The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation
Bill Gates
Emilio Moran

William Henry “Bill” Gates is a man who was born on October 28, 1955. He is an American investor. He is also the former boss in decision-making and chairman ofMicrosoft. He was named the richest man in the world from 1995 to 2009. In the June of 2006 Bill announced that he was going to work part time at Microsoft. This means that instead of working all day he will only work half day. Then he decided to change his position at Microsoft in Feb. 2014. From there on Bill has worked on as technology advisor at Microsoft in order to work on his foundation.

The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is made to increase healthcare, reduce famine and to grow learning opportunities. An example of this is that both Bill and Melinda Gates work with partner groups to help problems by creating four programs. First, is “Our Global Development Division” program which help the poorest people in the world get help for hunger and famine. Then, they have a program named “Our Global Health Division” which works in science and technology to save lives in increasing vaccination through countries. Their third program is “Our United States Division” which improves the U.S. High school education and supports children and families in Washington State. There last program is “Our Global Policy and Advocacy Division” which tries to build planned relationships. These programs were built to help children and adults have a better life. For example they are trying to have people work together by letting them get along with each other.

Also the Gates foundation works by focusing on the problems where it can create the greatest impact such as giving people the opportunity to live healthy and useful lives. This foundation gets the help of partners to create answers that they have been looking for by finding shared trusts. Another thing about The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is that with their teamwork they improved the education in the United States. They have done this by trying to supply programs in five school districts to grow teacher evaluations and improvement in the system to help American students. They are focusing on turning the average teachers in to great teachers. This plan would cost so much money. But, this cost won’t mean much because this business is worth 38.3 billion dollars. Also this company has 1,194 employees, and this foundation has had 28.3 billion dollars donated to other companies. Now their donation promises are 1.5 billion dollars to the GAVI alliance which is a foundation that expands childhood vaccination and is owned by them, 1.37 billion dollars to the “United Negro College Fund”, 456 million dollars to the “Path Malaria Vaccine Imitative”, 355 million dollars to “Rotary International”, 290 million dollars to support the “Intensive Partnership for Effective Teaching” plan, and 100 million dollars to the Hillsborough County schools.

Another thing that the Gates foundation works on is that they are trying to help Worldwide Health. They work on creating vaccines or drugs to cure Malaria, HIV, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, and they work on stopping Neglected Infectious Diseases. They also have worked on Worldwide Health by delivering tools such as vaccines, drugs, and they discover solutions that are low-priced and dependable.

In conclusion, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has helped so many people especially children. They have treated people with life threatening problems. But, this foundation has managed to control those life threatening problems. For example between the years of 1990 and 2009 Tuberculosis has dropped by 35 percent.

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