Cecilie Sasu

Therapeutic Counsellor (Dip (Couns)

Reg. Member BACP and ACTO

Tel: 07486 455 683

Skype ID: talkingitover

Facebook Page:

Twitter: @talking_it_over

Online CounsellingAssessment and Agreement

About me

My name is Cecilie Sasu.I am a Therapeutic Counsellor. I am a registered member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).I conduct my counselling practice within the BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions, and also the BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions Supplementary Guidance: Working Online (GPiA 047). Information relating to both of these documents can be found at I am also a member of the Association for Counselling and Therapy Online (ACTO) and adhere to their Code of Ethics.

If at any point within your counselling you feel that I am in breach of these codes of ethics, I would hope that you feel comfortable enough to discuss this with me and that we could find a resolution to the situation. If we were unable to do so, I will provide you with contact details where you could express your concerns directly to the BACP or ACTO.

I currently work in private practice offering both face-to-faceand online counselling. I also work ina secondary school. I have experience from working with clients across all age ranges (both privately, in schools and in the voluntary sector) andI have the fullest commitment to offering a service which is welcoming to all backgrounds in a supportive and non-discriminatory manner.

My qualifications

  • Certificate in Online Counselling
  • Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling
  • Couples Counselling Course
  • Certificate in Counselling Studies
  • Certificate in Counselling Skills
  • Award in Introduction to Counselling Skills

What is online counselling?

Online counselling provides an opportunity to explore a personal difficulty in a confidential and supportive environment. This may include expressing feelings that are painful, and which many of us experience at certain times in our lives.When this happens it can be difficult to stay positive and cope with everyday life. Online Counselling can provide you with the opportunity to access counselling support at a time and in a place which is convenient to you and be supported in trying to find a positive way forward with personal issues or concerns.

What sort of issues can I contact you about?

Online counselling may be able to help with a wide range of issues, including anxiety, stress, depression, anger issues, eating difficulties, loneliness, relationship problems, bereavement, self-esteem, sexual orientation, life style choices, abuse (sexual, physical, emotional or neglect), discrimination, addiction and many more.

Not all types of issues can be resolved through online counselling and I will advise you if I consider that face-to-face counselling or some other form of support might be more appropriate to your personal needs and presenting issues. Where I consider that online counselling would not be the most suitable means of support, I will make every effort to assist you in a referral to a suitable alternative source of support.

I am not able to provide online counselling to any person who is under the age of 18. If this applies to you, I can help with information on referral to other agencies providing face-to-face counselling services or online work which is specifically directed to a younger age group.

Guidelines for emergency contact

Online counselling cannot provide an emergency service for clients. In the event of an emergency arising whilst you are engaged in online work, I will discuss with you the appropriate support that you could access during this period.

Immediate emergencies or strong suicidal feelings are better dealt with urgently. In this case, I would recommend that you visit suitable help or contact the emergency services.

What type of online counselling do I offer?

Counselling by email

Email counselling revolve around a series of email exchanges between us. We will agree a set time frame in which emails are sent and responded to. I suggest that you spend 50 minutes writing each mail and that the email is no longer than 750-900 words.We will agree on the day and time that you wish to finalise your weekly emails and I will send you your therapeutic response within 48 hours. This way we can ensure that our email exchanges mimic the process of face to face counselling as much as possible. I will in return spend 50 minutes on reading your email and composing my reply to you. I ask that you send your messages in a password protected word document, or that we exchange emails via Protonmail.com, as this is a fully encrypted service. You can set up a free account by visiting the website.

Instant messaging counselling

Instant messaging counselling (also called instant chat counselling) is carried out at a pre-arranged time using an instant messenger application. I suggest that we use VSeeas it is fully secure and encrypted. (Skype is less secure for written data). This will allow you to receive an instant real time response. Instant feedback obtained from online messaging counselling can be comforting for those who wish to interact and respond immediately. We will agree a mutually convenient appointment time. This is usually on a weekly basis.

Video counselling

For video counselling, I suggest we use either Skype or Vsee. In orderto use this type of online counselling, your computer must have a webcam and microphone and we will both be able to see and hear each other. It is also a good idea to make yourself comfortable and check you have good Internet connection before you start.We will agree a mutually convenient appointment time. This is usually on a weekly basis. Before your first session you may want to ensure you are alone and won't be disturbed.

Voice counselling

For voice counselling, I suggest we use either Skype or Vsee. In order to use this type of online counselling, your computer must have a microphone and we will be able to hear each other. It is also a good idea to make yourself comfortable and check you have good Internet connection before you start.We will agree a mutually convenient appointment time. This is usually on a weekly basis. Before your first session you may want to ensure you are alone and won't be disturbed.


Skype ( is a secureapplication that uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).Written data is stored on Microsoft servers for a short period however (even if deleted off users’ machines) and this could potentially cause a small risk. This is why Skype is not as secure of text based online counselling.

VSee ( is a secure application that is fully encrypted to a high standard and is HIPAA compliant, which is an additional protection that is required by law in the US (but not in the UK). This means that it is very difficult for a third party to hack into the communication and all stored data remains fully encrypted.

Proton Mail (is a secure email web service that is fully encrypted to a high standard and is protected by Swiss privacy laws. This means that it is very difficult for a third party to hack into the communication and all stored data remains fully encrypted.

There is not a guarantee that online counselling is 100% safe, but provided care and consideration is used, the risk that a third party can hack in to the communication is minimal.

Fees & payment

All online counselling must be paid for in advance via PayPal or direct bank transfer. If you wish to pay for a session(s) via PayPal, you can do so via my website. Alternatively, I take payments directly to my bank account and I will send my bank details once we have agreed to work together.If you have not made payment at least two hours before a session, the session will be cancelled.

Email Counselling

£35 per email or £195 for 6 emails if bought as a block.

Instant Messaging

£35 per 50-minute session or £195 for 6 sessions if bought as a block.

Video Counselling

£40 per 50-minute session or £225 for 6 sessions if bought as a block.

Voice Counselling

£40 per 50-minute session or £225 for 6 sessions if bought as a block.

I also offer an initial consultation for £25 (50 minutes) so you can decide if I am the right therapist for you. Let me know if this is of interest to you.

What happens if I have to cancel the appointment?

If you have made payment for a session but are unable to meet at the appointed time due to unexpected or other personal commitments, please let me know as soon as possible. I will do my best to find an alternative slot in the same week to accommodate you, although this might not always be possible. I reserve the right to charge for unattended or cancelled sessions with less than 24-hour notice.

What happens if I have computer/connection problems which prevent me keeping the appointment?

Where either party experiences a technological breakdown, which prevents us meeting online or exchanging emails, we would discuss how to re-arrange the scheduled appointment. If this is not possible, you will receive a refund for the appointment.

Contact between scheduled appointments

I am generally unable to communicate with clients outside of scheduled appointments, other than to re-schedule appointment times, or to communicate briefly about technical issues.

Social media

I will not befriend current or previous clients on social media, and I will not respond to comments if you follow my professional Facebook page, or my professional twitter feed. This is to protect and respect the boundaries of the therapeutic relationship.

About the way I work

I practice in an integrative way, which simply means I bring together elements of specific therapies. I believe that one approach or theory does not fit all and that each person needs to be considered as a whole. This means that the approach I use is tailored to my client's needs and personal circumstances. My work is significantly influenced by the person-centred (humanistic) approach to counselling where the belief is that all human beings have the ability to fulfil their full potential provided the right conditions are present. However, I also draw inspiration from CBT, Transactional Analysis, and the Psychodynamic approaches to counselling.

I will provide, to the best of my ability, online counselling opportunities that endeavor to create a supportive, non-judgmental environment in which you will be given time and space to understand and gain insight into your situation. This process can foster growth and lead to positive change in your life. I will not be in a position to offer advice.

Specific issues related to counselling using the written word

There may be occasions where I ask questions about what you have written to me. This may be to seek a clearer view of your difficulty or to clarify a misunderstanding in our communication. You are free to ignore my questions and responses, or alternatively spend time between email exchanges reflecting on them.

There may also be occasions where I may misunderstand something which you have tried to convey to me. I might therefore ask if you could clarify this for me. I hope you will feel comfortable in being able to do the same if you have misunderstood anything which I have said or that you feel I have implied.Online counselling using the written word is different to face-to-face work, as misunderstandings may occur due to a lack of facial expressions and tone of voice. We should agree to think the best of each other and then try to express how we are feeling.

Duration and reviews

I would always aim to offer counselling for a duration that suits my client, most often on a weekly basis. I believe it is important to regularly review the work together and we will incorporate this into the work as it progresses. It can be difficult to know how many sessions are needed or wanted, but this is something we can discuss during our first meeting and in our reviews. We may agree a set number of sessions, usually up to six, followed by a review. Alternatively, a more open ended arrangement with regular reviews might be more suitable.


It is rare for me to offer advice, even if asked for it. I believe that only you can choose the direction you want to go in, and that is why your own decision making is essential. The best advice you can follow is your own, and I shall do my best to help you to work things out for yourself.

Confidentiality and security

The content of your emails or our synchronous communication will not be communicated with a third party except for the purposes of supervision. As a member of BACP, it is a requirement that I have regular supervision. This is to support me in my work with you and ensure I work with your best interest in mind. My supervisor is also bound by confidentiality.

All personal information and clinical notes, emails and instant messagingwill be stored securely using the Bac-Pac system online ( which is fully encrypted and secure to NHS standards. Anything stored offline will be in a locked filing cabinet with a client code only.After 6 years, all electronic and paper copies will be destroyed.

I will not share the content of our sessions with a third party. The only exceptions would be: a) disclosure of abuse of a child or vulnerable adult that is currently at risk, or b) serious danger to yourself or someone else, or c)a legal obligation on my part to disclose (eg. Terrorism Act 2000). I would always discuss a potential breach of confidentiality with you in advance, if at all possible. For your information, I also have professional indemnity insurance and I have been DBS checked (formerly called CRB).

Maintaining the privacy of your online exchange

Please ensure that you secure your computer and emails against unauthorised viewing by third parties. This may include adopting the use of password protection for all personal email accounts and documents etc. It is recommended that you do not engage in online counselling using a public computer where the content of exchanges could be viewed by others in the close proximity.

Some information about you

Full name:
Normal Email address:
Proton Email address:
(if applicable – to set up a free fully encrypted proton email account please visit:
Skype ID:
(if applicable)
VSee ID:
(if applicable
Date of Birth:
Mobile contact number:
(in the event of technology breakdown)
GP’s name and address:
(for emergency only)
Emergency contact:
(Please list a person that I can contact in a genuine emergency. I would only do this with your consent.)
Emergency contact’s relationship to you:
(List any relevant medication you are currently taking, such as anti-anxiety or anti-depressants).
Gender: / Male ☐ Female ☐
Other – Please specify:
Sexual orientation: / Heterosexual ☐
Gay or Lesbian ☐
Bisexual ☐
Other ☐ – please specify:
Prefer not to say ☐
Religion: / Atheist / Agnostic☐
Church of England☐
Other Protestant ☐
Roman Catholic ☐
Other Christian☐
Muslim ☐
Jewish ☐
Other Religion☐ - Please Specify:
Prefer Not to say ☐
Ethnicity: / White British ☐
White Irish ☐
Any other White Background☐
Mixed White and Black Caribbean ☐
Mixed White and Black African ☐
Mixed White and Asian ☐
Any Other Mixed Background ☐
Black or Black British Caribbean ☐
Black or Black British African ☐
Any Other Black Background ☐
Asian or Asian British Indian ☐
Asian or Asian British Pakistani ☐
Asian or Asian British Bangladeshi ☐
Asian Chinese☐
Any Other Ethnic Group ☐ - please specify:
Prefer Not to say ☐
What is your relationship status: / Single ☐
Co-habiting ☐
Married ☐
Divorced ☐
Widowed ☐
Separated ☐
Civil Partnership ☐
Long-term ☐
Prefer Not to Say ☐
Do you have children? If so, how many, genders, and ages.
Employment Status: / Employed Full-time ☐
Employed Part-time ☐
Self Employed ☐
Unemployed ☐
Student ☐
Homemaker ☐
Long term sick or disabled ☐
Retired ☐
Other ☐ Please specify: ______
Please tell me how you found out about my counselling service: / Google Search (website found) ☐
Counselling Directory ☐
BACP It’s good to talk ☐
Skype Therapies ☐
Word of mouth ☐
Referral ☐ - please specify:______
Other ☐ – please specify:______
Briefly tell me what you hope to gain from having online counselling?
Have you had any type of counselling before, and if so, briefly outline what it was like for you?
How would you describe your support system – from family, friends, work or others?
Tell me how confident you feel using a computer for working online?
How familiar are you with using Online Video/Instant Messaging Chat and E-mail?

Over the last week

This form has 34 statements about how you have been feeling over the last week. Tick the box which is the closest to this. / Not at all / Only Occasionally / Sometimes / Often / Most or all of the time / Office Use
1.I have felt terribly alone and isolated / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / F
2.I have felt tense, anxious or nervous / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / P
3.I have I have someone to turn to for support when needed / ☐4 / ☐3 / ☐2 / ☐1 / ☐0 / F
4.I have felt OK about myself / ☐4 / ☐3 / ☐2 / ☐1 / ☐0 / W
5.I have felt totally lacking in energy and enthusiasm / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / P
6.I have been physically violent to others / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / R
7.I have felt able to cope when things go wrong / ☐4 / ☐3 / ☐2 / ☐1 / ☐0 / F
8.I have been troubled by aches, pains or other physical problems / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / P
9.I have thought of hurting myself / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / R
10.Talking to people has felt too much for me / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / F
11.Tension and anxiety have prevented me from doing important things / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / P
12.I have been happy with the things I have done / ☐4 / ☐3 / ☐2 / ☐1 / ☐0 / F
13.I have been disturbed by unwanted thoughts and feelings / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / P
14.I have felt like crying / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / W
15.I have felt panic or terror / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / P
16.I made plans to end my life / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / R
17.I have felt overwhelmed by my problems / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / W
18.I have had difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / P
19.I have felt warmth or affection for someone / ☐4 / ☐3 / ☐2 / ☐1 / ☐0 / F
20.My problems have been impossible to put to one side / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / P
21.I have been able to do most things I needed to / ☐4 / ☐3 / ☐2 / ☐1 / ☐0 / F
22.I have threatened or intimidated another person / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / R
23.I have felt despairing or hopeless / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / P
24.I have thought it would be better if I were dead / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / R
25.I have felt criticised by other people / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / F
26.I have thought I have no friends / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / F
27.I have felt unhappy / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / P
28.Unwanted images or memories have been distressing me / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / P
29.I have been irritable when with other people / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / F
30.I have thought I am to blame for my problems and difficulties / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / P
31.I have felt optimistic about the future / ☐4 / ☐3 / ☐2 / ☐1 / ☐0 / W
32.I have achieved the things I want to / ☐4 / ☐3 / ☐2 / ☐1 / ☐0 / F
33.I have felt humiliated or shamed by other people / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / F
34.I have hurt myself physically or taken dangerous risks with my health / ☐0 / ☐1 / ☐2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / R

Please choose the type of Online Counselling you are interested in (choose one):