Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences
Manchester College
Teacher ___Mr. Nave_ Date ____12/3_ Time Period ___1:00-1:30_____ Students 16 Grade/Developmental Level 2nd & 3rd Lesson Focus _Science & Review Locomotor Skills Teaching Style _Command__
Standard(s) TSW demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. (1)
TSW demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. (2)
TSW exhibit responsible personal and social behaviors that respect self and others in physical activity settings. (5)
Performance Objectives
C: TSW show an understanding of the locomotor skills and the solar system by answering 4 out of 5 questions correctly during the closure.
A: TSW work together to achieve the locomotor skills while making the solar system 3 times.
P: TSW demonstrate the fundamental locomotor movements by moving throughout the general space while acting like a space ships for thirty seconds at a time.
Equipment/Materials 15 hula hoops. 15 bean bags.
Skill Development
Instant Activity New Leader: make groups of 3-4 students, assigning one of the students to be a leader. The groups move around the area, following the leader. On signal, the last person moves to the head of the squad and become the leader. Various types of locomotor movements and exercises should be used.
Fitness Activity Movement Challenges With Bean Bags: Work on flexibility, muscular strength and endurance using the Bean Bags as motivation. Have abdominal challenges and trunk challenges using the ball. Example: Ask who can touch the Bean Bag to their toes for flexibility and who can crush the Bean Bag with their chest to work on muscular strength.
Introduction/Set Induction: Explain that today’s lesson is going to combine all the locomotor skills that have been taught so far, and that we are going to be learning about the planets in our solar system. I will ask the students if they ever wanted to become astronauts and travel to outer space, and I will let them know that we will be doing those exact things during the lesson while we learn about each planet including the sun.
Introduce New Skill
Explanation/Demonstration I will review and explain each of the locomotor skills that we have learned by stressing the teaching cues and demonstrating each in front of the class. (Gardner Visual Spatial) I will also have students come to the front of the class to demonstrate the skills while I provide feedback. (Gardner Bodily-Kinesthetic) I will also give a brief explanation of the solar system and each planet that is inside, including the sun. I will teach them the saying that will allow the students to remember the planets. (My Very Elegant Mother Just Served Us Nachos)
Guided Practice Activity Sun Orbit: In this activity there will be an object placed in the middle of the room that represents the sun. The students will be orbiting the sun by doing locomotor skills around the sun. They will pretend that they are planets orbiting in our solar system. I will have them stand closer to the sun pretending they are a planet such as Earth that is a closer distance, and I will have them move further back to orbit pretending they are a planet such as Uranus.
Group Activity: Hoop Trip to Planets:
This activity works better if the teacher has access to any illustrated children’s book of the solar system. To begin this activity, each child needs a hoop. Have children stand in hoop holding it at medium level. Explain that we are going to take a spaceship trip to the planets. Children can move their body and hoop to low level for "blast off". Count backward from 5 to 0 and "blast off". Designate the specific locomotor pattern the student should perform while flying their craft in outer (general) space.
Have students land by placing hoop and body on the floor. The teacher will decide on a planet that they have landed on. When they do, use the books and pictures to tell them 2 or 3 facts about that planet. "Blast off" again.
Change the locomotor pattern, land on another planet and talk about it, etc. After visiting all the planets return to earth. Have children discuss how earth is different than other planets.
Assessment (Form Attached)
Closure I will ask the students questions about the lesson and what we learned. I will ask them about the planets and our solar system. What skills did we cover today to travel to those planets? (Bloom Knowledge) How many Planets are in the solar system? (Bloom Comprehension) Does anybody remember the saying that helps us remember the planets? (Bloom Comprehension) “My Very Eager Mother Just Serves Us Nachos”
*Pangrazi, R.P., & Beighle, A., (2010). Dynamic physical education for elementary school children. San Fransisco, CA. Benjamin Cummings.
*Prezioso, M. (2001). Retrieved September 30, 2009, from PE Central
Web site: http://www.pecentral.com/lessonideas/ViewLesson.asp?ID=463
Assessment: Locomotor Skills
Students: Criteria
Run Leap Jump Hop Gallop Slide Skip
*X indicates the student was not proficient at the skill.