DATE: Friday, May 1, 2009
PLACE: San Antonio, TX, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 202 B
TIME: 4:30 PM (CT) – 6 PM (CT)
ATTENDEES: (List of attendees attached)
I. Welcome & Introductions
Brenda Keith, in-coming coordinator-elect, facilitated the meeting since P. French, coordinator was not able to attend Congress. Other attendees introduced themselves. CE will be available for those attending the meeting. Attendees were encouraged to complete SIG Congress Activities Evaluation.
II. Approval of 2008 BIO SIG Meeting Minutes
Minutes were approved.
III. Old Business
- Eric Cohen, ONS Nominating Committee, shared volunteer opportunities available within ONS. Members were encouraged to vote.
- Targeted Therapy (interactive) CD – This project was spearheaded by the BIO SIG and led by P. Muehlbauer. They are available and can be ordered online (CE’s/5.5 are available for reviewing the CD and completing questions related to case studies. These are free).
- NP SIG Challenge to all SIGs to increase the number of certified nurse within the SIG. SIG members are encouraged to seek ONCC certification. The SIG with the greatest percentage increase will be recognized at 2010 Congress.
IV. CHE & BIO Potential Merger
Attendees were asked to identify unique issues regarding a merger
- Better classification/management of rash
- Compliance with oral agents
- Reimbursement
- Combining agents
- Unique side effects
- Drug interactions
- Specifics of immunotherapy
- Unique patient education
- Biomarkers
- Nanotechnology
Several verbalized the need to be collaborative but not necessarily disband the BIO SIG.
V. Topic Ideas
1. More on nanotechnology
2. Oral therapies
3. Molecular profiling
4. Side effect management – EBP
5. Personalized medicine
VI. Newsletter
A newsletter editor is needed for the SIG. Attendees encouraged to write/submit articles for the newsletter (e.g. NIOSH list just released/new drugs)
- Afinitor (everolinus) - P. Esper
- Synopsis on nanotechnology
- Update on bevacizumab
Kristine Abueg is willing to help coordinate the newsletter.
VII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 6 PM (CT)
Attendees List for BIO SIG Meeting
SIG Members E-mail Specialty
Kristine Abueg * clinical trials
Janna Christy-Bittel clinical research
Peg Esper * medical oncology NP
Donna Gerber melanoma/sonoma
Brenda Keith medical oncology
Amber Meyer outpatient infusion
Not SIG Member
Jessica Livneh chemotherapy
Judy B. Owens med oncology
Geoff Seidel
Porta Tsz clinical research
Not ONS Member
Sally Estrade clinical research
Jamie Gully outpatient onc clinic
* Interested in being in a work group