15th Annual Louisiana State Conference on Homelessness


“Ending Homelessness through Recovery, Rebuilding, and Rehousing”

Agenda and Workshops

Monday Dec.1, 8:00-11:00

Service Project (Optional)


Louisiana Advocacy Coalition for the Homeless -Annual Meeting


Louisiana Interagency Action Council for the Homeless-Quarterly Meeting

Monday Dec. 1, 3:00-6:00

1. “Harm Reduction Practice Consultation for Therapists”

Nationally recognized expert in harm reduction techniques will present an interactive overview of harm reduction principles and provide one-on-one consultation to mental health and substance abuse professionals.

Plenary #1

Monday Dec. 1, 3:15-5:00

“New Federal and State Housing Initiatives”

Panelists will discuss housing issues and initiatives impacting the state of Louisiana.

Monday Dec.1, 5:00-6:00

Meeting of all CoC Directors



Tuesday Dec. 2, 7:30-8:30

Continental Breakfast

Plenary #2

Tuesday Dec. 2, 8:30-10:00

“LA State Departments Report”

Representatives from several Louisiana state departments report on the progress made in ending homelessness for various subpopulations of homeless individuals and families.

Tuesday Dec. 2, 10:15-11:45

1. “New Models for Emergency Shelter and Techniques to Circumvent Admissions Barriers to Emergency Shelter”

This workshop will explore an emerging model for emergency shelters, “Shelter as Sanctuary.” Participants will also learn how to address admissions barriers.

2. “HIV/AIDS – New Research, Challenges, and Techniques”

Participants in this workshop will learn the latest research on HIV/AIDS and review information residential and supportive service providers should know when serving persons with HIV/AIDS.

3. “Harm Reduction”

Participants will learn the philosophy behind harm reduction, as well as effective techniques in applying harm reduction principles to duel diagnosed individuals. This workshop will also cover drug and alcohol abuse assessments and techniques related to effective engagement and rapport building.

4. “Crisis Intervention on the Streets”

This workshop will address various issues related to analyzing complex relationships between homeless persons living on the streets, conducting quick assessments of critical needs and what to do in case of threatening situations.

5. “Permanent Supportive Housing Development 101”

This workshop is especially useful for those interested in Permanent Supportive Housing development. This workshop will cover the basics about developing a new PSH program, such as how to gather the needed capital and subsidies to begin a project.

6. “Income and Employment – Essential Elements of Successful Housing Placement”

This workshop aims to instruct participants on how to utilize the SOAR program in assisting Social Security applicants navigate the process. It also covers how to access the services of the Louisiana Rehabilitation Services for disabled clients who wish to secure employment.

7. “Landlords – A Central Piece of Permanent Supportive Housing Programs”

Participants will learn tips for developing and maintaining healthy relationships with landlords, finding low-cost rental units, and preventing evictions.

8. “Effective Strategies for Working with Homeless Youth”

This workshop will provide educational resources for homeless youth and other strategies for helping youth achieve self-sufficiency, how to target interventions to this subpopulation, and the latest research on the typology of youth homelessness.



Tuesday Dec. 2, 1:45-3:00

1. “Rapid Rehousing – One City’s Story with Homeless Encampments”

This workshop will explore how the UNITY of Greater New Orleans Welcome Home outreach team was able to rapidly rehouse hundreds of individuals living at the Duncan Plaza and Claiborne/Canal encampments: how they assessed vulnerability, the health concerns (for staff and clients), the hotel respite care model, and the results of their efforts. How many people are still housed? What were the roles of the staff? Participants will also learn how this model can be adapted in other cities.

2. “Motivational Interviewing”

Motivating clients to change behaviors or encouraging clients to improve their lives can be challenging. This workshop will instruct the audience of unique techniques used to inspire and encourage clients to make better choices.

3. “Fundraising for Nonprofits”

This workshop will provide an overview of alternate sources of funding for nonprofits.

4. “Listening to the Voices of Consumers”

A panel consisting of current and former consumers, this workshop will present questions and answers format to discuss varying views of policies affecting homeless persons. The audience will learn from consumers what changes they would like to see in the provision of homeless services.

5. “Incorporating Sustainability and Energy Efficiency Features into Your New and Existing Programs for the Homeless”

Energy costs are skyrocketing and this can affect not only the development of housing programs for the homeless, but also the pocketbooks of consumers who are already in a housing program. Come to this workshop to learn from experts how you can keep energy costs low.

6. “HMIS and Achieving Excellent Performance Measures with HUD Funded Programs”

Do you need advice on how to boost your performance scores? This workshop will provide information and assistance on how to utilize HMIS effectively to improve your scores.

7. “Integrating Legal and Mental Health Services within the Court System”

Project H.E.L.P. & Mental Health Court

HELP will inform the audience how the members of the legal community are going to homeless shelters in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Shreveport to provide legal consultation services. Workshop participants will also receive information about the mental court system.

Tuesday Dec. 2, 3:15-4:30

1. “New Faith-Based Initiatives and 10 Year Plans to End Chronic Homelessness”

This workshop will feature 10 year plans from around the state of Louisiana, as well as innovative ideas for cities or communities to involve faith-based groups in housing and services to the homeless.

2. “Advocacy Works! Impacting Policy and Practices Affecting Homeless Persons in Your Community”

How can your community challenge unjust practices or policies adversely impacting homeless persons? Come to this workshop to find examples of some state-wide coalitions and how you can be a part of them.

3. “Assisting Ex-Offenders”

This workshop will cover state programs that provide re-entry services and discharge planning for ex-offenders.

4. “Integrating Consumers as Colleagues in Program Design, Delivery and Evaluation”

In this workshop, participants will examine strategies to maximize consumer involvement including how to establish an effective grievance procedure for your program.

5. “VA Services”

Workshop participants will learn about challenging issues facing homeless veterans and what role the VA is playing in addressing these issues.

6. “Assertive Community Treatment and Forensic Assertive Community Treatment Teams: Collaboration for Hard to Serve Clients”

Participants will learn what services are provided through ACT and FACT teams

7. “Ethics and Effective Case Management with Challenging Clients”

Participants will learn best practices methods for working with challenging clients.

Plenary #3

Tuesday Dec. 2, 3:15-5:00

Screening of “Trouble the Water” (if possible)

Screening of the documentary that has been labeled “Remarkable! A story of community resilience in the face of “government indifference” as stated by the Los Angeles Times.


Bus Tour of New Orleans surveying the housing needs in the city.

Wednesday Dec. 3, 7:30-8:30

Continental Breakfast

Wednesday Dec. 3, 8:30-10:00

1. “Innovative Collaboration in Communities throughout Louisiana”

This workshop will feature examples from three different areas of Louisiana that demonstrate effective collaboration between programs with Continuums of Care.

2. “Homeless Issues during a Disaster”

Disasters of any kind can occur anywhere, whether it is a hurricane evacuation order in South Louisiana, a tornado in North Louisiana, or massive power outages throughout the state. It is important that agencies that serve the homeless are able to maintain a continuance of services once the disaster is over. This workshop will instruct participants in effective portability of vital agency and client records, strategies for a seamless transition for agencies who need to evacuate with the clients they serve, and the improved state plan to evacuate street homeless persons.

3. “Organizing a Volunteer Program for Your Continuum of Care”

Volunteers can provide valuable time and talent for agencies that are facing budget cuts or other financial hardships. This workshop will teach participants to develop effective and reliable volunteer networks which will assist agencies in providing crucial services to the homeless.

4. “Integrated Treatment Model for Persons with Co-Occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Illness”

An exceptional treatment model that has had promising results around the globe will be presented with specific techniques to help providers determine how to successfully work with these uniquely challenging clients.

5. “Care for the Caregiver”

So often, providers become extremely stressed when working with clients that they forget that self care is just as important. Self awareness and development are processes, and we must remember to implement caregiving activities for ourselves and our staff in order to thrive over the long haul.

6. “Accessing the Services of a Homeless Continuum of Care”

This workshop will address problems with admission barriers and the difficulty of getting the street homeless admitted to programs, and present best practice ideas about a single point of entry and “Project Homeless Connect,” a new model of one day connection with homeless services.

7. “Innovative Ideas of Assisting Victims of Domestic Violence”

This workshop will cover how one can run a congregate facility for victims of domestic violence? This workshop will present the latest research on the most effective approaches to addressing domestic violence and homelessness.

8. “Rural Homelessness”

This workshop will feature a discussion about the unique challenges service providers in rural communities face and how to overcome them through creative collaboration with mainstream agencies and nonprofits; included will be a film screening.

Plenary #4



“Symposium of Best Practice Experts”

Through interactive questions and answers from audience members, experts from wide ranging areas of expertise candidly discuss difficult issues of housing and services for and with homeless persons.