CODA Spring Board Meeting
Waco Library
February 13, 2010
Meeting called to order at 11:00am by State Chair: Terri S, meeting opened with a moment of silence followed by the serenity prayer, 12 steps and 12 traditions were read.
Meeting Attended by: Terri S, Robert G, Brandi D., Della B, Bob M, David L, Dephny Z.,
Attended by Phone: Martha R, Judi C, Karen G
Motion made to allow all participants at the meeting to be eligible . To vote, this included people that attended the meeting from a remote location,electronically (phone, internet)
Secretary Report; motion to accept state assembly minutes Della B. Accepted as written carried unanimously abstain;Judi C, abstained, (electronically)
Treasurer Report: Treasurer read his report and explained the overall report,For: Robert G: questioned the prudent reserve and the emergency fund a decision was made to keep them separate but categorized together
Motion to accept treas. Report as amended by Della B, Bob M seconded motion unanimously accepted
Motion made to allow Judi C to present the usage of the new (experimental) phone number
Judi C: Presented: The New Telephone number for CODA USA, present phone company; Quest, was housing the toll free number 888-444-2359 and 2379(test area)may end up being given to the Hispanic community, CODA to house the mailbox within the 800 number,
David L---State Assembly in Houston, first weekend of October 2010, 1st, 2nd and 3rd David is trying to secure Hampton Inn in Houston no raffle, donate money instead of a raffle, approx $200.00 will be donated to CODA Texas, guidelines do exist for State Assembly
Retreat: discussed the dates, the price location
Karen G—Newsletter, need for new person to do the newsletter contacted Karen G via phone Karen G will continue to do this and will try to find someone to do this, discussed that finding a new person for the Newsletter, be added to the agenda for State Assembly and placed in the next newsletter.
Website; maintenance and hosting currently costing $240.00 per year whereas there are cheaper alternatives available to manage a website the website issue will need to be a continuous issue of discussion at State Assembly the need for a new webmaster, add a hit counter at the bottom of the page for a monthly count of how many visitors go the to the CODa website and request an updated invoice. Bob M will contact Karen G if needing help with website, the viability of keeping up the website will be a continuous issue.
Mailing List: Martina V mails through postal mail, dan W supplies the address labels so Martina can mail the newsletters out,
E-Mail List-maintained by Della B., e-mailing info about CODA is an outreach technique,keeps people informed of goings on with CODA Della will get a copy of the e-mail list,Secretary-Dephny Z will put this on the thumb drive, along with the physical mailing list put on the thumb drive.
15 minute break
Meeting resumed at 1:15pm, with the serenity prayer,
7th tradition donations come into the PO Box being maintained from Austin, TX by Della B and Dephny Z
Let minutes reflect that we are open to continuing,toaccept 7th tradition donations, this meeting is open to 7th tradition donations
Discussion; Los Angeles conference and delegates confirmation delegate and alternates.
Will take place in Culver City, CA at the Radisson Hotel, open for registration and booking a room.
Activities: Harbor Dinner Cruise will be paid for by SoCA as long and the cost does not become prohibited, Melodie B will be keynote, open for workshops, CODA members pay their own way to convention with the exception of convention committee.
Voting Entity Issues: no consensus from the group on changing the word “Try” as it is in the 12th step, as it is a foundational document, it is the intent of the word try rather than the power of the word, as the state is something we want to take to CSC but will not be taken as a state issue.
The state does not have any VE issues to send to CSC. Names of delegates and alternates will be sent to CSC,
1:45pm meeting adjourned by Terri S closed with the Lords Prayer