SMA-2 White Paper – Summary [v3]

A. Programme Details

1. / Proposed Title : / Leaders in Information Systems and Architectures (LISA)
2. / Proposed Programme Co-Chair : / Singapore : / Angela Goh Eck Soong
MIT : / Stuart Madnick
3. / Programme : / Life Sciences / X / Non-Life Sciences
4. / Proposed start date of academic year : / 2005
5. / Total Programme budget :

(To be provided by SMA Office)

(Breakdown) / Education component :
Flagship Research Project :
Others :

B. Education Component

1. / Degrees offered : / X / MIT Masters / X / NUS/NTU Masters
MIT PhD / X / NUS/NTU PhD (with SMA Cert)[1]
2. / Students intake [2] : / No. of Masters students per year / 20
No. of PhD students per year / 8
3. / MIT stay : / Masters students spend / 1 / semesters / months at MIT
PhD students spend / 1+ / semesters / months at MIT
4. / Total no. of faculty Fellows involved : / NUS / 3 / NTU / 6 / MIT / 5+ / RI / 0
5. / Faculty stay at collaborating University : / X / Yes / No
(If yes, state duration of stay) / 2+ weeks per year
6. / Education budget :

(To be provided by SMA Office)

C. Research Component

I Flagship Research Project

1. / Flagship Research Title : / SMA Financial Information Grid (FIG)
2. / Project duration : / 5 years
3. / A*Star RIs participation : / X / Yes / No
(If yes, state name of RI) / I2R, SIMTech, and Singapore National Grid Office [3]
4. / Industry participation : / Yes / No
(If yes, state company name) / Under discussion with: Citibank, Wells Fargo, ABN AMRO, Check Free, SWIFT, Mastercard, ClearCommerce – and others
5. / Total no. of researchers involved : / 36 [4]
6. / Total no. of shared SMA Post-Doctoral Fellows employed : / 4
7. / Total Flagship Research Budget : / 7,301,074 [5] + 3,010,000 [6]

D. Qualifying Criteria.

  1. The programme must significantly advance the agenda of the Alliance universities with respect to teaching, degree programmes, and research. The final proposal must be approved by the heads of the relevant academic units of the Alliance universities.

Compliant: Yes __X__ No _____

If no please provide a brief reason

Noncompliant reason: ______

  1. The programme design as regards student trajectory and Alliance university collaboration must adhere to all the regulations, expectations, and values of the participating universities. Any degrees must already be approved at the Alliance universities, or the proposal must include a reasonable plan to secure such approval.

Compliant: Yes __X__ No _____

If no please provide a brief reason

Noncompliant reason: ______

3.  The programme must involve a sufficient number of faculty members and students at the Alliance universities to have significant impact on teaching and research. The majority of the faculty members involved should participate in both the teaching and the research collaboration aspects.

Compliant: Yes __X__ No _____

If no please provide a brief reason

Noncompliant reason: ______

4.  The rewards and compensation to faculty members for their participation in SMA-2 must be (a) consistent with their home institution’s usual compensation mechanisms, and (b) commensurate with their contributions to the programme.

Compliant: Yes __X__ No _____

If no please provide a brief reason

Noncompliant reason: ______

5.  Faculty members participating in either Inter-University or Flagship grants must be present at the collaborating university for two or more contiguous weeks each year.

Compliant: Yes __X__ No _____

If no please provide a brief reason

Noncompliant reason: ______

  1. There must be a satisfactory plan for the management and internal review of the programme within each university and across the Alliance universities including, as appropriate, advisory councils representing different viewpoints.

Compliant: Yes __X__ No _____

If no please provide a brief reason

Noncompliant reason: ______

7.  In the doctoral component, programmes must make provisions for (a) research co-supervision of SMA students by MIT and NUS/NTU faculty members, and (b) residency of SMA students in MIT research laboratories for one or more semesters.

Compliant: Yes __X__ No _____

If no please provide a brief reason

Noncompliant reason: ______

8.  In the research component, programmes must make provisions for the joint appointment of SMA Post-doctoral Fellows. Within any progamme there should be a balance of shared SMA Post-doctoral Fellows and graduate-student Research Assistants from each of the universities co-hosting the programme. These shared Post-doctoral fellows would be co-supervised by MIT and NUS/NTU faculty members, and must be resident at both MIT and NUS/NTU for significant periods each year. Such SMA Post-doctoral Fellows may be considered later for appointment to NUS/NTU as faculty members.

Compliant: Yes __X__ No _____

If no please provide a brief reason

Noncompliant reason: ______


[1] These are selected candidates who have completed their LISA dual masters degrees.

[2] At steady-state.

[3] The Singapore National Grid Office is not officially an A*Star Research Institute, but it is an important Singapore organization to be participating in this effort.

[4] Includes all MIT, NTU, NUS, and RI researchers (see Section 8 and Appendix 4 of White Paper)

[5] MIT portion

[6] NTU/NUS portion