2018PA Coalition of the Year Application

The Annual PA Coalition of the Year (COY) Award is coordinated by the EPISCenter at Penn State University on behalf of the PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) and the Prevention Coalition Advisory Council of PA (PCACP). The goal of this effort is to recognize community prevention coalitions that have achieved success in improving community-level outcomes related to increasing positive behaviors while addressing the underlying causes of anti-social behaviors. Coalitions are required to use a data-driven, decision-making process to identify and prioritize goals, strategies and desired outcomes.

Eligible coalitions

Any prevention-focused coalition located in Pennsylvania that is focused on data-driven strategic planning and improving outcomes for youth and families.

To be considered for the award, a coalition must:

  • Utilize the PA Youth Survey (PAYS) and other local assessment data to drive decision making and focus on risk factors and/or root causes of local issues
  • Be in the process of developing/updating/implementing a comprehensive prevention plan based on local data collection efforts that utilizes evidence-based strategies including: programs, practices, and/or environmental approaches that lead to systems change

The winning coalition will receive:

  • One-year CPA membership for the coalition
  • Award trophy and photo opportunity with state leadership
  • One paid scholarship to the 2019 CPA Conference (conference fee only – $575 non-member value)

Application & Review Information

  • Applicants are requested, but are not required, to submit an Intent to Apply by sending an email to y March 30th
  • Application presentations are due by April 27th and should be submitted to . Presentationswill be reviewed and the award winner recommendation will be made by the PCACP members; if a PCACP member’s coalition applies for the award that member will recuse themselves from the review and award recommendation process
  • Each applicant will be recognized and the winner will be announced on June 8that the CPA Conference. For those applicants who will not be attending the whole CPA Conference and/or do not have current funding, expenses will be paid for one coalition representative to attend the conference on Friday to be recognized during the morning plenary. Expenses covered include Friday conference registration and travel

Key Application Dates

  • March 30thIntent to Apply due date
  • April 27thApplication due date
  • June 8thAll applicants and winners announced at CPA Conference morning plenary

Application Presentation Information

Applicants for the 2018 Coalition of the Year Award are asked to put together a brief PowerPoint presentation that provides an overview of the coalition’s output and outcomes.

Formatting Requirements

  • 23slidesmaximum (including your Title Slide); applicants will be provided PowerPoint template (recommended to use, but not required)
  • Font size on slides must be 20 points or larger; 20-24 point for content and 36 point for headings is suggested

Best Practices

  • Tell a story that will interest your audience
  • Keep each slide focused on 1-2 main ideas
  • Use backgrounds, colors, and images wisely
  • Consider using charts and graphs whenever possible

Supplemental Materials

  • Applicants may submit supplemental materials that will assist in telling their story; possible documents include Executive Summary from local action plan, newsletter and/or brochure sample, etc.
  • These materials are not required and will not be scored

Required Content / Suggested # of Slides
Title Slide(No points awarded for this section)
  • Coalition Name
  • Mobilizer/Contact Name, Title, Email, Phone Number
/ 1 slide
Getting to Know Your Coalition(2 Points)
  • The year coalition was formed
  • Provide a coalition organization chart (if available)
  • Provide brief descriptions of workgroup/committee responsibilities/duties
/ 2-3 slides
Coalition Service Area(3 Points)
  • List location(s) served by the coalition; identify if areas are urban, suburban, or rural
  • List data and information that will “tell the story” of the service area including demographic, economic, free-reduced lunch, etc.
/ 1-2 slides
Community Sector Engagement(4 points)
  • List the 2-3 community sectors (i.e. agencies, organizations, etc.) that are most actively engaged and involved in carrying out the coalition work
  • For each sector listed, provide 1-2 specific examples of their contributions
/ 2-3 slides
Required Content(Continued) / Suggested # of Slides
Community Issues/Priorities(12 Points)
  • List and describe the targeted behaviors & issues the coalition is addressing; of these, describe which are priorities
  • Provide an overview of the data and resource analysis that the coalition uses to determine priorities
  • For each priority, provide 2-3risk factors, protective factors, and/or other root causes (What is causing the issue?)
  • For each risk factor, protective factor, and/or other root cause, provide a statement of why the coalition believes the issue is occurring (What are the local conditions that are driving the causes of your issues?)
/ 2-5 slides
Community Action Planning(14Points)
  • Briefly describe the major points found in the Community Action Plan; if no current Community Action Plan is in place, describe how and when the coalition is expected to get their plan in place
  • List measurable outcome(s) for each priority identified in Community Priorities section; if no community action plan is in place, list any measurable process outcomes that the coalition has achieved to date and any other measurable outcomes the coalition is considering
  • Listprograms, practices, and/or environmental approaches that are in place or are being considered to address each priority
  • Briefly describe how the coalition plans to sustain both mobilization/coordination efforts and Community Action Plan implementation
  • Describe 4-5 action items the coalition will be focusing on in the coming year
/ 3-5 slides
Celebrating Coalition Success(10Points)
  • Use longitudinal PAYouth Survey (PAYS) data, other local data sources, and process information to provide the data that demonstrate the coalition’s success in impacting the identified priorities and community issues
  • Provide 3-5 specific benefits that your coalition brings to your community (What would the community lose if our coalition no longer existed?)
  • As applicable, include information how the coalition has overcome any challenges/limitations to their work
/ 2-4 slides
Total Possible Points = 45 / Maximum # of slides = 23

Source: Thisapplication was developed using the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) GOT OUTCOMES! Coalition of Excellence Awards application as a guide to assist with application development and applicant process.

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