Evaluation of Project Proposal

After the process is complete, the Project Coordinator will summarise the score, comments and conclusions of the committee for each project. This information will be provided to the applicants.

A list of all project proposals, their total score, and the decision of the committee regarding financial support, will be published.

Table 1: Preliminary evaluation of the Project Proposal

Proposal Title:
Criteria / Relevance (demand) / Effectiveness
do right things / Efficiency
Do things right / Sustainability and Impact / Organisation (performance) / Total
Rating (points) / 0-20 / 0-20 / 0-20 / 0-20 / 0-20 / 0-100
Points assigned


/ Approve
Approve subject to modification (please specify)

Relevance (total 20 points) means correspondence to the needs of the country where the project will be implemented, and to the priorities of the donors.

Relevance to the Partner country priorities, MDG – Millennium Development Goals, PRSP – Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper or other strategic documents (0-10 pts)

Relevance to the ODA priorities of the donors– in particular to the CSP – Country Strategy Paper if available (0-5 pts)

How appropriate to this are the identified stakeholders / target groups(0-5 pts)

Effectiveness (total 20 points) depends on the project strategy (“doing the right things”) and the intervention logic.

Realistic goals and objectives at all project levels (0-10 pts)

Realistic intervention logic (“Can the required inputs be really transformed through project activities and outputs into the project outcomes and impact?”) (0-10 pts)

Efficiency (total 20 points) means “productivity” of the intervention (“doing things right”). The main efficiency factors are:

Relevant and objectively verifiable indicators proposed at all levels of results (0-10 pts)

Does the proposed budget represent value for money(0-5 pts)

Envisaged level of cost-sharing or in-kind inputs from partners(other than the applicants) in the country where the project will be implemented(0-5 pts)

Sustainability and Impact (total 20 points) measure the probability that the project will contribute to the desired long-term impacts for the target groups and likelihood of continuation of these impacts after project completion. The committee will assess both the internal logic of the proposed intervention and the commitment of stakeholders and authorities in the country where the project will be implemented.

Ownership of the project idea by the beneficiaries, level of their co-operation during the preparation and envisaged implementation of the project(0-5 pts)

Sufficient institutional and managerial capacities in the Partner country to continue in implementation, usage / maintenance or monitoring of the project results after the project completion (0-5 pts)

Policy support / commitment of the Partner country institutions to support the project ideas either during or after implementation (0-5 pts)

Likelihood of financial support from national or international resources after the project completion(0-5 pts)

Organisation / Performance (total 20 points) relates to the institutional and professional backing of the proposed project and to the skills, responsibility and experience of the proposed project partner, clear information on implementing organisations (qualification, experience, job description). The following aspects should be evaluated:

Competence and experience of the project manager and other project workers (0-8 pts)

Capacity and experience of the NMS implementing organisation(0-6 pts)

Capacity and experience of the Austrian implementing organisation (0-6 pts)