The Industrial Revolution and

Globalization Today

Editorial Assignment

Does the good outweigh the bad?

Choice #1: Imagine you are an English journalist for the London Times in 1880. For the past nine months you have been on “special assignment,” investigating the effects of the Industrial Revolution upon Great Britain. You have been interviewing people from many different aspects of life: factory workers, economists, politicians, artists, scientists, doctors and families. You have seen the good, the bad and the ugly of Industrial England. You have taken extensive notes. Now you must report your findings.

Choice #2: Imagine you are an American journalist for the New York Times in 2016. For the past nine months you have been on “special assignment,” investigating the effects of industrialization and globalization upon the world. You have been interviewing people from many different aspects of life: factory workers, economists, politicians,young people, families and business owners. You have seen the good, the bad and the ugly of globalization today. You have taken extensive notes. Now you must report your findings.


Your assignment: Write a 5-6 paragrapheditorial (opinion article) based upon the effects of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain OR the effects of worldwide industrialization and globalization today. Your evidence should go beyond merely reciting what we have learned in class, read in a book or seen in a film (therefore you may need to conduct original research) and be credited to the sources listed above. You may include pictures, data, quotes, etc. Lay out your article in single or 1.5 spaced columns (as it would appear in a newspaper). Plan your editorial so that you meet the following requirements (you do not need to organize your paragraphs exactly in this way as long as all of these elements are present):


______1. Write a title that reflects your view about the Industrial Revolution OR globalization today. Make sure your title reflects which topic you have chosen.


______2. Give an introduction stating whether or not you believe, overall, the benefits of the Industrial Revolution OR globalization are greater than the problems that it has created. Make sure you have a clear point of view in your editorial.

______3. Explain your side (pro or con) regarding the effects of the Industrial Revolution OR globalization.

______4. Acknowledge and refute the other side (pro or con) regarding theeffects of the Industrial Revolution OR globalization.

______5. Explain what you believe can or should be done to address this problem – offer clear and original suggestions for improvement.

______6. Remember to write a conclusion!


**Remember: Do not only list facts. Your editorial must be persuasive and have a journalistic style. Do not write in first person, but do describe events as though they are current during the time period you choose (1880s or 2016). Write in present tense and be as descriptive and vivid as possible!