Resident NF Checklist:

Run list with team

Get updated list from NACR (do not use your previous version)

Assign all housestaff patients and highlight or cross out patient when report given

Follow-up with Chief to ensure Fang patients have not been reassigned to Hellerstein

Run list with NACR to ensure all housestaff patients assigned

NACR Checklist:

Obtain intern census from NF interns and write on automated board printout

Copy patients who have not arrived to hospital (from OSH) to book but take off NACR list

Run list with team twice

Print out updated list (2 copies for NF residents, 3 copies for Chief)

Make sure book is updated with all overnight admissions and color in the box for patients who have been assigned a team. Leave OSH transfers who have not arrive uncolored (to be assigned when they arrive)

Update NACR sheet with pager numbers of assigned service

Run list with NF residents to ensure all housestaff patients have been assigned

At 8:00 am, the hospitalist will call you to discuss their patients. Write the assignments (B, C, D) next to hospitalist on the NACR sheet

Copy all housestaff assignments to today’s automated board

Fax yesterday’s automated board and today’s NACR sheet to all floors

When you signout to DACR, make sure they know about new flex patients and new consults

Chief Checklist:

Run list twice with team

Highlight list for MNP, Berger, and Hospitalists

Call Fang to ask about admissions. If they are full, assign to Hellerstein and update NACR and resident NFs

If a renal transplant patient was admitted, make sure transplant nephrologist on service is aware

If liver patient admitted to Dworken, make sure liver attending accepts

Add patients to Flex board

Add patients to team lists

Go over H&P with medical student