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COMING EVENTS AS WE GO TO PRESS (Check before coming could be changed. Look inside for more info.)

Wednesday October 17th”COPING WITH GRIEF IN OUR LIVES” Infant Jesus Morley Parish, 47 Wellington Rd Morley, 6.30 – 8.30pm Please bring a plate of finger food to share.

Thursday October 18th AUSLAN CAFÉ 10.30 – 12 noon Emmanuel Centre

Sunday October 21st“9.30am Mass at St Francis Xavier”, 23 Windsor StPerth. Interpreter and PowerPoint.

Monday October 22nd “Challenges” 9.45-10.45am Emmanuel Centre; “Learning activities” Sr Corona & Christine 11-12.30

Wii Games with Michele 1-2pm

Tuesday October 23rd “Painting with Geoff”9.30-10.30am Emmanuel Centre; “SCRAPBOOKING with Sharon

“Volunteer Drumbeat with Christine and Su” 1-2pm

Tuesday October 23rd”Laughing your way to Mental Health”

6 –pm – 8pm At Immaculate Conceptionparishchurch East Fremantle

Wednesday October 24th“Conversational Sign Language” with Geoff 1-2.30pm Emmanuel Centre

Sunday October 28th“9.30am Mass at St Francis Xavier”, 23 Windsor StPerth. Interpreter and PowerPoint.

Monday October 29th “Challenges” 9.45-10.45am Emmanuel Centre; “Learning activities” Sr Corona & Christine 11-12.30

Wii Games with Michele 1-2pm

Tuesday October 30th “Painting with Geoff”9.30-10.30am Emmanuel Centre; “Craft with Shirley “ 11-12.30

“Volunteer Drumbeat with Christine and Su” 1-2pm

Wednesday October 31st “Conversational Sign Language” with Geoff 1-2.30pm Emmanuel Centre

Sunday November 4th “9.30am Mass at St Francis Xavier”, 23 Windsor StPerth. Interpreter and PowerPoint followed by

Morning Tea.

Monday November 5th “Challenges” 9.45-10.45am Emmanuel Centre; “Learning activities” Sr Corona & Christine 11-12.30

Wii Games with Michele 1-2pm

Tuesday November 6thMelbourne Cup Luncheon. 11am at Emmanuel Centre. Please bring a plate of finger food to share.

Wednesday November 7th“Conversational Sign Language” withGeoff1-2.30pm Emmanuel Centre

Thursday November 8thWHY DEVELOPING POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS IS IMPORTANT TO MENTAL HEALTH” Facilitator GUIDO VOGELS at All Saints Parish Hall, 7 Liwara PlaceGreenwood. 6-8pm.Please bring a plate of finger food.

Saturday November 10thRELIGIOUS SIGNS WORKSHOP 9am – 12noon at Emmanuel Centre

Sunday November 11th “9.30am Mass at St Francis Xavier”, 23 Windsor StPerth. Interpreter and PowerPoint.

Monday November 12th“Challenges” 9.45-10.45am Emmanuel Centre; “Learning activities” Sr Corona & Christine 11-12.30.

Wii Games with Michele 1-2pm

Tuesday November 13th “Painting with Geoff”9.30-10.30am Emmanuel Centre; Activities with Sr Corona and Christine” 11-12 “Volunteer Drumbeat with Christine and Su” 1-2pm

Wednesday November 14th“Conversational Sign Language” with Geoff 1-2.30pm Emmanuel Centre

Thursday November 15thAUSLAN CAFÉ 10.30 – 12 noon Emmanuel Centre

Sunday November 18th “9.30am Mass at St Francis Xavier”, 23 Windsor StPerth. Interpreter and PowerPoint.

Monday November 19th “Challenges” 9.45-10.45am Emmanuel Centre; “Learning activities” Sr Corona & Christine 11-12.30

Wii Games with Michele 1-2pm

Tuesday November 20th “Painting with Geoff”9.30-10.30am Emmanuel Centre; Activities with Sr Corona and Christine” 11-12 “Volunteer Drumbeat with Christine and Su” 1-2pm

Wednesday November 21st Conversational Sign Language” with Geoff 1-2.30pm Emmanuel Centre

Sunday November 25th “9.30am Mass at St Francis Xavier”, 23 Windsor St Perth, Interpreter and PowerPoint.

Monday November 26th “Challenges” 9.45-10.45am Emmanuel Centre; “Learning activities” Sr Corona & Christine 11-12.30

Wii Games with Michele 1-2pm

Tuesday November 27th “Painting with Geoff”9.30-10.30am Emmanuel Centre; Activities with Sr Corona and Christine” 11-12 “Volunteer Drumbeat with Christine and Su” 1-2pm

Wednesday November 28th “Conversational Sign Language” with Geoff 1-2.30pm Emmanuel Centre

Sunday December 2nd“9.30am Mass at St Francis Xavier”, 23 Windsor StPerth, Interpreter and PowerPoint.

Monday December 3rd“Challenges” 9.45-10.45am Emmanuel Centre; “Learning activities” Sr Corona & Christine 11-12.30

Wii Games with Michele 1-2pm

Tuesday December 4th Emmanuel Christmas Party. Please bring a plate of finger food to share

Thursday December 6thAUSLAN CAFÉ 10.30 – 12 noon Emmanuel Centre

\I have often said how blessed I have been in my life because God is continually blessing me with people who come into my life. It is true that often I am not able to see the blessing in the person in the first meeting but if I am open wow what an encounter.

Some years back “Helen” came to Emmanuel Centre in pain. Her child “Sue” had been rejected from the local Catholic School because Sue had Foetal Alcohol Syndrome. A child with fetal alcohol syndrome may have some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Poor growth while the baby is in the womb and after birth
  • Decreased muscle tone and poor coordination
  • Delayed development and problems in three or more major areas: thinking, speech, movement, or social skills. As the baby grows there may be signs of delayed mental development.
  • Heart defects

Helen told me that she had been drinking heavily when she was pregnant and now with the rejection from the school she once again was faced with guilt, regret, anger and denial over the reason why her child had had such a slow start in life. Helen told me that again she had to make a conscious decision to either wallow in guilt and despair or face head on and deal with it. She recognised that her child’s condition was probably caused by her way of life during pregnancy, there was no way that she could go back and change things and there was no point in punishing herself.

I was and still am blessed because Helen allowed me to walk with her on her journey. I saw her in the first instance forgive herself and go on with her life and her daughter’s. She has become an advocate for her child at school and in her neighbourhood, opening doors for her daughter’s success in education, employment and in life. She has forgiven the school where her daughter was rejected and she has developed support groups for others and regularly gives talks to people at risk.

Recently when I asked Helen what was the key to her way of life she said. “It all started with me forgiving myself for the mistakes I had made. I knew in my head that God had done that, but for a long time, I could not see how he could have such unconditional love. I realised that God was so close to me and saw me as his loving child forever. I found that I was no longer devastated and paralysed but given a task that only I could give because I had been there. Forgiving myself has helped me many times to forgive others.”

What Helen shared is so true. Looking back on my own life, pain, resentment, guilt, anger, and fear… all of these feelings have bubbled up inside me when I think back on my mistakes or the mistakes of those dear to me. Sometimes the only healthy way to move forward is to look back at my past and inject forgiveness into my life.

Being an advocate for people with disabilities has brought me into some weird and wonderful situations. Recently it took me into open conflict with a person in the church. This particular person and I were at loggerheads as to how to move forward on the rights of people with disabilities to be acknowledged that they don’t just want to be included but acknowledged that they already belong to the Church.

I give full marks to this person who admitted that he was wrong to try to deny people with disabilities access to the Eucharist. As the person humbly said, “When you make a mistake, you need to correct it. I am sorry for the way that I acted.” Tears rolled down my eyes as I took in the significance of the occasion. I felt an overwhelming sense of the presence of Jesus. Not only were people with disabilities welcomed but my brother and I were reconciled on the spot. Many people were aware of the situation and many people were praying for a happy outcome and they too were very moved by the example given by this person of Jesus’ love..

What struck me, though, is that the person was open to hearing the word of God in his life and acted on it without letting possible embarrassment stop him. I was indeed impressed with the power of prayer and the humility evident in the person.

Coping with Grief

in our Lives

(Director of Grief Management Educational Services and a respected grief counsellor for more than 25 years)

Gerry Smith, a renowned Grief Counsellor and trainer
will share his wisdom

In our lives there are times of grieving about life issues.
How do we cope with these?

Where do we draw our strength?
What skills can we develop?



Infant Jesus Church Hall,

47 Wellington Rd, MORLEY


Please bring a plate of finger food to share. Its free. All welcome.

For further information contact Barbara Harris at Emmanuel Centre on 9328 8113

Gerry will cover issues relating to life-changing situations of self or others e.g. divorce, loss of employment, children leaving home, getting old, or diagnosis of an illness (e.g. mental illness).


“Laugh your way to Mental Health”

With Ann Page and Fr Paul Pitzen


Cnr 152 Canning Highway and Preston Point Road


TUESDAY 23RD October 6 pm-8 pm

Please bring a plate of finger food to share

What is Laughter Yoga? It is a group session consisting of breathing exercises from yoga, playful handclapping and laughter exercises. In a group, laughter becomes contagious and the participants experience the benefits of laughter , which are well researched. Some of the benefits are:

  • Reduces stress and tension
  • Provides cardio-vascular exercise and increases oxygen supply to the brain
  • Burns calories and stabilizes blood sugar
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Lowers blood pressure and produces a feeling of relaxation and wellbeing


Come along and have some fun and learn how to enjoy the benefits.

It’s free.

For information contact Barbara Harris on 9328 8113


Thursday 8th November 2012

Time 6pm-8pm

All Saints Parish Hall

7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD

Guido Vogels, a well known counsellor in the Perth Archdiocese, will give his insights into:

“Why developing positive relationships is important to Good Mental Health”

Come along and bring your questions for a lively discussion.


Director – Access Counselling Service Attadale – Tel (08) 9317 3900

Accredited Mental Health Consultant, Medicare Provider # 2611 841F

Vicar – Social Apostolate Archdiocese of Perth

Please bring a plate of finger food to share.

Tea, coffee etc provided.

For further information, contact Barbara 9328 8113


After more than 27 years of faithful service the original water cooler which we purchased at an auction finally died. You can imagine our surprise when a NEW water cooler appeared. The courier driver turned up and I thought that Fr Paul had ordered it without consulting me. But, No. The driver simply said it was paid for and there was no name of the donor.

A BIG THANK YOU to the anonymous donor???????????????

Mr John Murphy from the Divine Mercy group very kindly professionally installed the machine and we have all enjoyed the taste of COOL WATER.

A BIG THANK YOU to you both



Thursday October 18th

Thursday November 15th

Thursday December 6th

TIME: 10.30 am – 12 Noon


Emmanuel Centre at 25 Windsor StPerth

contact Emmanuelcentre@ westnet.com.au or 9328 8113


Sign Language

Every Wednesday at 1pm – 2.30pmAt Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor St,Perth.



Self-forgiveness tips:

  • Pick an area of your life you would like to work on. It could be failed relationships, family problems, or business mistakes.
  • Make a list of all of the people you might have hurt along the way. This is the toughest part because we tend to bury some of these stressful memories. So be honest with yourself and take your time.
  • After you’ve compiled your list, systematically go through each person on the list. Think about the situation, validate the circumstances, and forgive yourself for hurting them. As odd as it may feel, apologize aloud to yourself, “I forgive myself for hurting this person,” and take a deep breath.Once you’ve completed this practice you’ll instantly feel a slight sense of relief. Remember, the simple act of acknowledging your mistakes is always half the battle.

Forgive Others

If you’ve been hurt in the past, you don’t need to keep suffering. Whether or not you’ve gotten closure is irrelevant. You have the ultimate power to clear the air by simply forgiving those who have hurt you.

Make a list of all of the people who have done something that still troubles you to this day. The list might start out small, but as you unwind your memories you are bound to find more people and incidents than you were previously aware of.

Tips for forgiving others:

  • Close your eyes and picture the person standing in front of you.
  • In your mind’s eye, explain to them how you felt then, how you feel now, and what happened during those hurtful times.
  • After you’ve stated your views, let them acknowledge your pain. After completing only a few of these processes, you’ll find yourself breathing deeper and interacting differently with people.



Hope is a word that every hurting heart understands.

Hope shines brighter than the brightest star on the darkest night.

May hope cast is special light upon your path and God bless everything you touch in the hours, days and moments still to come.


Faith is bigger than the highest mountain.

And God is greater than any obstacle in your path.

Anything can be accomplished by those who fully put their hearts into it.

The time to start is now. The place to start is here.



One of the most famous people with hearing loss in history is the inventor Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931). What many people are not aware of, is the fact that Edison had had hearing problems from childhood on. This hearing loss caused him some difficulty in school. In addition, he reportedly lost more of his hearing, becoming technically deaf, in his early teens. The cause is not definitely known - it could have been a result of early childhood illness or the result of a "boxing" of his ears by a rail conductor, possibly a myth.

While as an inventor Edison was involved with several things, ironically one of them was motion picture development. It is ironic that a person with hearing loss would have been so involved in the development of an entertainment mode that has largely been inaccessible to the deaf and hard of hearing for so many years.

Want to know more about the life and accomplishments of Thomas A. Edison? Check out this article on the About network:

  • From the inventors guide:The inventions of Thomas Edison


Great news - more than 1,700 DisabiliTEA events have been registered all around Australia!
On Friday, October 26, thousands of people will come together to call on our politicians to lock in National Disability Insurance Scheme.
We've heard from so many people who are unable to host an event but would still like be part of the day and spread the word. Now you can.
We've launched aTea Finder where you can find a DisabiliTEA event that is in your local area and open to the public.
DisabiliTEA is about spreading the word and everyone coming together, no matter who they are or where they live, to show their support for the NDIS.
You can help by attending your local DisabiliTEA, and encouraging your friends and family to come along.
By encouraging people all over the country to join and be part of this fabulous event we hope to grow support for the NDIS base to 200,000 by the end of the year.
So get a few friends together on Friday, October 26 and have a cuppa at this exciting national event.

You are invited to



At Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor St, Perth, 6000

To share with Archbishop Emeritus B.J. Hickey in preparation for Christmas. Come along, join in the singing and meet other people of Emmanuel. Children welcome.

Please bring a small plate of finger food to share. Tea, Coffee, Cool drink supplied.

11.30am……………………………Christmas Carols

12 noon…………………………….Lunch & Sharing


RSVP Thursday, 30th November, 2012

Emmanuel Centre 25 Windsor StPerthWA 6000

Tel: (08) 9328 8113 (Voice) (08) 9328 9571 (TTY) SMS 0401 016 399

Fax: (08) 9227 9720Email:





$20 + $5 POSTAGE

Contact Emmanuel Centre

And the Journey Begins by Cyril Axelrod

Autobiography: Born deaf and Jewish yet became a Catholic priest; Could not walk until he was three yet his work has spanned five continents; Could not speak until he was nine yet has knowledge of 15 languages; Grew up under apartheid but did pioneering multi-racial work; Lost his sight but never lost his vision; Is now both deaf and blind but that is no barrier to his faith or work.