(right click, change picture)
The programme of study on which you are enrolled is part-funded by the european social fund
Student Information (ALL FIELDS ARE MANDATORY)
Title / Date of birth
Forename(s) / Student / matriculation number
Surname / National Insurance number
Address / Place / Country of birth
Postcode / Nationality
Home phone number /
Mobile phone number / Email address
Course title
Course start date
(DD/MM/YY) / Course end date
NEET Status immediately prior to COURSE START DATE You must be able to provide evidence of being unemployed/inactive
Select one option only.
O / Registered unemployed less than 6 months / O / Inactive less than 6 months
O / Registered unemployed 6-12 months / O / Inactive 6-12 months
O / Registered unemployed 13-24 months / O / Inactive 13-24 months
O / Registered unemployed 25-36 months / O / Inactive 25-36 months
O / Registered unemployed over 3 years / O / Inactive over 3 years
Highest qualification level immediately prior to COURSE START DATE(please check SCQF level with college staff)
You must be able to provide evidence of your stated current qualification level. Select one option only.
O / SCQF Level 1 or equivalent / O / SCQF Level 5 or equivalent / O / SCQF Level 10 or equivalent
O / SCQF Level 2 or equivalent / O / SCQF Level 6 or equivalent / O / SCQF Level 11 or equivalent
O / SCQF Level 3 or equivalent / O / SCQF Level 7 or equivalent / O / SCQF Level 12 or equivalent
O / SCQF Level 4 or equivalent / O / SCQF Level 8 or equivalent / O / No qualifications
barriers to employment (Select all that apply)
OLiving in a jobless household / OMigrant/foreign background/minority / OPrimary carer of older person / OLooked after young person
OLong term unemployment / O Homeless / housing exclusion / OPrimary carer of child/children or adult / OCriminal convictions
OLiving in a jobless household with dependent children / OAsylum seeker / ONo or limited work experience / OLong-term physical illness
OLiving in a single adult household with dependent children / ORefugee / OLow skilled / OMental health issues
ODisability / OSubstance related conditions / OFrom employment deficit area / O None
AGE (please state your age) / GENDER / CITIZENSHIP STATUS
O Male / O EU Citizen / O UK Visa Holder / O Asylum Seeker
O Female / O Refugee / O Other
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? / O Yes / O No
OWhite Scottish / OWhite English / OWhite Welsh / OWhite Irish / OWhite Gypsy/Traveller/Roma
OWhite other / OAsian Pakistani / OAsian Indian / OAsian Bangladeshi / OAsian Chinese
OAsian other / OBlack African / OBlack Caribbean / OBlack other / OMulti-ethnic background
OOther Arab / OOther ethnic background
details of benefits
OJob Seekers Allowance / OEducation Maintenance Allowance (EMA) / OCarers Allowance / OIncome Support / OIncapacity Benefit / Employment Support Allowance (ESA)
OHousing Benefit / OWorking Tax Credit / OCouncil Tax Credit / ODisability Living Allowance / Personal Independence Payment (PIP) / OChild Tax Credit
OChild Benefit / OChildcare element of Working Tax Credit / OUniversal Credit / OOther / ONone
length of time since full-time employment/self-employment
O Less than 6 months / O6-12 months / O13-24 months / O25-36 months / OOver 3 years
O Not applicable, I have never had a full-time job before
  • Please describe your skills and attributes.
  • What is the single most important thing stopping you from getting the work/job/career you want?
  • What do you hope to get out of your programme of study?
  • What are your long-term goals?

participant declaration
I agree to being enrolled on a programme of study as part of the ‘Youth Employment Initiative’(YEI) which is part-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF). I confirm that the details on this form are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Under the Data Protection Act (1998), I acknowledge that this form will be retained and the data will be held on computer and processed as necessary. I understand that this information will be used by the college for reporting and monitoring purposes and will be shared with relevant agencies. I also understand, and give my consent to, the college, the Scottish Funding Council and/or the Scottish Government contacting me for YEI project evaluation purposes.
Student Signature / Date (DD/MM/YY)
- for college use only -
College declaration
We, the college, confirm that the above participant has been assessed and is eligible for support through the ESF Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) and possesses the necessary evidence. In doing so, we confirm that the participant is NEET immediately before commencing the course. The participant has been informed that their programme of study is part-funded by the ESF as part of the YEI programme.
We confirm that we hold certified evidence that the participant is legally able to reside and work in the UK. / ⃝ Please tick to confirm
We confirm that we hold certified evidence of the participant’s permanent residence. / ⃝ Please tick to confirm
In ascertaining the participant’s NEET status, we confirm that we have discussed with the individual their particular circumstances and are of the opinion that the student’s status immediately prior to enrolment is ‘inactive’. / ⃝ I agree / ⃝ N/A (unemployed) **
We confirm that the participant’s destination will be recorded immediately (within four weeks) and six months after leaving their programme of study. / ⃝ Please tick to confirm
Where the participant has been formally referred (by an agency) the college has retained copies of the referral documentation. / ⃝ Yes ⃝ N/A
College Signature / Date (DD/MM/YY)

** If the participant is ‘registered unemployed’ immediately prior to their course start date, they must provide evidence to support their eligibility. Accepted evidence in support of ‘registered unemployed’ status is detailed in our YEI guidance document.

Annex B

ESF Participant Form (amended for AY 2017-18)

  1. College staff should assist students with the completion of the ESF Participant Form provided in this annex. The Form should be completed at the point of enrolment, or as soon as possible thereafter. The Form, and the necessary evidence underpinning it, provides evidence for audit that the student was notified that their course was part-funded by the European Union through ESF. Only students with fully completed (and signed) ESF Participant Forms are eligible under the YEI project.
  1. Completed Participant Forms for all ESF students must be uploaded to SFC through our secure server, which can be accessed at: