a, an without, not
ab off, from, away
aer air, atmosphere
allo other, different
ambi on both sides
amphi both, doubly
ana up, through
andro male, masculine
ante before, in front of
anti against
ap from, off, away, tip
aper open, uncovered
aqua water
archeo original, ancient
arthro joint
auto self
bi two, twice, double
bio life, living
botan grass, pasture
carn meat
cent one hundred
centri center, a point
cephal head
chlor green
chromo color
cide killer, killing
cili small hair, eyelid
circum, circa around, about
clado branch
co with, together, joint
con with
contra against, opposite
corpus body
cret separated
crypto hidden
cyte, cyto cell
de from, down, away
dec ten
derm skin
di two, double
dys bad
e out of, from
eco house
ecto outside of
elle small
endo in, internal
epi above, upon
err wandering
erythros red
eu true
exo out, external
fract break
fug flee, dispel
gam sexual, marriage
genesis, genic origin, birth, producing
geny race, kind
geo earth
gest carried
graph write
gymno naked
hepar,hepat liver
herb plant, grass
hetero different, other
hex six
hist tissue
homo same, like, man
hyper above, excessive, over
hydro water
hypo below, under
inter between, among
intra within, inside
intro into, within
iso same
itis disease, inflammation
kary nucleus, nut
kine move
lact milk
lect a gathering
logy the study of
lys destruction
macro large
manu hand
micro small
mit a thread
mon one, single
morph form, shape
mut change
myco fungus
myo muscle
neo new
neuro nerve
non nine
oc, opt eye
oct eight
ol whole, entire
ome totality
omni all
onc mass, tumor
oo beginning, egg
osis disease, condition
ovum, ov egg
para beside, near
patri father, country
path suffering, disease
pedi beginning, child
pent five
pes, pod foot
phage to eat
phase appearance
photo light
phyll leaf
physio function, nature
phyto plant
post after, behind
pro before
pulmo lung
quad four
quint five
re back, again
ren kidney
respir breathe
ret network
rhod red
rhiz root
sapro rotten, putrid
scope see, look
sept seven
sex six
skleros hard
soma body
stasis standing, staying
stereo solid
stom mouth
sub, sup below
super above, upper
sym with
syn together
tein extend, stretch
tetra four
thesis arrangement
tic belonging to
tomy cut
tox poison
tri three
troph nourish, food
tub tube, pipe
uni one
vac empty
villi hairy
vor eat
xero dry
zoo animal