Print on approved letterhead
{Insert Date}
{Insert Client Name}
{Insert Client Address}
Dear {Insert Client Name},
One of the many benefits of being a {Company Name} client is the opportunity to meet and speak with industry specialists and professionals such as {Insert specialist’s or professional’s name},who is {Insert title}with {Insert company name the specialist or professional is with}and is considered an expert in {his/her} field.
I would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to invite a friend, family member, or associate who you feel may benefit from {his/her}professional insight and expertise. After the presentation, I would be delighted to meet your guest personally and to answer any immediate questions he or she may have. After all, that is why we are here.
If you have friends or relatives who are considering their financial options/circumstances, please feel free to invite them to accompany you to one of our upcoming events.
In the event a guest should accompany you to this event or future events sponsored by {Insert Company Name}, I want you to be aware of the standards with which I comply when asked to meet with an acquaintance of a current client. First, confidentiality is the cornerstone of my business.Rest assured, each of my client relationships is distinctly separate and totally private. Second, thoughtful and courteous service is guaranteed. Finally, I will never give advice or counsel to a client without thoroughly understanding his or her needs.
My purpose in writing this letter is two-fold; the first is to personally invite you to our presentation. The second is to let you know that if and when I speak with a friend, relative, or associate, you may feel confident that at {Insert Company Name},we go to great lengths to provide our clients with the finest financial counsel and service possible.
{Insert Advisor’s Name}
{Insert Advisor’s Title}
{Insert B/D name and disclosures}