservation can also be arranged near the centre upon their requests.
The participants will reach Izmit by themselves. Any assistant from the Institute can help them to find the way. There is regular bus from Istanbul to Izmit. There is subway from the IstanbulAtatürkAirport to Istanbul Esenler Bus Station. Efe Tur and Asya Tur are the Bus transportation companies. There is bus transportation every half hour from Istanbul to Izmit from early morning to 23 00 pm everyday.
Contact addresses for more information
Dr. Faruk Sakir OzayDirector, Poplar Research Institute
P.O. Box: 1034,41050
Tel: +90 262 3116964- 3116967
Fax: +90 262 3116972
e-mail: / Erdoğan ÖZVEREN
UNCCD National Focal Point
Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Sogutozu Cad. No 14/B Ankara, TURKEY
Tel: +90 312 2075000/5716
Fax: +90 312 2075756
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