Mt. Hillyer Backpacking Trip

Troop 167

Date: Nov. 6-7, 1999

Departure Time: 6:30 AM (departure from Zeyan School). Be at the Chilao Visitor Center by 8:30 AM

Event: Traininghike in the Angeles National Forest. Hike to the top of Mt. Hillyer (6162 ft elevation)

Trail Head: Take the 605 freeway north to the 210 freeway west. Proceed west on the 210 freeway and exit at the Angeles Crest Highway (HWY 2) going north. Continue on the Angeles Crest Highway north until you come to the Chilao Flats Visitor Center (approximately 27 miles from the Angeles Crest turn off; Mile marker 5066; Do not turn into the Chilao Flats campground). Follow the sign to the Visitor Center, which is off to the right. Driving time from Zeyen School to the visitor center is approximately 2 hours. Please call if you can’t make it, so we will not wait needlessly.

Parking at the trial head is somewhat limited so we will group up at the visitor center. There are bathrooms near the visitor center but there is no water so fill up before you arrive.

For those continuing on by car to Horse Flat Campground, see the supplemental instructions.

Hiking Distance: Approximately 5 miles round trip.

Total Elevation Gain / Loss : 950 feet. (trail head approx. 5210 ft; Mt Hillyer 6162 ft)

Approximate Hiking Time : Approximately 90 minutes from trail head to Horse Flats campground. From Horse Flats campground to the Mt. Hillyer is approximately 1 hour.

What To Bring: Wear your uniform for car travel only. You will not hike in uniform. Bring the Ten Essentials and make sure to bring your canteen(s) filled. Two quarts of water per person is recommended. Remember to bring appropriate clothing since it will be warm during the day and cold at night. Pack your own lunch for Saturday. Some compass work will also be done along the trail so be prepared. If you have a backpack, use it! This will be a great training hike. Those without a backpack, use a day pack and make sure that you carry at least the Ten Essentials.

Patrols will cook in groups and their patrol gear and food will be driven to the campground. Make sure that you make arrangements with the drivers before hand. Since there may not be any water in camp, Patrols must assess their water needs for cooking and clean-up and plan appropriately.

Return Home: Approximately 12 PM on Sunday

Description Of Hike: This is a fun hike in the San Gabriel Mountains (Angeles National Forest). The hike starts near the Upper Chilao Picnic Area about 0.7 mi. past the visitor center. The first part of the hike is on the Silver Moccasin Trail, and passes through areas of dense chaparral and scattered pines. After about 1 mile and several switchbacks, the Silver Moccasin Trail veers off to the east over a ridge. Our trail veers to the left and will take us to the lower end of Horse Flats Campground where we will make camp.

After Setting up camp, and eating lunch we will proceed to the top of Mt Hillyer. This trail starts at the south end of the campground.

Parents not wishing to hike with the boys can meet them at Horse Flat Campground. If you plan to just stay for the day, there is a $5 fee with an adventure pass. .Watch out for poison oak growing along the trail.

References: Afoot and Afield in Orange County by Jerry Schad

Map - USGS 7.5 - min Chilao Flats


Pine trees, oaks, yuccas, manzanita, and much more.

Poisonous Plants that we might run across: Poison Ivy and Poison Oak

Poison ivy is a low growing ground shrub or clinging vine with shiny leaves. Each leaf is made up of three leaflets more or less notched at the edges. Two of the leaflets form a pair on opposite sides of the stalk, while the third leaflet stands by itself at the tip of the leaf. In the fall, the leaves turn bright red then orange and then yellow. Small greenish flowers grow in bunches attached to the main stem close to the point where each leaf joins it. Later in the season, clusters of white berries form, and have the waxy look like the berries of mistletoe.

Poison oak is related to poison ivy, however it is a shrub-like plant with oval leaves that also grow in groups of three. These leaves are typically hairy underneath.

Both poison ivy and oak contain a poisonous oil that is extremely irritating to the skin. It may be brushed onto the clothing or skins of persons coming in contact with the plants. Symptoms of plant poisoning are similar - reddening, itching, swelling, and sometimes blisters. The best treatment after contact with these plants is a thorough washing using, if available, a strong soap. For more severe cases, you can use calamine lotion, Epsom salts or bicarbonate of soda.

Poison ivy Poison oak


Squirrels, rabbits, lizards, toads, snakes, hawks, bluejays, humming birds, and much more.

Map From Garden Grove to Chilao Visitor Center

Supplemental Driving Instructions to Horse Flats Campground

Exit the Chilao Flats visitor Center and turn left onto Angeles Crest Highway. Proceed approx. 2.3 miles to Sulfur Springs / Santa Clara Divide Road (3N17) and turn left (near mile marker 5266). Look for the Santa Clara Divide Road sign just before the turn (if you pass Cloudburst Summit you have gone too far). Proceed on Santa Clara Divide Road past Bandido campground. After traveling approximately 2.4 miles on the Santa Clara Divide Road, you will see an abrupt turnoff to the left with a large yellow sign saying “One lane road with turnouts….” While not well marked, this is the junction for Horse Flats Campground. Its road designation is 3N17G. Turn left, and from this junction it is about ½ mile to Horse Flats Campground. Look for Camp site #19 through #21 or our Troop 167 sign. Alternate sites include #1, #2, #3, #12, #13, #18.